University of Jember
Agriculture Of Technology
Uji treshold atau uji ambang rasa merupakan uji yang digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat konsentrasi terendah suatu substansi yang masih dapat dideteksi atau perubahan konsentrasi terkecil suatu substansi yang masih dapat dideteksi... more
- by Vindy Julian
Karet alam dapat diperoleh dengan menyadap tanaman Hevea brasiliensis. Komoditi ini menunjang perekonomian Indonesia, karena telah menyumbangkan nilai ekspor yang cukup besar. Penggunaan karet alam juga semakin meningkat, ditandai dengan... more
Teh merupakan salah satu minuman terpopuler yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh. Hal ini disebabkan karena teh mengandung senyawa-senyawa bermanfaat seperti polifenol, theofilin, flavonoid/metilxantin, tanin, vitamin C dan... more
A specific 1,2-␣-mannosidase from A. phoenicis was immobilised on China clay, cellulose DE-52 and by entrapment in sodium alginate beads with respective yields of 19 %, 16 % and 18 % in synthesis reactions consisting of 80% (w/w) mannose.... more
A specific 1,2-ot-mannosidase was isolated from A. phoenicis and used in the equilibrium-controlled synthesis of ctl---~2-1inked mannobiose and mannotriose. Yields of 22.33 % disaccharide, 8.21% trisaccharide and 2.74 % tetrasaccharide... more
There are about 30% of cocoa beans still classified as inferior or low quality beans due to diseases. Low-quality cocoa beans can be used as the source of polyphenolic substances. The purpose of this study was to determine the potency of... more
Utilization of pineapple waste as by-product of pineapple fruit consumption such as peel, fruit eyes, and the core of the pineapple is still low. The middle part of the pineapple fruit called core has elongated shape, rather hard texture,... more
This research have focused on isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with potential antifungal which candidate as biopreservative microorganisms. LAB produce bioactive compound with antifungal activity. Thus, of a... more
The excellent quality of the cocoa beans is closely related to the processing of cocoa beans. This study aimed to compare the processing of bulk cocoa on the government estate and the private estate on Glenmore, Banyuwangi, East Java. The... more
Forecasting is the art or science to estimate how many needs will come in order to meet the demand for goods or services, often based on historical time series data. The growing number of emerging companies in Indonesia today has created... more
Coffee powder as one of the processed products of the roasting coffee had a weakness that was giving a waste of brewing dreg. One of the efforts which could be done to reduce the brewing dreg was by making the dip coffee. Besides the dip... more
The compound β-glucan is a polymer of glucose, which is polymerized through beta glycoside bond. The compound β-glucan has anti-tumor benefits, reducing the risk of heart disease, lowering cholesterol and so forth. The compound β-glucan... more
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GalOS) are known as functional foods or prebiotics, and they have potential functions as efficient growth factors for Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. The Bifidobacteria participate in human digestion by... more
Penggunaan inokulan (biang) dalam proses fermentasi kakao merupakan salah satu cara sederhana sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas produk kakao. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan observasi fermentasi kakao di skala petani menggunakan... more
Effort to improve the yield of bioetanol production from cassava peels were be carried out by separated hydrolysis fermentation (SHF) and simultaneous saccharification fermentation (SSF) using Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride and New... more
Effort to improve the yield of bioetanol production from cassava peels were be carried out by separated hydrolysis fermentation (SHF) and simultaneous saccharification fermentation (SSF) using Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride and New... more