Papers by Slamet Hariyadi
Abstrak: tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai karakter di dalam kearifan... more Abstrak: tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai karakter di dalam kearifan lokal masyarakat suku serawai khususnya tentang etika pembukaan lahan baru. Etika-etika tersebut antara lain Ulu Tulung Buntu, Sepelancar Perahu, Kijang Ngulangi Tai, Macan Merunggu, Sepit Panggang, Bapak Menunggu Anak, Nunggu Sangkup. Nilai karakter yang teridentifikasi dari etika tersebut antara lain religius, toleransi, peduli sosial, peduli lingkungan, tanggung jawab, komunikatif, cinta damai, kerja keras dan kreatif. Nilai-nilai ini dapat diformat dalam pembelajaran dengan menganalogkan etika-etika yang telah menjadi nilai budaya di suku Serawai. Diharapkan penggalian nilai-nilai kearifan lokal pada suku-suku lain di Indonesia agar pendidikan karakter dalam terinternalisasi dengan baik dan akseleratif pada siswa tanpa tercabut dari akar budayanya.

The 21 th century learning has model difference to before. The challenge hasn't response by e... more The 21 th century learning has model difference to before. The challenge hasn't response by educators, including genetic learning at Biology Department FKIP Universitas Jember. Improvement for it needed for get student's perception. The resulted of questionairre that more than 50% student hasn't learning based on Student Centered Learning (SCL) and understanding genetic concept basically and autonomous. The learning approach, model, method, strategy and tactic needed to provide class condition in order to get learning aim due to century nowaday. Abstrak: Pembelajaran abad 21 mempunyai pola yang berbeda dengan abad sebelumnya. Tantangan ini belum banyak direspon oleh para pendidik, termasuk pembelajaran genetika di program studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jember. Untuk melakukan peningkatan perlu menjaring persepsi mahasiswa. Dari hasil angket didapatkan data bahwa 50% lebih mahasiswa merasa belum mengalami pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada Student Centered Lea...

Bertanya merupakan persoalan sederhana, walaupun tidak bisa digeneralisasi dalam perspektif pembe... more Bertanya merupakan persoalan sederhana, walaupun tidak bisa digeneralisasi dalam perspektif pembelajaran bermakna. Bertanya bisa dipandang sebagai sikap perduli, responsif, dan interaktif terhadap materi pelajaran yang disampaikan. Kendala bertanya lebih banyak karena faktor diri siswa. Padahal bertanya dapat membangkitkan minat dan rasa ingin tahu. Jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan berbasis Taksonomi Bloom. Keterampilan bertanya mampu memicu kreativitias karena suatu pertanyaan muncul dari pertarungan kognitif antara konsep yang diterima dengan pengalaman yang pernah dialami, ditambah pengetahuan lama yang dipunyai dan keyakinan personal terhadap konsep tersebut. Kata kunci: bertanya, keterampilan ASKING, TRIGGERS CREATIVITY IN LEARNING INTERACTIONS The question is a simple issue, although can not be generalized in meaningful learning perspective. A question could be viewed as an care attitude , responsive, and interactive with the subject matter presented. Some constraints to ask cau...

JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Provision of teaching materials in term of module can be an alternative to meet the learning need... more Provision of teaching materials in term of module can be an alternative to meet the learning needs of science. The study aimed at describing science module constructed based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) equipped with valid and effective biotechnology games for learning science in junior high school. This Research and Development (R&D) was developed using the 4D model (Thiagarajan). This research was conducted at MTsN (State of Islamic Secondary School) 2 Jember, involved 30 IX graders. The design used was one group pretest-posttest design as the test of effectiveness. This study used STEAM-based science module equipped with biotechnology games, test, and validation sheets as research instruments. The validation results by experts were converted into categories. The effectivity test data was analyzed using N-gain and paired samples t-test. The average of validation results of material, media, and users was 87.17 (very valid). The effectivity test r...
Biosel: Biology Science and Education
Bertanya merupakan persoalan sederhana, walaupun tidak bisa digeneralisasi dalam perspektif pembe... more Bertanya merupakan persoalan sederhana, walaupun tidak bisa digeneralisasi dalam perspektif pembelajaran bermakna. Bertanya bisa dipandang sebagai sikap perduli, responsif, dan interaktif terhadap materi pelajaran yang disampaikan. Kendala bertanya lebih banyak karena faktor diri siswa. Padahal bertanya dapat membangkitkan minat dan rasa ingin tahu. Jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan berbasis Taksonomi Bloom. Keterampilan bertanya mampu memicu kreativitias karena suatu pertanyaan muncul dari pertarungan kognitif antara konsep yang diterima dengan pengalaman yang pernah dialami, ditambah pengetahuan lama yang dipunyai dan keyakinan personal terhadap konsep tersebut.

