Land use and land cover changes (LULCC) are social, climatic and ecological changes that take pla... more Land use and land cover changes (LULCC) are social, climatic and ecological changes that take place at multiple spatial and time scales. The study of these changes offers us a better understanding of the evolution of the territory and the changes that take place in its natural and cultural values. In Europe, the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) database is crucially important for monitoring these changes. As of today, it includes different maps of the land uses and covers in up to 39 countries, drawn in a standardized way. Within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by United Nations Agenda 2030 on Life on Earth, CORINE can provide essential information for a full understanding of the current situation of Goal 15 (Life on Land) so as to facilitate the design of sustainable policies for spatial planning and organization. In this paper, we perform a bibliographical review of the use of the CLC database. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analyses, we analyse 77 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, published between 2011 and 2021, which include the word "CORINE" in the title. We observe increasing interest in the use of the CLC as a means of tracking the LULCC that have taken place and their impact on environmental issues such as deforestation, the pressures on protected natural areas and the soil erosion risk, among others. Other researchers analyse the CLC itself, assessing its accuracy and applicability with other sources and databases. Most of the papers refer to the maps for the years 2000 and 2006, using Level 3 of the thematic legend to study particular issues or dynamics at a local level. As regards the location of the institutions that use the CLC, those situated in Spain, Poland and Romania stand out. There were few links between the authors of these publications.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Rural and urban areas are often conceptualized as two separate entities and studied accordingly. ... more Rural and urban areas are often conceptualized as two separate entities and studied accordingly. However, in reality, they are related in multiple ways. Here we explore this relation between rural and urban areas from a land use perspective. We argue that land should be characterized along a gradient from rural to urban. Further, we argue that land use along this gradient typically combines both rural and urban functions. Finally, we point at the complex patterns of migration and mobility between different types of settlements, which is a multidirectional process that further blurs the distinction between rural and urban areas. These propositions are supported by examples from recent research and suggest the need for a more inclusive approach towards the analysis of rural and urban land use systems, as well as plans and policies that target these systems.
Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles, Dec 14, 2022
How to cite this work: Gallardo, M., & García-Reyes, D. (2022). Representations and imaginaries o... more How to cite this work: Gallardo, M., & García-Reyes, D. (2022). Representations and imaginaries of cities in the opening sequences of three U.S. TV series: The Sopranos, Weeds and House of Cards.
Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles, Dec 19, 2017
A hierarchical analysis of intensity of land use changes, at time interval level, category level ... more A hierarchical analysis of intensity of land use changes, at time interval level, category level and transition level, is applied to the Region of Madrid for the years 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2006. Main processes of change and land use categories that have been stable are shown. Mining, landfill and areas under construction are the most intense, in losses and in gains. Artificialization of the territory is related to the increase of the accessibility by transport infrastructures and with the loss of agricultural areas.
Visiones del Madrid urbano: la enseñanza de la ciudad a través de videoclips Views of Madrid's ur... more Visiones del Madrid urbano: la enseñanza de la ciudad a través de videoclips Views of Madrid's urban space: the teaching of the city through video clips
Cinema can be considered a useful tool for understanding different geographic concepts, showing p... more Cinema can be considered a useful tool for understanding different geographic concepts, showing physical and human factors and the interactions between them. Andres Wood's film Football Stories explores the Chilean territory allowing the observation of the differences between the north and south of the country. Geographic components such as landscapes, architectures, the impact of anthropogenic activities, social inequalities, ways of life, and city and countryside differences are analyzed, as well as the importance of location, the spatial environment, and cinematic narration. The study of geography through films could contribute to understanding of our world and to spatial knowledge.
