The aim of this research was to evaluate the genetic divergence between 164 genotypes of Manihot ... more The aim of this research was to evaluate the genetic divergence between 164 genotypes of Manihot esculenta from the South-Central mesoregion of the State of Mato Grosso. The genotypes are from projects conducted by the Laboratory of Genetic Resources & Biotechnology of the University of the State of Mato Grosso, Cáceres-Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), and the Brazilian Public Agricultural Research Corporation - Agrosilvopastoral (EMBRAPA). The agronomic descriptors evaluated were plant height, height of first branching, branching levels, weight of the aerial part of the plant, total weight of the plant, number of roots per plant, average weight of roots per plant, yield of commercial roots, yield of non-commercial roots, number of rotten roots per plant and harvest index. For the analysis of genetic divergence, multivariate analysis based on the standardized Euclidean mean distance was employed, later performing the Hierarchical UPGMA and Tocher Optimization agglomerative methods. The degree ...
A mandioca e considerada a especie cianogenica mais importante do Brasil, sendo classificada pela... more A mandioca e considerada a especie cianogenica mais importante do Brasil, sendo classificada pela taxonomia popular em bravas e mansas dependendo do teor de acido cianidrico encontrado nas raizes. Este componente varia substancialmente em razao da variedade, mas pode variar tambem, em menor escala, em relacao as condicoes de cultivo, epoca de colheita e condicoes ambientais. As mandiocas consideradas bravas tem sabor amargo, e elevado teor de glicosideos cianogenicos, e podem ser consumidas apos o processamento. As consideradas mansas nao tem sabor amargo, contem baixo teor de glicosideos cianogenicos e podem ser consumidas com ou sem qualquer processamento. Com a finalidade de colaborar na selecao de novas cultivares de mandioca para o consumo ?in natura?, seja na alimentacao animal ou humana, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar o teor de acido cianidrico de 159 acessos de mandioca, pertencentes a colecao de mandioca da Embrapa Agrosilvipastoril e Unemat/Caceres. As amostras de raiz f...
This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of biomass and saccharin sorghum genotypes, ba... more This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of biomass and saccharin sorghum genotypes, based on 19 agronomic traits by the means of multicategorical variables. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the University of the State of Mato Grosso/UNEMAT, in Caceres. We evaluated 25 genotypes of saccharin sorghum and 36 genotypes of biomass sorghum, in a randomized complete-block design with three replications. The data were submitted to three clustering methods, Tocher optimization, UPGMA hierarchical and Projection distances in 3D plan and comparing their results. The study showed the most divergent genotypes and the behavior of the three methods, which have proved partially concordant in the grouping of genotypes. The combined use of the clustering methods enabled a more accurate assessment for inference, and evidence the existence of genetic variability among saccharin and biomass sorghum genotypes.
Nowadays, nations cyber security capabilities play an important role in a nation's defense. Secur... more Nowadays, nations cyber security capabilities play an important role in a nation's defense. Security-critical infrastructures such as national defenses, public services, and financial services are now exposed to Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) and their resistance to such attacks effects the nations stability. Currently Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is widely used by organizations to mitigate and deter APT for its ability to proactively protect their assets by using evidence-based knowledge. The evidencebased knowledge information can be exchanged among organizations and used by the receiving party to strengthen their cyber security management. This paper will discuss on the business process reengineering of the CTI information exchange management for a nationwide scaled control and governance by the government to better protect their national information security assets.
Soil is a habitat intrinsic to the development of the biodiversity of microorganisms, including f... more Soil is a habitat intrinsic to the development of the biodiversity of microorganisms, including fungi. The municipality of Tangara da Serra - MT is located in the Cerrado region of Brazil. Considering the limited knowledge of fungal biodiversity in this region, the aim of this research was to isolate and identify filamentous fungi from the soil through seasonal surveys in three areas of native vegetation of the cerrado. Three samples were collected during the rainy period and three in the dry period. The samples were collected at a depth of 20 cm of soil, each point was composed 25 grams of soil, and each sample was subjected to serial dilution technique, inoculated in dishes, placed in a bacteriological 28oC incubator for five days. Were isolated from 136 specimens (25 Mycelia sterilia) dispersed in 17 genera, equivalent to 02 Ascomycota, 04 Zygomycota and 11 Deuteromycota these subdivided into 10 genera of Hyphomycetes and 01 genera of Coelomycetes. The highest abundance occurred ...
