Papers by Virginia Alvarado

Las Conferencias de las Partes (COP) son encuentros entre representantes de gobiernos, organizaci... more Las Conferencias de las Partes (COP) son encuentros entre representantes de gobiernos, organizaciones no gubernamentales y la sociedad civil, donde se discute y toman medidas concretas para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y mitigar los impactos del cambio climático. Además, permiten establecer políticas y mecanismos para apoyar a los países en desarrollo en su transición hacia economías resilientes a la crisis climática. A lo largo de la historia se han llevado a cabo 27 COP, dos de ellas han alcanzado hitos significativos como la adopción del Protocolo de Kyoto en 1997 y la firma del Acuerdo de París en el 2015. Sin duda, las COP y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) están estrechamente relacionados en el marco de la agenda global para abordar los desafíos del cambio climático y lograr un desarrollo sostenible. Las COP brindan un marco para la toma de decisiones y la implementación de acciones climáticas, contribuyendo así a varios ODS; a su vez, las acciones para lograr los ODS pueden impulsar la acción climática y generar beneficios mutuos para la sostenibilidad global. Pese a ello, se requiere una acción urgente y colaborativa para enfrentar la crisis climática y sobre todo, garantizar la implementación efectiva de las medidas acordadas años atrás.

A pesar de que la representación de la mujer en la ciencia es insuficiente, con el paso de los añ... more A pesar de que la representación de la mujer en la ciencia es insuficiente, con el paso de los años su participación, liderazgo y reconocimiento ha incrementado. Hoy en día, se han convertido en pilares fundamentales para la toma de decisiones en temas de impacto; y con su ejemplo, han incentivado a muchas otras en áreas poco comunes. Se pretendió evidenciar el rol de las mujeres científicas en el tema de calidad del agua, desde una perspectiva de género y análisis de los patrones de producción científica. Para esto se seleccionaron únicamente publicaciones tipo artículo científico del 2005 al 2019, que fueran estudios realizados en Costa Rica y lideradas por mujeres. Así mismo, se seleccionó a cuatro investigadoras del sector académico, para evidenciar su experiencia como mujeres en ciencia. Se recopilaron 50 artículos; un 66% tuvo colaboración masculina; un 18% estuvo conformado solo por mujeres y un 16% publicó de manera individual. Se observó una tendencia a publicar mayormente en revistas costarricense y en español. Los temas “calidad del agua” y “ecología y biomonitoreo” fueron los más estudiados. La mayoría de las investigaciones fueron realizadas en la provincia de Cartago. Fue alentador escuchar historias, experiencias y trayectoria de mujeres, quienes han demostrado ser científicas exitosas en Costa Rica. La participación activa de las mujeres investigadoras es cada vez mayor y relevante en temas en torno a la calidad del agua, por lo que esta revisión constituye un insumo importante para conocer los avances en esta temática.

Ciencia y Práctica, 2021
La erosión es el resultado de la interacción de diversos factores que varían espaciotemporalmente... more La erosión es el resultado de la interacción de diversos factores que varían espaciotemporalmente. Su estudio debe estar enfocado en la comprensión de los elementos que inciden en dicho proceso, para así, lograr un abordaje adecuado en el manejo y conservación del suelo. Esta revisión pretende analizar los principales factores que condicionan la erosión hídrica del suelo y la influencia de cada uno de ellos; además de presentar algunas técnicas de conservación de suelos. Entre los más importantes se pueden citar, la precipitación, la cobertura vegetal, la topografía, las características edáficas y los factores antrópicos. La pérdida de este recurso se da más comúnmente en sitios sin cobertura vegetal, con un uso de suelo inadecuado, zonas expuestas a intensas lluvias, pendientes fuertes y de largas longitudes, y falta o ausencia de prácticas preventivas. El uso de tecnologías como los abonos orgánicos, los cultivos de cobertura, las barreras vivas, las cortinas rompevientos, la bioi...