Recepción/ 30 de abril 2019 Aceptación/ 14 de agosto 2019 RESUMEN/ Los parques urbanos son espaci... more Recepción/ 30 de abril 2019 Aceptación/ 14 de agosto 2019 RESUMEN/ Los parques urbanos son espacios verdes caracterizados por su concepción multifuncional que incorpora, junto a la vegetación y las áreas de paseo y estanciales, zonas de juego, deportivas o de ocio. Por su tamaño y composición aportan beneficios sociales y físicos a la ciudadanía además de ecológicos y medioambientales a la propia ciudad. Vivir próximos a ellos es clave para mejorar la calidad de vida. Este estudio mide el acceso a pie de residentes con diferentes perfiles demográficos a trece parques urbanos clasificados según su calidad en la ciudad de Concepción, Chile. Los resultados muestran que los adultos y niños disponen de un acceso expedito a parques de calidad, mientras que los adultos mayores, aquejados de mayores problemas de movilidad y una distribución residencial más central, presentan los peores datos independientemente de la calidad de los parques existentes. ABSTRACT/ Urban parks are green areas known for their multifunctional nature, including playgrounds, sport and leisure zones, vegetation, walkways, and resting areas. Given their size and composition, they offer citizens physical and social benefits, in addition to ecological and environmental benefits to the city itself. Living close to one of these areas is fundamental to improve the quality of living. This study measures the walking access of residents with different demographic profiles to 13 urban parks ranked based on their quality in the city of Concepción, Chile. The findings show that adults and children have easy access to quality parks, while senior citizens, affected by reduced mobility and downtown residence, show the worst results regardless of the existing parks' quality.
In recent decades, the region of Madrid has experienced extensive changes in land use-land cover ... more In recent decades, the region of Madrid has experienced extensive changes in land use-land cover (LULC). Most of these changes are related to an increase in artificial areas (urban, industrial, commercial and transport) and abandonment of agricultural uses. The general guideline for regional management has been disregarded and the legal framework overstepped, allowing such changes to go ahead unchecked. Using four maps for different points in time, 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2006, LULC dynamics are analyzed and the changes are related to Madrid regional policies. The IDRISI Land Change Modeler (LCM) is used in order to quantify the changes and find out where they took place. The results show that artificial areas doubled in size between 1982 and 2006. Changes were concentrated around the Madrid metropolis and around the main road network, with an increase in urban sprawl and with new, small urban patches in mountain areas of high scenic beauty. These fast and extensive changes were largely made possible by public disinterest and limitations in land and natural resource conservation mechanisms and in housing market regulation.
Global change is one of the greatest challenges facing societies today. Higher education plays a ... more Global change is one of the greatest challenges facing societies today. Higher education plays a crucial role in providing knowledge on global change, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. How is global change integrated into the planned, delivered and achieved curriculum? Has the pandemic promoted the development of blended learning courses on global change? To answer these two research questions, we conducted 25 interviews with academics about the prominence of global change in their courses and curriculum. We also analysed several geography curricula. It emerged that universities play a central role in mainstreaming global change into curricula in the context of education for sustainable development (ESD) and climate change. There were two main findings: (i) ESD has been implemented selectively in higher geography education, with a focus on environmental issues and different approaches and (ii) blended learning is a useful approach to develop new curriculum structures and content to educate students about global change.
Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI, Geografía, Nov 17, 2021
Las representaciones del cine de ficción nutren el imaginario colectivo, caracterizando elementos... more Las representaciones del cine de ficción nutren el imaginario colectivo, caracterizando elementos que proyectan la percepción social. El trabajo se centra en el cine de Andrés Wood, concretamente en el segmento «Segundo tiempo. Calama. Último gol gana» de su primer largometraje, para observar y analizar la representación de la pobreza y la exclusión en la infancia, en un ámbito geográfico extremo como el desierto de Calama (Chile) y en un contexto económico de reconversión como el sector minero, donde el deporte se convierte en un vehículo para el aprendizaje, la socialización y la toma de responsabilidades.
Natural protected areas are declared to safeguard their environment, goods and services. However,... more Natural protected areas are declared to safeguard their environment, goods and services. However, sometimes they are affected by land use changes related to human activity, which affects their ecosystem functions and their sustainability. Problems such as fragmentation or low habitat connectivity are some of its consequences. Developing future land use scenarios is essential if a preventive approach to the management of protected areas is to be adopted. In this paper, three different land use change scenarios in natural protected areas in Madrid region are modelled: a "business as usual" scenario, an economic crisis scenario and a green scenario. All protected areas are studied, from National and Nature Parks to Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas; changes in a buffer area of 5 km around PAs are also studied. The CLUE model (based on logistic regression) is used. Biophysical, socioeconomic and accessibility factors and incentives and restrictions are considered. In recent decades, the region of Madrid has experienced intense urban and infrastructure development (48,332 ha). Protected areas have been affected by this urbanization process (almost 5,000 ha) and its surroundings (30,000 ha). These findings should alert land use planners and the managers of protected areas to the potential threats.
