Papers by Carolina Gois Falandes
Information research, Dec 14, 2023
Brazilian journalism research, Aug 27, 2023
Based on a multiple case study, this article analyzes the following four different documentary fo... more Based on a multiple case study, this article analyzes the following four different documentary formats that use spherical photography and/or videos: Momento MX, Amazônia em 360 graus, A promessa de Iracema, and Reconstruction 360. Our analysis showed the multifunctionality of 360-degree images and the hybrid nature of interactive and immersive non-fiction narratives. Even with the incorporation of these new resources, the fundamental quality of the documentary is upheld. We believe that our findings can help contribute to the production and investigation of documentary works that use 360-degree technology.
Inovações tecnológicas e soluções de mercado, 2024
Esta obra tem licença Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives. Você tem o direit... more Esta obra tem licença Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives. Você tem o direito de compartilhar, copiar e redistribuir o material em qualquer suporte ou formato sempre que seja feito o reconhecimento de seus autores, não utilizá-la para fins comerciais e não modificar a obra de nenhuma forma.

Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social “Disertaciones”, 2024
This study focuses on examining the reports disseminated by the journalism department of Record t... more This study focuses on examining the reports disseminated by the journalism department of Record tv (Brazil) supported by spherical images, “Viagem ao continente gelado” and “Maratona de Jerusalem”, 2023, which stand out for exploring a new immersive non-fiction audiovisual genre, the 360° videocast. This style is inspired by the
premises of podcasts and videocasts, forms of entertainment that have received greater attention in recent times. In methodological terms, the research is classified as a multiple case study, based on the interpretation of the transmedia structure of the products and the choices related to the 360° language, also based on interviews given to professionals from the television network. In the literature review section, contributions related to convergence in the television environment, interactivity, broadcast journalism and its connections with immersive content are presented. Among the results achieved, it was possible to determine that the works evaluated show different arrangements, but that they are connected through the exploration of qr codes, cross-platform strategies and a new
storytelling model, the 360° podcast/videocast. This is an option that adds to the range of possibilities existing in the field of spherical non-fiction storytelling, being capable of enriching the audience’s informative experience.
Brazilian Journalism Research (BJR), 2023
Based on a multiple case study, this article analyzes the following four different documentary fo... more Based on a multiple case study, this article analyzes the following four different documentary formats that use spherical photography and/or videos: Momento MX, Amazônia em 360 graus, A promessa de Iracema, and Reconstruction 360. Our analysis showed the multifunctionality of 360-degree images and the hybrid nature of interactive and immersive non-fiction narratives. Even with the incorporation of these new resources, the fundamental quality of the documentary is upheld. We believe that our findings can help contribute to the production and investigation of documentary works that use 360-degree technology.

Interactive Film & Media Journal
To build representations and meanings, telejournalism in the context of transmediation has relied... more To build representations and meanings, telejournalism in the context of transmediation has relied on the interrelation of different languages, adapting itself according to the emergence of resources and interfaces. In this context, one can cite the exploration of 360-degree audiovisual narratives, an emerging image modality used by the press as a mechanism to bring spectators closer to events. In Brazil, 360-degree journalistic productions made by communication companies, in general, go beyond the television space and are also explored in virtual social networks and websites to instigate the participation of the enunciatee through access to interactivity resources. The present investigation focuses on this articulation process between TV and the Internet, intending to point out reflections on the language of 360-degree audiovisual content in journalism, proposing to analyze discursive strategies and technical specificities of productions disseminated through television support and t...

Revista Panamericana de Comunicación
La pandemia del Covid 19 ha provocado transformaciones significativas en los procesos de producci... more La pandemia del Covid 19 ha provocado transformaciones significativas en los procesos de producción, intercambio y consumo de contenidos mediáticos, impulsada por el deseo de la sociedad interconectada contemporánea de comunicar, informar y entretener en medio de un turbulento momento sanitario y humanitario. En este escenario, YouTube se ha convertido en el vehículo preferente de difusión y consumo de videos. Entre las estéticas disponibles en esta plataforma, el presente estudio exploratorio centra sus reflexiones en producciones pandémicas que se apoyaron en la tecnología de 360 grados, una modalidad de imagen emergente. Guiada por un camino metodológico formado por revisión bibliográfica y netnografía, la investigación abarcó un levantamiento de 400 videos esféricos, los cuales fueron analizados a través de particularidades cartográficas, técnicas y temáticas. Para ello, se ingresaron en el sistema de búsqueda de YouTube expresiones en portugués y español relacionadas con los vi...