The environmental heterogeneity may reflect the different morphological and phenotypic traits of ... more The environmental heterogeneity may reflect the different morphological and phenotypic traits of individuals belonging to a single species. We used 14 morphological traits of Mauritia flexuosa L.f. to understanding the relation between environment and phenotypic traits. Twenty-five fruits were collected from each of the 10 individuals sampled in each study site: Chapada dos Guimarães (CG), Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade (VB), and Alta Floresta (AF). We analyzed the genetic divergence, using the standardized Euclidean distance, the sequential method of Tocher, unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA), and the projection of the distances onto 2D plane, and calculated the relative importance of the traits evaluated. The analysis showed the partition of individuals into three main groups: Two groups comprising the majority of individuals. Fresh fruit weight, pulp rate, fresh pulp weight, and moisture rate were the traits that most helped explaining the difference betw...
Among the most produced cereals worldwide, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), presents low pr... more Among the most produced cereals worldwide, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), presents low productivity in Brazil, mainly due to the occurrence of diseases, with a prominence of sooty stripe, caused by the fungus Ramulispora sorghi, until then considered a secondary disease, has increased its incidence and severity, especially in conditions of high humidity and temperature. The most efficient means of control is the use of resistant cultivars, in this sense, studies on the genetic variability of the fungus through molecular markers are of great importance for the breeding programs of sorghum. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic variability in isolates of Ramulispora sorghi belonging to the mycoteca of the Laboratory of Genetic Resources & Biotechnology of the Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, campus of Cáceres, via molecular markers of the ISSR type. The results indicate the existence of genetic variability among the isolates of R. sorghi. The Polymorphic...
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os principais fatores que influenciam na tomada de deci... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os principais fatores que influenciam na tomada de decisão dos jovens a ingressarem no Ensino Superior em uma Universidade Pública do município de Barra do Bugres-MT. O estudo foi realizado em duas escolas estaduais, uma localizada no perímetro urbano e outra, no perímetro rural. A metodologia estratégica de trabalho consistiu em uma análise qualitativa, privilegiando a análise das opiniões apresentadas pelos stakeholders. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário com 40 questões fechadas sobre o perfil dos participantes, seus interesses e expectativas determinantes da escolha do curso. Na análise se identificou que o principal fator influente na tomada de decisão dos jovens da E.E Reinaldo Dutra a cursarem ou não alguns dos cursos de graduação da UNEMAT foi a distância. Já os alunos da zona urbana (E.E Alfredo José), o fator prevalente mais comentado foi a oportunidade de emprego. Considera-se que os fatores citados representam ...
Genetics and molecular research : GMR, Jan 17, 2017
Genetic variability of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Brazil is wide, being this the resul... more Genetic variability of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Brazil is wide, being this the result of natural and cultural selection during pre- and post-domestication of the species in different environments. Given the number of species of the genus found in the region (38 of a total of 98 species), the central region of Brazil was defined as the primary center of cassava diversity. Therefore, genetic diversity characterization of cassava accessions is fundamental, both for farmers and for plant breeders, because it allows the organization of genetic resources and better utilization of available genetic diversity. This research aims to assess genetic divergence of cassava accessions from the south-central region of the State of Mato Grosso, based on multi-categorical morphological traits. For this purpose, 38 qualitative and quantitative morphological descriptors were used. Genetic diversity was expressed by the genetic similarity index, with subsequent clustering of accessions by ...
Genetics and molecular research : GMR, Jan 23, 2016
Sorghum biomass is an interesting raw material for bioenergy production due to its versatility, p... more Sorghum biomass is an interesting raw material for bioenergy production due to its versatility, potential of being a renewable energy source, and low-cost of production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of biomass sorghum genotypes and to estimate genotypic, phenotypic, and environmental correlations, and direct and indirect effects of seven agronomic traits through path analysis. Thirty-four biomass sorghum genotypes and two forage sorghum genotypes were cultivated in a randomized block design with three replicates. The following morpho-agronomic traits were evaluated: flowering date, stem diameter, number of stems, plant height, number of leaves, green mass production, and dry matter production. There were significant differences at the 1% level for all traits. The highest genotypic correlation was found between the traits green mass production and dry matter production. The path analysis demonstrated that green mass production and number of leav...