Revista Interuniversitaria de Investigación en Tecnología Educativa, Jun 30, 2019
Se presenta una actividad docente en un entorno universitario mediante el análisis de conceptos d... more Se presenta una actividad docente en un entorno universitario mediante el análisis de conceptos de la Geografía Económica a través del visionado de videoclips musicales integrados en la plataforma YouTube. El alumnado (N=33) trabaja de manera grupal y colaborativamente, en sesiones presenciales y sesiones tutorizadas, seleccionando un grupo musical y una canción y analizando en profundidad la letra y las imágenes presentes en el vídeo, con el objeto de observar e intentar resolver problemáticas cotidianas. Son los propios estudiantes quienes califican la práctica. A través de un breve cuestionario los alumnos destacan la realización de un trabajo participativo, ameno, divertido y novedoso. Se observa una alta motivación de los estudiantes y la capacidad de reflexión y de debate sobre cuestiones geográficas y económicas actuales. Se sugiere un mayor seguimiento por parte del profesorado y, por tanto, una mayor dedicación de horas si se desea implementar en cursos venideros.
Women in academia are underrepresented at the highest levels of the hierarchy. After gaining thei... more Women in academia are underrepresented at the highest levels of the hierarchy. After gaining their PhDs, they seem to make little progress and their career paths appear to be hampered by their family responsibilities. Motherhood can affect scientific productivity and, therefore, promotion. Balancing teaching, research, administration, consultation, and other roles in academia with maternity can be hard. This study comprises an onlinesurvey of mothers with children up to 5 years old, working in academia (n=80) in a Spanish university (University of Murcia), the aim being to ascertain their views regarding maternity and work. Common themes include a greater focus on teaching than on research, handicaps regarding mobility, and working from home. 63% perceived that their CVs are less competitive than those of their co-workers who are not mothers, which 406 MARTA GALLARDO DOES MATERNITY AFFECT WOMEN'S CAREERS? PERCEPTIONS OF WORKING MOTHERS IN...
Land Use-Cover Changes (LUCCs) are one of the main problems for the preservation of biodiversity.... more Land Use-Cover Changes (LUCCs) are one of the main problems for the preservation of biodiversity. Protected Areas (PAs) do not escape this threat. Some processes, such as intensive recreational use, forest fires or the expansion of artificial areas taking place inside and around them in response to their appeal, question their environmental sustainability and their efficiency. In this paper, we analyze the LUCCs that took place between 1990 and 2006 in two National Parks (NPs) belonging to the Spanish network and in their surroundings: Ordesa and Monte Perdido (Ordesa NP) and Sierra de Guadarrama (Guadarrama NP). We also simulate land use changes between 2006 and 2030 by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), taking into account two scenarios: trend and green. Finally, we perform a multi-temporal analysis of natural habitat fragmentation in each NP. The results show that the NPs analyzed are well-preserved and have seen hardly any significant LUCCs inside them. However, Socioeconomic Influence Zones (SIZs) and buffers are subject to different dynamics. In the SIZ and buffer of the Ordesa NP, there has been an expansion of built-up areas (annual rate of change = +1.19) around small urban hubs and ski resorts. There has also been a gradual recovery of natural areas, which had been interrupted by forest fires. The invasion of sub-alpine grasslands by shrubs is clear (+2735 ha). The SIZ and buffer of the Guadarrama NP are subject to urban sprawl in forest areas and to the construction of road infrastructures (+5549 ha and an annual rate of change = +1.20). Industrial area has multiplied by 3.3 in 20 years. The consequences are an increase in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), greater risk of forest fires and greater fragmentation of natural habitats (+0.04 in SIZ). In the change scenarios, if conditions change as expected, the specific threats facing each NP can be expected to increase. There are substantial differences between the scenarios depending on whether or not incentives are accepted and legal restrictions are respected.