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021
Contemporary world has set new stages of technology-driven transformations. Education calls speci... more Contemporary world has set new stages of technology-driven transformations. Education calls special attention in this matter as digital environments are defining new forms to expand knowledge. Blended learning methods using multiple screens have emerged as new paradigms for facing recent new media appropriation and advancing the learning process in this digital scenario. A study was carried out with 59 students from the penultimate year of high school in Chile and Brazil to address this challenge. For two weeks, they participated in a flipped classroom for practicing basic English, experimenting with Digital Television and smartphone use. Results showed improvement of English skills among students comparing the pre and post-test periods. Also, it was observed that during the activity the students of both countries were mostly focused; however, the percentage of focused students decreased during the second half of the interaction period with the video in Digital Television inside the classroom. It should be mentioned that it was not the aim of this study to compare both countries, but to validate this strategy in two culturally different contexts. The study showed how practicing languages can be benefited with Digital Television use with multiple screens in flipped classrooms situations, being students affected by technology not only in the improvement of their learning but also because it opens opportunities to break down structures rooted in the teaching profession. Future works would be improved by conducting further sessions, amplifying the observation of students’ content and characteristics.

Revista Mídia e Cotidiano, 2022
Contempla-se uma geração imagética, que tem no mundo on-line o principal suporte para a condução ... more Contempla-se uma geração imagética, que tem no mundo on-line o principal suporte para a condução de suas práticas interacionais permeadas por visualidades. Protagonistas desse cenário midiático, os jovens se apropriam de variadas plataformas digitais para se educar, se informar, se entreter e trocar experiências entre os pares, mediados por múltiplas telas que transbordam conteúdos imagéticos. Com o objetivo de verificar de que maneira essa população consome e se relaciona com as imagens digitais e suas inovações, este estudo traz análises sobre um conjunto de dados quantitativos coletados por meio de um survey, respondido por 290 estudantes. Dentre os resultados, destaca-se o smartphone como principal dispositivo comunicacional, a preferência pela produção de fotos, o Instagram – sobretudo via stories – como a rede mais utilizada e a inexpressividade das narrativasem 360 graus nas rotinas juvenis., 2021
Dado el potencial de innovación que rodea a las imágenes 360 grados, existe un interés signific... more Dado el potencial de innovación que rodea a las imágenes 360 grados, existe un interés significativo por parte de los investigadores en la búsqueda por comprender las posibilidades narrativas de esta modalidad emergente. En este sentido, los grupos de investigación y laboratorios vinculados a las universidades, que, en su mayoría, investigan las innovaciones comunicacionales, insisten en incluir discusiones sobre esta nueva forma de contar historias entre sus estudios – algunos de forma más continuada y otros con trabajos ocasionales – tendencia también observada en los experimentos llevados a cabo por grandes empresas de comunicación y tecnología. Así, este estudio busca brindar una cartografía de la no ficción inmersiva en los países iberoamericanos, señalando centros académicos de producción e investigación de imágenes en 360 grados. Para ello, se apoya en una investigación exploratoria, con un relevamiento bibliográfico y documental. Los resultados confirman el interés de gr...
Master's degree in Innovation in Public Interest Communication by the Municipal University of... more Master's degree in Innovation in Public Interest Communication by the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS). Bachelor in Social Communication, with qualifi cation in Journalism, by the same institution. She worked as a CNPq Technical Support Scholar. Member of the research group Smart Media & Users (CNPq). In this article, she contributed to the conception of the research design; development of theoretical discussion; data interpretation; support in proofreading; writing of the manuscript and revision of the foreign language version. Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS) São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID: 0000-0001-6639-2121.
Na contramao da efervescencia de conceitos que caracterizam as narrativas audiovisuais digitais, ... more Na contramao da efervescencia de conceitos que caracterizam as narrativas audiovisuais digitais, a aplicabilidade ainda e desafiadora, sobretudo pelo desconhecimento de tecnicas e meios que possibilitem sua criacao por amadores. Assim, considerando essa realidade, o presente artigo busca demonstrar caminhos que envolvem a producao de uma narrativa interativa, imersiva e transmidia, a partir de recursos gratuitos disponiveis na Web. Para tal, une teoria e pratica, fornecendo reflexoes sobre o processo criativo do webdocumentario “Jovens e as Imagens - Relatos e Experiencias em 360 Graus”. Espera-se que os resultados alcancados possam contribuir para a pesquisa e desenvolvimento de obras audiovisuais de nao-ficcao na web, com destaque para aquelas 360 graus.