The biogeographic regions Amazonia and the Pantanal, two areas of high biodiversity importance, h... more The biogeographic regions Amazonia and the Pantanal, two areas of high biodiversity importance, have a link to each other through an ecotone formed by the upstream part of the rivers Paraguay and Guaporé. The two river basins share part of their flora and fauna species and in this ecotone species exchange processes takes place. Therefore it should be considered as an important area to realize the targets for 2020 of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) at the regional level. However, since over 20 years this area is under severe pressure of land conversion and is increasingly threatened by river change, due to building of hydroelectric power stations. This causes direct and indirect damaging effects on the region and on its role as biodiversity corridor. In the framework of the BioNorte project we carried out a Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Response (DPSIR) analysis of the region and included a stakeholder analysis. The direct pressures are changes in the use of land and rivers that constitute the river ecotone between the Amazon and Pantanal. Indirect pressures are road access, opening the land for further deforestation and agricultural developments. Fragmentation of the remnant forest patches in combination with river fragmentation can cause decline in biodiversity, prevent species exchange between the Amazonia and the Pantanal and fish to spawn upstream. If river flows are being blocked, the flood pulse and the migration corridor of fish and the transport of plant seeds will be hampered. The societal response to this can be denial, a positive reaction by enforcement of traditional conservation actions or, as agreed at the COP 2010 by the Convention of Parties to the CBD as a goal for the year 2020, the integration of biodiversity targets into land development toward sustainable land use by diminishing river and forest fragmentation.
The occurrence of diseases is a limiting factor in the development of sorghum crop. Among the dis... more The occurrence of diseases is a limiting factor in the development of sorghum crop. Among the diseases that causes losses in sorghum production, anthracnose is the main and most severe, mainly by the genetic variability of the pathogen. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of Colletotrichum sublineolum isolates. DNA were extracted from 56 monosporic isolates of C. sublineolum using a DNA extraction kit, and to perform the analysis of genetic diversity of the isolates were used ISSR primers. After amplification, it was determined the polymorphic information content (PIC), allelic frequency, UPGMA and Tocher clustering analyzes and, using software Structure, the genetic structure. According to the descriptive analysis of the genetic variability of C. Sublineolum isolates, primer AP1 presented the higher value of polymorphic information content (PIC). The higher allelic frequency was observed in loci 06, 09, 10, and 24, and the lowest in locus ...
A falta de qualidade fisiológica das sementes representa uma das principais causas da baixa produ... more A falta de qualidade fisiológica das sementes representa uma das principais causas da baixa produtividade nas lavouras de feijão. Desta forma, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade física, fisiológica e sanitária das sementes de diferentes cultivares de feijão comum, produzidas na cidade de Tangará da Serra, Estado de Mato Grosso. Foram utilizadas sementes das cultivares BRS Supremo, BRS Requinte, BRS Pontal, Pérola e Branquinho da safra 2009. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, de modo que os tratamentos e as repetições variaram de acordo com o teste. Foram realizados testes de germinação (GER), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVE), teste de sanidade, envelhecimento acelerado (EA), teor de água (TA) e peso de mil sementes (PM). Os cultivares Requinte, Supremo, Branquinho e Pontal, apresentaram qualidade fisiológica superior quando comparados com o cultivar Pérola. Em relação à sanidade, em todos os cultivares ocorreram a presença de Fusarium sp. ...