Women in academia are underrepresented at the highest levels of the hierarchy. After gaining thei... more Women in academia are underrepresented at the highest levels of the hierarchy. After gaining their PhDs, they seem to make little progress and their career paths appear to be hampered by their family responsibilities. Motherhood can affect scientific productivity and, therefore, promotion. Balancing teaching, research, administration, consultation, and other roles in academia with maternity can be hard. This study comprises an onlinesurvey of mothers with children up to 5 years old, working in academia (n=80) in a Spanish university (University of Murcia), the aim being to ascertain their views regarding maternity and work. Common themes include a greater focus on teaching than on research, handicaps regarding mobility, and working from home. 63% perceived that their CVs are less competitive than those of their co-workers who are not mothers, which 03_2020_24-01_Educ_XX1_Capitulos.indd 405 03_2020_24-01_Educ_XX1_Capitulos.
Revista de investigación en didáctica de las ciencias sociales, 2021
Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (SDG), impulsados por Naciones Unidas, presentan una serie... more Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (SDG), impulsados por Naciones Unidas, presentan una serie de metas a alcanzar en el año 2030. Para la consecución de los SDG es fundamental su incorporación en la enseñanza con el objeto de involucrar a los jóvenes y futuros agentes de cambio en su asimilación y aplicación. Las novelas gráficas, a partir de su análisis crítico, permiten reflexionar sobre un gran número de problemáticas y cómo éstas y los lugares geográficos son representados. Se presenta una actividad docente llevada a cabo en la enseñanza superior, en la que el alumnado examina nueve novelas gráficas con el objeto de analizar, desde una perspectiva geográfica, los diferentes SDG, observando la interrelación e interdependencia entre ellos y los contrastes y similitudes entre "realidad" y ficción. Mediante el análisis de diferentes problemáticas socioeconómicas y socio-ecológicas actuales y su debate en el aula, se desarrolla la capacidad de análisis, reflexión y discusión y se estimula el pensamiento crítico del alumnado desde una perspectiva cercana y creativa. El estudiantado se muestra motivado y satisfecho con la actividad, a pesar de las dificultades para desentrañar las diferentes problemáticas presentes en las novelas gráficas, habiendo incrementado sus conocimientos sobre los SDG, que eran, antes de esta experiencia, prácticamente nulos.
Land use and land cover changes (LULCC) are social, climatic and ecological changes that take pla... more Land use and land cover changes (LULCC) are social, climatic and ecological changes that take place at multiple spatial and time scales. The study of these changes offers us a better understanding of the evolution of the territory and the changes that take place in its natural and cultural values. In Europe, the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) database is crucially important for monitoring these changes. As of today, it includes different maps of the land uses and covers in up to 39 countries, drawn in a standardized way. Within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by United Nations Agenda 2030 on Life on Earth, CORINE can provide essential information for a full understanding of the current situation of Goal 15 (Life on Land) so as to facilitate the design of sustainable policies for spatial planning and organization. In this paper, we perform a bibliographical review of the use of the CLC database. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analyses, we analyse 77 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, published between 2011 and 2021, which include the word "CORINE" in the title. We observe increasing interest in the use of the CLC as a means of tracking the LULCC that have taken place and their impact on environmental issues such as deforestation, the pressures on protected natural areas and the soil erosion risk, among others. Other researchers analyse the CLC itself, assessing its accuracy and applicability with other sources and databases. Most of the papers refer to the maps for the years 2000 and 2006, using Level 3 of the thematic legend to study particular issues or dynamics at a local level. As regards the location of the institutions that use the CLC, those situated in Spain, Poland and Romania stand out. There were few links between the authors of these publications.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Rural and urban areas are often conceptualized as two separate entities and studied accordingly. ... more Rural and urban areas are often conceptualized as two separate entities and studied accordingly. However, in reality, they are related in multiple ways. Here we explore this relation between rural and urban areas from a land use perspective. We argue that land should be characterized along a gradient from rural to urban. Further, we argue that land use along this gradient typically combines both rural and urban functions. Finally, we point at the complex patterns of migration and mobility between different types of settlements, which is a multidirectional process that further blurs the distinction between rural and urban areas. These propositions are supported by examples from recent research and suggest the need for a more inclusive approach towards the analysis of rural and urban land use systems, as well as plans and policies that target these systems.
Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles, Dec 14, 2022
How to cite this work: Gallardo, M., & García-Reyes, D. (2022). Representations and imaginaries o... more How to cite this work: Gallardo, M., & García-Reyes, D. (2022). Representations and imaginaries of cities in the opening sequences of three U.S. TV series: The Sopranos, Weeds and House of Cards.
Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles, Dec 19, 2017
A hierarchical analysis of intensity of land use changes, at time interval level, category level ... more A hierarchical analysis of intensity of land use changes, at time interval level, category level and transition level, is applied to the Region of Madrid for the years 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2006. Main processes of change and land use categories that have been stable are shown. Mining, landfill and areas under construction are the most intense, in losses and in gains. Artificialization of the territory is related to the increase of the accessibility by transport infrastructures and with the loss of agricultural areas.
Visiones del Madrid urbano: la enseñanza de la ciudad a través de videoclips Views of Madrid's ur... more Visiones del Madrid urbano: la enseñanza de la ciudad a través de videoclips Views of Madrid's urban space: the teaching of the city through video clips
Cinema can be considered a useful tool for understanding different geographic concepts, showing p... more Cinema can be considered a useful tool for understanding different geographic concepts, showing physical and human factors and the interactions between them. Andres Wood's film Football Stories explores the Chilean territory allowing the observation of the differences between the north and south of the country. Geographic components such as landscapes, architectures, the impact of anthropogenic activities, social inequalities, ways of life, and city and countryside differences are analyzed, as well as the importance of location, the spatial environment, and cinematic narration. The study of geography through films could contribute to understanding of our world and to spatial knowledge.
Recepción/ 30 de abril 2019 Aceptación/ 14 de agosto 2019 RESUMEN/ Los parques urbanos son espaci... more Recepción/ 30 de abril 2019 Aceptación/ 14 de agosto 2019 RESUMEN/ Los parques urbanos son espacios verdes caracterizados por su concepción multifuncional que incorpora, junto a la vegetación y las áreas de paseo y estanciales, zonas de juego, deportivas o de ocio. Por su tamaño y composición aportan beneficios sociales y físicos a la ciudadanía además de ecológicos y medioambientales a la propia ciudad. Vivir próximos a ellos es clave para mejorar la calidad de vida. Este estudio mide el acceso a pie de residentes con diferentes perfiles demográficos a trece parques urbanos clasificados según su calidad en la ciudad de Concepción, Chile. Los resultados muestran que los adultos y niños disponen de un acceso expedito a parques de calidad, mientras que los adultos mayores, aquejados de mayores problemas de movilidad y una distribución residencial más central, presentan los peores datos independientemente de la calidad de los parques existentes. ABSTRACT/ Urban parks are green areas known for their multifunctional nature, including playgrounds, sport and leisure zones, vegetation, walkways, and resting areas. Given their size and composition, they offer citizens physical and social benefits, in addition to ecological and environmental benefits to the city itself. Living close to one of these areas is fundamental to improve the quality of living. This study measures the walking access of residents with different demographic profiles to 13 urban parks ranked based on their quality in the city of Concepción, Chile. The findings show that adults and children have easy access to quality parks, while senior citizens, affected by reduced mobility and downtown residence, show the worst results regardless of the existing parks' quality.
In recent decades, the region of Madrid has experienced extensive changes in land use-land cover ... more In recent decades, the region of Madrid has experienced extensive changes in land use-land cover (LULC). Most of these changes are related to an increase in artificial areas (urban, industrial, commercial and transport) and abandonment of agricultural uses. The general guideline for regional management has been disregarded and the legal framework overstepped, allowing such changes to go ahead unchecked. Using four maps for different points in time, 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2006, LULC dynamics are analyzed and the changes are related to Madrid regional policies. The IDRISI Land Change Modeler (LCM) is used in order to quantify the changes and find out where they took place. The results show that artificial areas doubled in size between 1982 and 2006. Changes were concentrated around the Madrid metropolis and around the main road network, with an increase in urban sprawl and with new, small urban patches in mountain areas of high scenic beauty. These fast and extensive changes were largely made possible by public disinterest and limitations in land and natural resource conservation mechanisms and in housing market regulation.