UNED Research Journal, 2021
Physicochemical and microbiological quality of surface water in the Grande de Tárcoles River, Cos... more Physicochemical and microbiological quality of surface water in the Grande de Tárcoles River, Costa Rica: an ecological approach". Introduction: The quality of the water in a hydrographic basin and its potential use are affected by anthropic and natural factors. The Tárcoles River is the final receiver of waters from the central region of Costa Rica, where the treatment of wastewater is inadequate or non-existent. Objective: To evaluate water pollution in the river and review macroinvertebrates as ecosystem bioindicators. Methods: Physicochemical, microbiological and macroinvertebrate evaluations of the surface water were done in four sites for twelve consecutive months, including two water quality indices (ICA-NSF and Dutch). Monthly visits were made for the placement and collection of artificial substrates for aquatic macroinvertebrates, and bimonthly visits for the collection of water samples for ex situ analysis of the physicochemical and microbiological parameters. In addition, the land use in the lower part of Tárcoles was characterized from cover raster files. Results: Some physicochemical variables showed similar concentrations to those reported for other Costa Rican rivers, while oxygen showed lower values. The microbiological variables indicated high pollution levels, especially in the rainy season. In the dry season, there were more aquatic macroinvertebrates, and Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Hydrobiidae were the most abundant. River pollution is categorized as "incipient" according to the Dutch index and as "medium quality" according to the ICA-NSF. Conclusions: the pollution of the Tárcoles River is mainly due to inadequate land use and anthropic activities. We recommend a basin management plan and research on ecosystem health and conservation of vulnerable species.
La degradacion de los ecosistemas acuaticos urbanos que incluye rios quebradas ha provocado la pe... more La degradacion de los ecosistemas acuaticos urbanos que incluye rios quebradas ha provocado la perdida de biodiversidad, disminucion de la calidad ambiental y la afectacion de la calidad de vida de los habitantes de las zonas urbanas. Se presentan tres alternativas cientifico - tecnologicas para la rehabilitacion del suelo y el agua, mediante coberturas vegetales en taludes y dos sistemas de depuracion de aguas contaminadas; biojardineras y bacterias nitrificadoras, todas realizadas en la microcuenca urbana del rio Pirro, Heredia, siendo estas una contribucion para futuras investigaciones en el campo de la restauracion ecologica.
Los rios urbanos ofrecen multiples beneficios ecologicos, ademas de procurar el bienestar social ... more Los rios urbanos ofrecen multiples beneficios ecologicos, ademas de procurar el bienestar social y desarrollo economico de las ciudades, producen seguridad a la sociedad frente a las amenazas naturales, tales como inundaciones, control de escorrentias y en especial, los efectos del cambio climatico. Estos rios deberian ser considerados habitats preferenciales para la recreacion de la sociedad, proteccion de la naturaleza y la biodiversidad, sin embargo las condiciones ambientales actuales de los rios urbanos en Costa Rica es grave, debido a que se encuentran altamente degradados y contaminados por la mala gestion local y la falta de conciencia en la sociedad. La recuperacion de rios urbanos es un trabajo arduo que implica compromiso y voluntad para lograr rios saludables y resilientes, lo que a su vez podria generar oportunidades para el desarrollo sostenible de muchas ciudades.

Spanish Journal of Soil Science, 2014
Mechanical and structural erosion of soils is produced by the loss of the vegetal cover and the a... more Mechanical and structural erosion of soils is produced by the loss of the vegetal cover and the action of rain on unprotected surfaces. Raindrop impact, transport and sediment deposition leads to landslides and slope instability and soil loss. In Costa Rica, water bodies have been negatively impacted by urban development and both water resources and soils have become more vulnerable. This is the case of the Pirro river micro watershed where riverbed vegetation has been replaced by constructions producing erosion problems in its slopes. In order to evaluate how native plants favor sediment control and prevent this sediment from been deposited in the river, eight experimental plots were installed. Four treatments were established: A (Costus pulverulentus Presl), B (Heliconia tortuosa (Griggs) Standl.), C (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash) and D (control). Sediments were collected weekly during the rainy and transitional seasons. A clear relation between rainfall intensity and sediment ...
Plant selection for erosion control in Costa Rica by means of the expert criteria method. Use of ... more Plant selection for erosion control in Costa Rica by means of the expert criteria method. Use of plants for erosion control in Costa Rica is scarce and poorly documented. This study used expert criteria to identify vegetal species used for such purpose. Through semistructured interviews to 20 experts, information of 74 species was collected (6.25±5.11 recommendations per expert). Perennial native herbs with fasciculate root predominated. The species most frequently mentioned were Yucca guatemalensis (75%), Arachis pintoi (55%), Zygia longifolia (30%), Vetiveria zizanioides and Gynerium sagittatum (25% each). Research and experimentation with suggested species, mainly native, should be established in order to define guidelines for plant use in erosion control.