RESUMO -O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e d... more RESUMO -O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra na Interbacia do Rio Paraguai Médio-MT, Brasil, pelo geoprocessamento de imagens Landsat TM, dos anos 1991, 2001 e 2011. As imagens foram georreferenciadas, classificadas e processadas no software Spring e as classes temáticas, quantificadas e editadas no software ArcGis. Foram mapeadas sete classes, sendo as mais expressivas a vegetação nativa, a pastagem e a cana-de-açúcar. Os resultados indicaram alterações em todas as classes durante os últimos 20 anos, com a diminuição de 22,89% da vegetação nativa, relacionada com o aumento de 58,42% da pastagem e 490,26% de monocultura de cana-de-açúcar. Foi verificado o conflito de uso da terra, principalmente em áreas de mata ciliar, fato que pode influenciar negativamente na conservação da interbacia e, consequentemente, do pantanal mato-grossense.
The biogeographic regions Amazonia and the Pantanal, two areas of high biodiversity importance, h... more The biogeographic regions Amazonia and the Pantanal, two areas of high biodiversity importance, have a link to each other through an ecotone formed by the upstream part of the rivers Paraguay and Guaporé. The two river basins share part of their flora and fauna species and in this ecotone species exchange processes takes place. Therefore it should be considered as an important area to realize the targets for 2020 of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) at the regional level. However, since over 20 years this area is under severe pressure of land conversion and is increasingly threatened by river change, due to building of hydroelectric power stations. This causes direct and indirect damaging effects on the region and on its role as biodiversity corridor. In the framework of the BioNorte project we carried out a Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Response (DPSIR) analysis of the region and included a stakeholder analysis. The direct pressures are changes in the use of land and rivers that constitute the river ecotone between the Amazon and Pantanal. Indirect pressures are road access, opening the land for further deforestation and agricultural developments. Fragmentation of the remnant forest patches in combination with river fragmentation can cause decline in biodiversity, prevent species exchange between the Amazonia and the Pantanal and fish to spawn upstream. If river flows are being blocked, the flood pulse and the migration corridor of fish and the transport of plant seeds will be hampered. The societal response to this can be denial, a positive reaction by enforcement of traditional conservation actions or, as agreed at the COP 2010 by the Convention of Parties to the CBD as a goal for the year 2020, the integration of biodiversity targets into land development toward sustainable land use by diminishing river and forest fragmentation.
The aim of this research was to evaluate the genetic divergence between 164 genotypes of Manihot ... more The aim of this research was to evaluate the genetic divergence between 164 genotypes of Manihot esculenta from the South-Central mesoregion of the State of Mato Grosso. The genotypes are from projects conducted by the Laboratory of Genetic Resources & Biotechnology of the University of the State of Mato Grosso, Cáceres-Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), and the Brazilian Public Agricultural Research Corporation - Agrosilvopastoral (EMBRAPA). The agronomic descriptors evaluated were plant height, height of first branching, branching levels, weight of the aerial part of the plant, total weight of the plant, number of roots per plant, average weight of roots per plant, yield of commercial roots, yield of non-commercial roots, number of rotten roots per plant and harvest index. For the analysis of genetic divergence, multivariate analysis based on the standardized Euclidean mean distance was employed, later performing the Hierarchical UPGMA and Tocher Optimization agglomerative methods. The degree ...
A mandioca e considerada a especie cianogenica mais importante do Brasil, sendo classificada pela... more A mandioca e considerada a especie cianogenica mais importante do Brasil, sendo classificada pela taxonomia popular em bravas e mansas dependendo do teor de acido cianidrico encontrado nas raizes. Este componente varia substancialmente em razao da variedade, mas pode variar tambem, em menor escala, em relacao as condicoes de cultivo, epoca de colheita e condicoes ambientais. As mandiocas consideradas bravas tem sabor amargo, e elevado teor de glicosideos cianogenicos, e podem ser consumidas apos o processamento. As consideradas mansas nao tem sabor amargo, contem baixo teor de glicosideos cianogenicos e podem ser consumidas com ou sem qualquer processamento. Com a finalidade de colaborar na selecao de novas cultivares de mandioca para o consumo ?in natura?, seja na alimentacao animal ou humana, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar o teor de acido cianidrico de 159 acessos de mandioca, pertencentes a colecao de mandioca da Embrapa Agrosilvipastoril e Unemat/Caceres. As amostras de raiz f...