Global change is one of the greatest challenges facing societies today. Higher education plays a ... more Global change is one of the greatest challenges facing societies today. Higher education plays a crucial role in providing knowledge on global change, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. How is global change integrated into the planned, delivered and achieved curriculum? Has the pandemic promoted the development of blended learning courses on global change? To answer these two research questions, we conducted 25 interviews with academics about the prominence of global change in their courses and curriculum. We also analysed several geography curricula. It emerged that universities play a central role in mainstreaming global change into curricula in the context of education for sustainable development (ESD) and climate change. There were two main findings: (i) ESD has been implemented selectively in higher geography education, with a focus on environmental issues and different approaches and (ii) blended learning is a useful approach to develop new curriculum structures and content to educate students about global change.
Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI, Geografía, Nov 17, 2021
Las representaciones del cine de ficción nutren el imaginario colectivo, caracterizando elementos... more Las representaciones del cine de ficción nutren el imaginario colectivo, caracterizando elementos que proyectan la percepción social. El trabajo se centra en el cine de Andrés Wood, concretamente en el segmento «Segundo tiempo. Calama. Último gol gana» de su primer largometraje, para observar y analizar la representación de la pobreza y la exclusión en la infancia, en un ámbito geográfico extremo como el desierto de Calama (Chile) y en un contexto económico de reconversión como el sector minero, donde el deporte se convierte en un vehículo para el aprendizaje, la socialización y la toma de responsabilidades.
Natural protected areas are declared to safeguard their environment, goods and services. However,... more Natural protected areas are declared to safeguard their environment, goods and services. However, sometimes they are affected by land use changes related to human activity, which affects their ecosystem functions and their sustainability. Problems such as fragmentation or low habitat connectivity are some of its consequences. Developing future land use scenarios is essential if a preventive approach to the management of protected areas is to be adopted. In this paper, three different land use change scenarios in natural protected areas in Madrid region are modelled: a "business as usual" scenario, an economic crisis scenario and a green scenario. All protected areas are studied, from National and Nature Parks to Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas; changes in a buffer area of 5 km around PAs are also studied. The CLUE model (based on logistic regression) is used. Biophysical, socioeconomic and accessibility factors and incentives and restrictions are considered. In recent decades, the region of Madrid has experienced intense urban and infrastructure development (48,332 ha). Protected areas have been affected by this urbanization process (almost 5,000 ha) and its surroundings (30,000 ha). These findings should alert land use planners and the managers of protected areas to the potential threats.
Revista Interuniversitaria de Investigación en Tecnología Educativa, Jun 30, 2019
Se presenta una actividad docente en un entorno universitario mediante el análisis de conceptos d... more Se presenta una actividad docente en un entorno universitario mediante el análisis de conceptos de la Geografía Económica a través del visionado de videoclips musicales integrados en la plataforma YouTube. El alumnado (N=33) trabaja de manera grupal y colaborativamente, en sesiones presenciales y sesiones tutorizadas, seleccionando un grupo musical y una canción y analizando en profundidad la letra y las imágenes presentes en el vídeo, con el objeto de observar e intentar resolver problemáticas cotidianas. Son los propios estudiantes quienes califican la práctica. A través de un breve cuestionario los alumnos destacan la realización de un trabajo participativo, ameno, divertido y novedoso. Se observa una alta motivación de los estudiantes y la capacidad de reflexión y de debate sobre cuestiones geográficas y económicas actuales. Se sugiere un mayor seguimiento por parte del profesorado y, por tanto, una mayor dedicación de horas si se desea implementar en cursos venideros.
Women in academia are underrepresented at the highest levels of the hierarchy. After gaining thei... more Women in academia are underrepresented at the highest levels of the hierarchy. After gaining their PhDs, they seem to make little progress and their career paths appear to be hampered by their family responsibilities. Motherhood can affect scientific productivity and, therefore, promotion. Balancing teaching, research, administration, consultation, and other roles in academia with maternity can be hard. This study comprises an onlinesurvey of mothers with children up to 5 years old, working in academia (n=80) in a Spanish university (University of Murcia), the aim being to ascertain their views regarding maternity and work. Common themes include a greater focus on teaching than on research, handicaps regarding mobility, and working from home. 63% perceived that their CVs are less competitive than those of their co-workers who are not mothers, which 406 MARTA GALLARDO DOES MATERNITY AFFECT WOMEN'S CAREERS? PERCEPTIONS OF WORKING MOTHERS IN...