La Calera
El establecimiento de una capa protectora compuesta por especies nativas, que desarrollen una com... more El establecimiento de una capa protectora compuesta por especies nativas, que desarrollen una comunidad sucesora uniforme, es básico para la restauración ecológica y es necesario para controlar los procesos erosivos. Con el fin de evaluar especies vegetales nativas para el control de la erosión y restauración ecológica, se trabajó en tres sitios a lo largo del río Torres. Para ello, se instalaron ocho parcelas experimentales en cada sitio, una de ellas sin vegetación y el resto con diferentes especies de herbáceas y arbustos. En cada sitio se tomaron en cuenta variables edáficas y climáticas; mientras que en cada parcela, se evaluó la sobrevivencia de las especies y la producción de sedimentos de forma mensual. La sobrevivencia promedio en los tres sitios estuvo por encima del 50%, lo cual evidencia que las especies superaron el estrés post siembra y lograron adaptarse exitosamente. En la parte alta y baja, las parcelas sembradas con Hamelia patens y Tradescantia zanonia, registraro...

Erosion is the result of the interaction of several factors that vary
in space and time. Its stud... more Erosion is the result of the interaction of several factors that vary
in space and time. Its study should be focused on understanding
the elements that affect this process, in order to achieve an
adequate approach in soil management and conservation. This
overview aims to analyze the main factors that condition soil
water erosion and the influence of each of them; in addition to
presenting some soil conservation techniques. The most
important are, precipitation, vegetation cover, topography,
edaphic characteristics and anthropic factors. The loss of this
resource occurs more commonly in sites without vegetation
cover, inadequate land use, areas exposed to intense rains,
steep slopes and long lengths, and lack or absence of preventive
practices. The use of technologies such as organic fertilizers,
cover crops, live barriers, windbreaks, bioengineering and
revegetation, are key to control erosion process and increase
land productivity. For this reason, the estimation of soil
resistance to erosion must be comprehensive; since the erosive
process does not depend on one variable, but on the
combination of components that, in turn, affect the magnitude
of its effects.

“Physicochemical and microbiological quality of surface water in the Grande de Tárcoles River, Co... more “Physicochemical and microbiological quality of surface water in the Grande de Tárcoles River, Costa Rica: an ecological approach”. Introduction: The quality of the water in a hydrographic basin and its potential use are affected by anthropic and natural factors. The Tárcoles River is the final receiver of waters from the central region of Costa Rica, where the treatment of wastewater is inadequate or non-existent. Objective: To evaluate water pollution in the river and review macroinvertebrates as ecosystem bioindicators. Methods: Physicochemical, microbiological and macroinvertebrate evaluations of the surface water were done in four sites for twelve consecutive months, including two water quality indices (ICA-NSF and Dutch). Monthly visits were made for the placement and collection of artificial substrates for aquatic macroinvertebrates, and bimonthly visits for the collection of water samples for ex situ analysis of the physicochemical and microbiological parameters. In addition, the land use in the lower part of Tárcoles was characterized from cover raster files. Results: Some physicochemical variables showed similar concentrations to those reported for other Costa Rican rivers, while oxygen showed lower values. The microbiological variables indicated high pollution levels, especially in the rainy season. In the dry season, there were more aquatic macroinvertebrates, and Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Hydrobiidae were the most abundant. River pollution is categorized as “incipient” according to the Dutch index and as “medium quality” according to the ICA-NSF. Conclusions: the pollution of the Tárcoles River is mainly due to inadequate land use and anthropic activities. We recommend a basin management plan and research on ecosystem health and conservation of vulnerable species.