This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of biomass and saccharin sorghum genotypes, ba... more This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of biomass and saccharin sorghum genotypes, based on 19 agronomic traits by the means of multicategorical variables. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the University of the State of Mato Grosso/UNEMAT, in Caceres. We evaluated 25 genotypes of saccharin sorghum and 36 genotypes of biomass sorghum, in a randomized complete-block design with three replications. The data were submitted to three clustering methods, Tocher optimization, UPGMA hierarchical and Projection distances in 3D plan and comparing their results. The study showed the most divergent genotypes and the behavior of the three methods, which have proved partially concordant in the grouping of genotypes. The combined use of the clustering methods enabled a more accurate assessment for inference, and evidence the existence of genetic variability among saccharin and biomass sorghum genotypes.
Nowadays, nations cyber security capabilities play an important role in a nation's defense. Secur... more Nowadays, nations cyber security capabilities play an important role in a nation's defense. Security-critical infrastructures such as national defenses, public services, and financial services are now exposed to Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) and their resistance to such attacks effects the nations stability. Currently Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is widely used by organizations to mitigate and deter APT for its ability to proactively protect their assets by using evidence-based knowledge. The evidencebased knowledge information can be exchanged among organizations and used by the receiving party to strengthen their cyber security management. This paper will discuss on the business process reengineering of the CTI information exchange management for a nationwide scaled control and governance by the government to better protect their national information security assets.
Soil is a habitat intrinsic to the development of the biodiversity of microorganisms, including f... more Soil is a habitat intrinsic to the development of the biodiversity of microorganisms, including fungi. The municipality of Tangara da Serra - MT is located in the Cerrado region of Brazil. Considering the limited knowledge of fungal biodiversity in this region, the aim of this research was to isolate and identify filamentous fungi from the soil through seasonal surveys in three areas of native vegetation of the cerrado. Three samples were collected during the rainy period and three in the dry period. The samples were collected at a depth of 20 cm of soil, each point was composed 25 grams of soil, and each sample was subjected to serial dilution technique, inoculated in dishes, placed in a bacteriological 28oC incubator for five days. Were isolated from 136 specimens (25 Mycelia sterilia) dispersed in 17 genera, equivalent to 02 Ascomycota, 04 Zygomycota and 11 Deuteromycota these subdivided into 10 genera of Hyphomycetes and 01 genera of Coelomycetes. The highest abundance occurred ...
The environmental heterogeneity may reflect the different morphological and phenotypic traits of ... more The environmental heterogeneity may reflect the different morphological and phenotypic traits of individuals belonging to a single species. We used 14 morphological traits of Mauritia flexuosa L.f. to understanding the relation between environment and phenotypic traits. Twenty-five fruits were collected from each of the 10 individuals sampled in each study site: Chapada dos Guimarães (CG), Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade (VB), and Alta Floresta (AF). We analyzed the genetic divergence, using the standardized Euclidean distance, the sequential method of Tocher, unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA), and the projection of the distances onto 2D plane, and calculated the relative importance of the traits evaluated. The analysis showed the partition of individuals into three main groups: Two groups comprising the majority of individuals. Fresh fruit weight, pulp rate, fresh pulp weight, and moisture rate were the traits that most helped explaining the difference betw...
Among the most produced cereals worldwide, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), presents low pr... more Among the most produced cereals worldwide, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), presents low productivity in Brazil, mainly due to the occurrence of diseases, with a prominence of sooty stripe, caused by the fungus Ramulispora sorghi, until then considered a secondary disease, has increased its incidence and severity, especially in conditions of high humidity and temperature. The most efficient means of control is the use of resistant cultivars, in this sense, studies on the genetic variability of the fungus through molecular markers are of great importance for the breeding programs of sorghum. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic variability in isolates of Ramulispora sorghi belonging to the mycoteca of the Laboratory of Genetic Resources & Biotechnology of the Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, campus of Cáceres, via molecular markers of the ISSR type. The results indicate the existence of genetic variability among the isolates of R. sorghi. The Polymorphic...