LENSA (Lentera Sains): Jurnal Pendidikan IPA
Pembelajaran daring bukan suatu alasan untuk para pendidik tidak menggunakan suatu model pembelaj... more Pembelajaran daring bukan suatu alasan untuk para pendidik tidak menggunakan suatu model pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran diterapkan dengan tujuan untuk melatih kemampuan berpikir salah satunya adalah keterampilan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan metakognitif. Keterampilan abad 21 perlu dibelajarkan kepada peserta didik termasuk juga kepada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat adakah hubungan antara keterampilan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan metakognitif terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa pendidikan biologi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian korelasional yang melibatkan 64 mahasiswa semester 2. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan instrumen rubrik keterampilan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan metakognitif. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis dengan bantuan software aplikasi SPSS 23. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan ada hubungan positif antara keterampilan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan metakognitif dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan nilai signifikansi 0,...

Problem Based Learning Model is a learning activity that requires mental activity of students to ... more Problem Based Learning Model is a learning activity that requires mental activity of students to understand a concept of learning through situations and problems that are presented at the beginning of learning with the aim to train students to solve the problem by using a problem solving approach. This learning model can improve the understanding of concepts and creative thinking abilities of students in the studying biology, so that students will get a maximum benefit from both process and outcomes of learning. The methods of research on classroom control uses conventional teaching and classroom experiments uses problem based learning model. The understanding of students concepts is analyzed using Anakova. The ability to think creatively in this case in clude fluency, flexibility, and originality when the students answers LKS (Student worksheet). The difference in students' understanding of the concept of LSD test results showes the average value of different classes of experim...
International Journal of Advanced Research
Pembelajaran abad 21 mempunyai pola yang berbeda dengan abad sebelumnya. Tantangan ini belum bany... more Pembelajaran abad 21 mempunyai pola yang berbeda dengan abad sebelumnya. Tantangan ini belum banyak direspon oleh para pendidik, termasuk pembelajaran genetika di program studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jember. Untuk melakukan peningkatan perlu menjaring persepsi mahasiswa. Dari hasil angket didapatkan data bahwa 50% lebih mahasiswa merasa belum mengalami pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada Student Centered Learning (SCL) dan memahami konsep genetika secara mendasar dan mandiri. Diperlukan pendekatan, model, metode, strategi dan taktik belajar variatif untuk memberikan kondisi kelas agar mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran abad 21 , persepsi mahasiswa , genetika , SCL

Pemahaman konsep genetika sangat penting bagi mahasiswa karena dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis... more Pemahaman konsep genetika sangat penting bagi mahasiswa karena dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis semua fenomena makhluk hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi konsep yang salah tentang materi substansi hereditas pada mahasiswa yang menempuh perbaikan nilai di semester sisipan, sekaligus merevisi terhadap konsep yang salah. Metode Penelitian menggunakan deskripsi kualitatif, yang menjelaskan secara detail setiap item miskonsepsi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes benar salah beralasan yang disertai kolom criteria CRI (Certainty of Response Index). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa miskonsepsi awal mahasiswa termasuk dalam kategori Tinggi, tetapi kemudian turun menjadi Sedang setelah dilakukan revisi. Materi yang paling banyak mengalami miskonsepsi dan revisinya adalah Sintesis Protein. Understanding the concept of genetics is very important for students because it can be used to analyze all phenomena of living things. The purpose of this study is to identify the ...