Comunicação & Sociedade, Dec 27, 2019
Neste artigo, pretende-se apontar conceitos e características do webdocumentário -também nomeado ... more Neste artigo, pretende-se apontar conceitos e características do webdocumentário -também nomeado documentário interativo -, bem como sua evolução para a narrativa transmídia. Em meio a mudanças na criação e distribuição de conteúdos por conta das transformações tecnológicas e culturais, a cada dia surgem novas possibilidades comunicacionais que são exploradas pelas mídias, principalmente no que se refere aos recursos que a Internet dispõe. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, além de pesquisa bibliográfica, foram feitas análises de conteúdos de três documentários interativos. Por fim, conclui-se que a não-ficção e a não linearidade são características principais destes novos formatos e é o ponto de maior concordância entre os conceitos, que tentam acompanhar as constantes renovações, tanto do ponto de vista da produção e consumo de conteúdos, como das potencialidades que a tecnologia oferece. Palavras-chave: Documentário; Webdocumentário; Narrativa transmídia; Cartografia.
Educação & Linguagem, 2018
Neste artigo, busca-se descrever o contemporâneo cultural e social a partir da problematização da... more Neste artigo, busca-se descrever o contemporâneo cultural e social a partir da problematização das novas tecnologias e sua integração aos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. É dada a ênfase às metodologias ativas e híbridas dos dias atuais, sobretudo a de sala de aula invertida, para discutir a necessidade de criação de cenários inovadores para o campo. Para o desenvolvimento deste manuscrito de caráter teórico-conceitual, optou-se pela realização de uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Ao fim da reflexão, observa-se como conceitos e práticas de ensino híbrido e de sala de aula invertida alinham-se diretamente com as possibilidades técnicas da TV Digital e das múltiplas telas, tão integradas ao cotidiano dos indivíduos.

Interactive Film & Media Journal
To build representations and meanings, telejournalism in the context of transmediation has relied... more To build representations and meanings, telejournalism in the context of transmediation has relied on the interrelation of different languages, adapting itself according to the emergence of resources and interfaces. In this context, one can cite the exploration of 360-degree audiovisual narratives, an emerging image modality used by the press as a mechanism to bring spectators closer to events. In Brazil, 360-degree journalistic productions made by communication companies, in general, go beyond the space of television and move towards online supports, in order to instigate the participation of the enunciatee through access to interactivity resources. The present investigation focuses on this process of articulation between TV and the Internet, with the aim of pointing out reflections on the language of 360-degree audiovisual content in journalism, proposing to analyze discursive strategies and technical specificities of productions disseminated through the television support and the ...
Papers by Carolina Gois Falandes
premises of podcasts and videocasts, forms of entertainment that have received greater attention in recent times. In methodological terms, the research is classified as a multiple case study, based on the interpretation of the transmedia structure of the products and the choices related to the 360° language, also based on interviews given to professionals from the television network. In the literature review section, contributions related to convergence in the television environment, interactivity, broadcast journalism and its connections with immersive content are presented. Among the results achieved, it was possible to determine that the works evaluated show different arrangements, but that they are connected through the exploration of qr codes, cross-platform strategies and a new
storytelling model, the 360° podcast/videocast. This is an option that adds to the range of possibilities existing in the field of spherical non-fiction storytelling, being capable of enriching the audience’s informative experience.
premises of podcasts and videocasts, forms of entertainment that have received greater attention in recent times. In methodological terms, the research is classified as a multiple case study, based on the interpretation of the transmedia structure of the products and the choices related to the 360° language, also based on interviews given to professionals from the television network. In the literature review section, contributions related to convergence in the television environment, interactivity, broadcast journalism and its connections with immersive content are presented. Among the results achieved, it was possible to determine that the works evaluated show different arrangements, but that they are connected through the exploration of qr codes, cross-platform strategies and a new
storytelling model, the 360° podcast/videocast. This is an option that adds to the range of possibilities existing in the field of spherical non-fiction storytelling, being capable of enriching the audience’s informative experience.