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os principais fatores que influenciam na tomada de deci... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os principais fatores que influenciam na tomada de decisão dos jovens a ingressarem no Ensino Superior em uma Universidade Pública do município de Barra do Bugres-MT. O estudo foi realizado em duas escolas estaduais, uma localizada no perímetro urbano e outra, no perímetro rural. A metodologia estratégica de trabalho consistiu em uma análise qualitativa, privilegiando a análise das opiniões apresentadas pelos stakeholders. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário com 40 questões fechadas sobre o perfil dos participantes, seus interesses e expectativas determinantes da escolha do curso. Na análise se identificou que o principal fator influente na tomada de decisão dos jovens da E.E Reinaldo Dutra a cursarem ou não alguns dos cursos de graduação da UNEMAT foi a distância. Já os alunos da zona urbana (E.E Alfredo José), o fator prevalente mais comentado foi a oportunidade de emprego. Considera-se que os fatores citados representam ...
Genetics and molecular research : GMR, Jan 17, 2017
Genetic variability of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Brazil is wide, being this the resul... more Genetic variability of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Brazil is wide, being this the result of natural and cultural selection during pre- and post-domestication of the species in different environments. Given the number of species of the genus found in the region (38 of a total of 98 species), the central region of Brazil was defined as the primary center of cassava diversity. Therefore, genetic diversity characterization of cassava accessions is fundamental, both for farmers and for plant breeders, because it allows the organization of genetic resources and better utilization of available genetic diversity. This research aims to assess genetic divergence of cassava accessions from the south-central region of the State of Mato Grosso, based on multi-categorical morphological traits. For this purpose, 38 qualitative and quantitative morphological descriptors were used. Genetic diversity was expressed by the genetic similarity index, with subsequent clustering of accessions by ...
Genetics and molecular research : GMR, Jan 23, 2016
Sorghum biomass is an interesting raw material for bioenergy production due to its versatility, p... more Sorghum biomass is an interesting raw material for bioenergy production due to its versatility, potential of being a renewable energy source, and low-cost of production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of biomass sorghum genotypes and to estimate genotypic, phenotypic, and environmental correlations, and direct and indirect effects of seven agronomic traits through path analysis. Thirty-four biomass sorghum genotypes and two forage sorghum genotypes were cultivated in a randomized block design with three replicates. The following morpho-agronomic traits were evaluated: flowering date, stem diameter, number of stems, plant height, number of leaves, green mass production, and dry matter production. There were significant differences at the 1% level for all traits. The highest genotypic correlation was found between the traits green mass production and dry matter production. The path analysis demonstrated that green mass production and number of leav...
The biogeographic regions Amazonia and the Pantanal, two areas of high biodiversity importance, h... more The biogeographic regions Amazonia and the Pantanal, two areas of high biodiversity importance, have a link to each other through an ecotone formed by the upstream part of the rivers Paraguay and Guaporé. The two river basins share part of their flora and fauna species and in this ecotone species exchange processes takes place. Therefore it should be considered as an important area to realize the targets for 2020 of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) at the regional level. However, since over 20 years this area is under severe pressure of land conversion and is increasingly threatened by river change, due to building of hydroelectric power stations. This causes direct and indirect damaging effects on the region and on its role as biodiversity corridor. In the framework of the BioNorte project we carried out a Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Response (DPSIR) analysis of the region and included a stakeholder analysis. The direct pressures are changes in the use of land and rivers that constitute the river ecotone between the Amazon and Pantanal. Indirect pressures are road access, opening the land for further deforestation and agricultural developments. Fragmentation of the remnant forest patches in combination with river fragmentation can cause decline in biodiversity, prevent species exchange between the Amazonia and the Pantanal and fish to spawn upstream. If river flows are being blocked, the flood pulse and the migration corridor of fish and the transport of plant seeds will be hampered. The societal response to this can be denial, a positive reaction by enforcement of traditional conservation actions or, as agreed at the COP 2010 by the Convention of Parties to the CBD as a goal for the year 2020, the integration of biodiversity targets into land development toward sustainable land use by diminishing river and forest fragmentation.