International Journal of Advanced Research
The purpose of the study was to determine the need for multireperentation modules to foster creat... more The purpose of the study was to determine the need for multireperentation modules to foster creative thinking skills in plant structure and function on science learning at junior high school. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The method used in the online form of questionnaires for teacher and students. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and the percentage of the results of the number of answers given was divided by the total number of respondents multiplied by 100%. The results of this study indicate that: (1) 95.56% of teacher need a module as teaching material during COVID-19 Pandemic (2) 97.13% of students like teaching materials that contain multirepresentation (3) The reason of teacher need a multirepresentation module are guide for students in doing learning, facilitating distance learning, overcoming time constraints, making learning systematic and directed, representing the presence of teachers. The conclusion of this research is that it is necess...
The annual research report, 2017
This study using soy milk ( Glycine max (L) Merr) were tested on mice ( Mus musculus ) male Balb-... more This study using soy milk ( Glycine max (L) Merr) were tested on mice ( Mus musculus ) male Balb-C. Through the Anova test known that soy milk only affect the epididymis. The content of phytoestrogens contained in soy milk indicated disrupt hormonal communication system in the epididymis, causing disruption of functional sperm maturation process and epididymis decrease.
Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Sains 2015 "Pembelajaran dan Penilaian Sains Sesuai Tuntutan Kur... more Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Sains 2015 "Pembelajaran dan Penilaian Sains Sesuai Tuntutan Kurikulum 2013"

International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2019
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or (STEM) are essential issues in education tod... more Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or (STEM) are essential issues in education today. The low knowledge on it will be unable to cover a basic understanding of mathematics and science concepts, then lead to a shortage of quality workforce. It affects the gaps in the global industrial sector. The increasing number of jobs in various areas of the economy, science, and engineering has led to the need for an educational background in the STEM field. Therefore, it is important for a country to improve creativity and competitiveness through STEM-based education. So, it is necessary to understand how to apply it at various levels of education, from primary school to the university level of education. The method in writing this article is a systematic review to review 16 articles on STEM implementation in several education level topic. The results showed that the application of STEM at the basic education level by designing a framework for developing teacher professionalism to...

Abstract. Learning strategy is a learning activity that should be done byteachers andstudents in ... more Abstract. Learning strategy is a learning activity that should be done byteachers andstudents in such away the learning objectives can be achieved effectively and effeciently. Concept map is used to assist the students in organizing the learning concept based on the relation between its components. Memory becomes very important in human cognitive process due to the function in recalling the events, while the result study is a result from the interaction in the learning process. This classroom action research purposes to determine the usage of concept map strategies that can be used to support the sudents’ memory skills and also improve the students ’ achievement in the subconcepts of environmental pollution. Based on the result, it conclude s that the usage of concept maps support the strategies in the students’ memory skills with the increase of the resultup to 19.13% from the first cycle to the second cycle, and its also increase the students’ biology score up to 11.11%, its seen ...

Abstrak : Telah dilakukan penelitian pada instar akhir dari larva Spodoptera exempta mengenai kem... more Abstrak : Telah dilakukan penelitian pada instar akhir dari larva Spodoptera exempta mengenai kemampuannya dalam melakukan seleksi makan. Pada penentuan makanan buatan (artificial defined diet) dihasilkan kornposisi nutrisi yang tepat untuk larva S. exempta dengan rasio kasein:sukrosa 50%:50%. Uji lanjut terhadap larva yang diberi dua paket makanan buatan, masing-masing tanpa kasein dan tanpa sukrosa menunjukkan bahwa larva lebih menyukai kasein dari pada sukrosa dengan perbandingan 80%:20%. Pertambahan berat, Laju Pertumbuhan (GR), Efisiensi Konversi Makanan yang di makan (ECI) dan Efisiensi Konversi Makanan yang dicerna (ECD) mempunyai nilai yang lebih tinggi serta periode instar lebih singkat pada larva yang diberi makanan dengan rasio kasein: sukrosa 80%:20% dibandingkan dengan dua rasio lainnya yaitu 50%:50% dan 20%:80%. Pengujian terhadap makanan alami menunjukkan bahwa larva yang dipelihara pada daun sawi (Brassica juncea) mempunyai nilai indeks nutrisi yang lebih baik daripa...

: The purpose of this study was to determine mastery of a private high school biology teacher in ... more : The purpose of this study was to determine mastery of a private high school biology teacher in the district of Jember on portfolio assessment in an effort to empower creative thinking skills and knowing the constraints that affect the control of the private high school biology teacher in the district of Jember on portfolio assessment in undertakings empowering creative thinking skills. This research is descriptive. The study design with qualitative and quantitative methods. Techniques of data collection from respondents with methods of documentation, questionnaires and interviews. Results showed mastery of the private high school biology teacher portfolio assessment portfolio assessment involves understanding the result was 73%, an objective assessment of the assessment portfolio by 35%, the definition of a portfolio with 73% percentage, systematic preparation of portfolio percentage 50% and the translation of the portfolio elements by 35%. Constraints affecting private high schoo...
Papers by Slamet Hariyadi