Land Use-Cover Changes (LUCCs) are one of the main problems for the preservation of biodiversity.... more Land Use-Cover Changes (LUCCs) are one of the main problems for the preservation of biodiversity. Protected Areas (PAs) do not escape this threat. Some processes, such as intensive recreational use, forest fires or the expansion of artificial areas taking place inside and around them in response to their appeal, question their environmental sustainability and their efficiency. In this paper, we analyze the LUCCs that took place between 1990 and 2006 in two National Parks (NPs) belonging to the Spanish network and in their surroundings: Ordesa and Monte Perdido (Ordesa NP) and Sierra de Guadarrama (Guadarrama NP). We also simulate land use changes between 2006 and 2030 by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), taking into account two scenarios: trend and green. Finally, we perform a multi-temporal analysis of natural habitat fragmentation in each NP. The results show that the NPs analyzed are well-preserved and have seen hardly any significant LUCCs inside them. However, Socioeconomic Influence Zones (SIZs) and buffers are subject to different dynamics. In the SIZ and buffer of the Ordesa NP, there has been an expansion of built-up areas (annual rate of change = +1.19) around small urban hubs and ski resorts. There has also been a gradual recovery of natural areas, which had been interrupted by forest fires. The invasion of sub-alpine grasslands by shrubs is clear (+2735 ha). The SIZ and buffer of the Guadarrama NP are subject to urban sprawl in forest areas and to the construction of road infrastructures (+5549 ha and an annual rate of change = +1.20). Industrial area has multiplied by 3.3 in 20 years. The consequences are an increase in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), greater risk of forest fires and greater fragmentation of natural habitats (+0.04 in SIZ). In the change scenarios, if conditions change as expected, the specific threats facing each NP can be expected to increase. There are substantial differences between the scenarios depending on whether or not incentives are accepted and legal restrictions are respected.
Women in academia are underrepresented at the highest levels of the hierarchy. After gaining thei... more Women in academia are underrepresented at the highest levels of the hierarchy. After gaining their PhDs, they seem to make little progress and their career paths appear to be hampered by their family responsibilities. Motherhood can affect scientific productivity and, therefore, promotion. Balancing teaching, research, administration, consultation, and other roles in academia with maternity can be hard. This study comprises an onlinesurvey of mothers with children up to 5 years old, working in academia (n=80) in a Spanish university (University of Murcia), the aim being to ascertain their views regarding maternity and work. Common themes include a greater focus on teaching than on research, handicaps regarding mobility, and working from home. 63% perceived that their CVs are less competitive than those of their co-workers who are not mothers, which 03_2020_24-01_Educ_XX1_Capitulos.indd 405 03_2020_24-01_Educ_XX1_Capitulos.
Revista de investigación en didáctica de las ciencias sociales, 2021
Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (SDG), impulsados por Naciones Unidas, presentan una serie... more Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (SDG), impulsados por Naciones Unidas, presentan una serie de metas a alcanzar en el año 2030. Para la consecución de los SDG es fundamental su incorporación en la enseñanza con el objeto de involucrar a los jóvenes y futuros agentes de cambio en su asimilación y aplicación. Las novelas gráficas, a partir de su análisis crítico, permiten reflexionar sobre un gran número de problemáticas y cómo éstas y los lugares geográficos son representados. Se presenta una actividad docente llevada a cabo en la enseñanza superior, en la que el alumnado examina nueve novelas gráficas con el objeto de analizar, desde una perspectiva geográfica, los diferentes SDG, observando la interrelación e interdependencia entre ellos y los contrastes y similitudes entre "realidad" y ficción. Mediante el análisis de diferentes problemáticas socioeconómicas y socio-ecológicas actuales y su debate en el aula, se desarrolla la capacidad de análisis, reflexión y discusión y se estimula el pensamiento crítico del alumnado desde una perspectiva cercana y creativa. El estudiantado se muestra motivado y satisfecho con la actividad, a pesar de las dificultades para desentrañar las diferentes problemáticas presentes en las novelas gráficas, habiendo incrementado sus conocimientos sobre los SDG, que eran, antes de esta experiencia, prácticamente nulos.
Papers by Marta Gallardo