The occurrence of diseases is a limiting factor in the development of sorghum crop. Among the dis... more The occurrence of diseases is a limiting factor in the development of sorghum crop. Among the diseases that causes losses in sorghum production, anthracnose is the main and most severe, mainly by the genetic variability of the pathogen. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of Colletotrichum sublineolum isolates. DNA were extracted from 56 monosporic isolates of C. sublineolum using a DNA extraction kit, and to perform the analysis of genetic diversity of the isolates were used ISSR primers. After amplification, it was determined the polymorphic information content (PIC), allelic frequency, UPGMA and Tocher clustering analyzes and, using software Structure, the genetic structure. According to the descriptive analysis of the genetic variability of C. Sublineolum isolates, primer AP1 presented the higher value of polymorphic information content (PIC). The higher allelic frequency was observed in loci 06, 09, 10, and 24, and the lowest in locus ...
A falta de qualidade fisiológica das sementes representa uma das principais causas da baixa produ... more A falta de qualidade fisiológica das sementes representa uma das principais causas da baixa produtividade nas lavouras de feijão. Desta forma, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade física, fisiológica e sanitária das sementes de diferentes cultivares de feijão comum, produzidas na cidade de Tangará da Serra, Estado de Mato Grosso. Foram utilizadas sementes das cultivares BRS Supremo, BRS Requinte, BRS Pontal, Pérola e Branquinho da safra 2009. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, de modo que os tratamentos e as repetições variaram de acordo com o teste. Foram realizados testes de germinação (GER), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVE), teste de sanidade, envelhecimento acelerado (EA), teor de água (TA) e peso de mil sementes (PM). Os cultivares Requinte, Supremo, Branquinho e Pontal, apresentaram qualidade fisiológica superior quando comparados com o cultivar Pérola. Em relação à sanidade, em todos os cultivares ocorreram a presença de Fusarium sp. ...
RESUMO -O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e d... more RESUMO -O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra na Interbacia do Rio Paraguai Médio-MT, Brasil, pelo geoprocessamento de imagens Landsat TM, dos anos 1991, 2001 e 2011. As imagens foram georreferenciadas, classificadas e processadas no software Spring e as classes temáticas, quantificadas e editadas no software ArcGis. Foram mapeadas sete classes, sendo as mais expressivas a vegetação nativa, a pastagem e a cana-de-açúcar. Os resultados indicaram alterações em todas as classes durante os últimos 20 anos, com a diminuição de 22,89% da vegetação nativa, relacionada com o aumento de 58,42% da pastagem e 490,26% de monocultura de cana-de-açúcar. Foi verificado o conflito de uso da terra, principalmente em áreas de mata ciliar, fato que pode influenciar negativamente na conservação da interbacia e, consequentemente, do pantanal mato-grossense.
The biogeographic regions Amazonia and the Pantanal, two areas of high biodiversity importance, h... more The biogeographic regions Amazonia and the Pantanal, two areas of high biodiversity importance, have a link to each other through an ecotone formed by the upstream part of the rivers Paraguay and Guaporé. The two river basins share part of their flora and fauna species and in this ecotone species exchange processes takes place. Therefore it should be considered as an important area to realize the targets for 2020 of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) at the regional level. However, since over 20 years this area is under severe pressure of land conversion and is increasingly threatened by river change, due to building of hydroelectric power stations. This causes direct and indirect damaging effects on the region and on its role as biodiversity corridor. In the framework of the BioNorte project we carried out a Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Response (DPSIR) analysis of the region and included a stakeholder analysis. The direct pressures are changes in the use of land and rivers that constitute the river ecotone between the Amazon and Pantanal. Indirect pressures are road access, opening the land for further deforestation and agricultural developments. Fragmentation of the remnant forest patches in combination with river fragmentation can cause decline in biodiversity, prevent species exchange between the Amazonia and the Pantanal and fish to spawn upstream. If river flows are being blocked, the flood pulse and the migration corridor of fish and the transport of plant seeds will be hampered. The societal response to this can be denial, a positive reaction by enforcement of traditional conservation actions or, as agreed at the COP 2010 by the Convention of Parties to the CBD as a goal for the year 2020, the integration of biodiversity targets into land development toward sustainable land use by diminishing river and forest fragmentation.
Papers by Bruno Zago