"Quality of the urban ecosystem around Río Torres, San José, Costa Rica: biotic and abiotic facto... more "Quality of the urban ecosystem around Río Torres, San José, Costa Rica: biotic and abiotic factors" Introduction: Tropical riparian ecosystems are poorly known and integrate abiotic and biotic factors in the landscape, defining ecological processes along the river. Objective: To measure physical and biological indicators along a tropical river. Methods: Work was carried out in four Representative Zones of the Torres river during 2014 and 2015. At each site, the following were analyzed: a) soil loss; b) diversity of plants and vegetation cover; c) richness of birds; d) physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of the water. We worked with the Urban Ecosystem Quality Index of the Torres River (ICEURT) and the Water Quality Index (ICA-NSF). Results: A total of 365 plant species were identified, with the most diverse zone having 320 species. The coverage percentage ranged from 60% to 81% in the lower-middle part. Birds included 90 species in 28 families, 66% were residents; the highest bird richness in a zone was 55 species. The habitat quality was intermediate in all zones, with the middle part of the river having problems in bird and plant diversity; while, the lower part as low in plant richness. Water quality was medium to poor in all zones. All variables were zone-dependent (X 2 =53,813; p<0,05). Conclusions: Ecosystem quality varied along the river, with generally medium to low values in biota and low values in water quality.. RESUMEN. Introducción: Los ecosistemas ribereños tropicales son poco conocidos e integran factores abióticos y bióticos en el paisaje, definiendo los procesos ecológicos a lo largo del río. Objetivo: Medir indicadores físicos y biológicos a lo largo de un río tropical. Métodos: Se trabajó en cuatro Zonas Representativas del río Torres durante 2014 y 2015. En cada sitio se analizó lo siguiente: a) pérdida de suelo; b) diversidad de plantas y cobertura vegetal; c) riqueza de aves; d) parámetros fisicoquímicos y bacteriológicos del agua. Trabajamos con el Índice de Calidad del Ecosistema Urbano del Río Torres (ICEURT) y el Índice de Calidad del Agua (ICA-NSF). Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 365 especies de plantas, siendo la zona más diversa 320 especies. El porcentaje de cobertura osciló entre el 60% y el 81% en la parte media-baja. Las aves incluyeron 90 especies en 28 familias, 66% eran residentes; la mayor riqueza de aves en una zona fue de 55 especies. La calidad del hábitat fue intermedia en todas las zonas, con la parte media del río con problemas en la diversidad de aves y plantas; mientras que la parte inferior tiene poca riqueza vegetal. La calidad del agua fue de media a mala en todas las zonas. Todas las variables fueron dependientes de la zona (X2 = 53,813; p <0,05). Conclusiones: La calidad del ecosistema varió a lo largo del río, con valores generalmente medios a bajos en la biota y bajos en la calidad del agua. Palabras clave: índice de calidad, ecosistema, urbano, aves, suelo, vegetación, agua.

La Calera, 2018
The establishment of a protective layer composed by native species
to develop a uniform successor... more The establishment of a protective layer composed by native species
to develop a uniform successor community is essential for ecological
restoration and is necessary to control eroding processes. A
fi eld assessment was carried out in three sites along the Torres river
watershed through the establishment of eight experimental plots
per site, one of them without vegetation and the rest with diff erent
herbaceous and shrub species. Edaphic and climatic variables were
considered on each site, while in each plot the species survival and
the sediments production were evaluated monthly. The survival average
in the three sites was over 50%, showing the species overcame
post-sowing stress and managed to adapt successfully. In the upper
and lower part, the plots sown with Hamelia patens and Tradescantia
zanonia registered a lower erosion rate. For the middle part,
Dahlia imperialis and T. zanonia, were the most effi cient compared
to the other four species. In general, in the high and low areas, the
shrubs are dominant, and the herbaceous in the middle. The use
of native species as a strategy of ecological restoration and urban
forestry allows the improving of mechanical, hydraulic and environmental conditions of the study site, and acts as a living barrier
against erosion.
Urban rivers offer many environmental benefits, in addition offer welfare state and economic deve... more Urban rivers offer many environmental benefits, in addition offer welfare state and economic development of cities, additionally produce safety society and natural protection of floods, runoff control and especially the effects of climate change. These rivers should be considered important habitats for recreation of society, protection of nature and biodiversity, however the current environmental conditions of urban rivers in Costa Rica it is serious, they are highly degraded and polluted by the wrong management of local authority and poorly knowledge of the society. The recovery of urban rivers is hard work to do, and it involves commitment to achieve healthy and resilient rivers, and it could be generate opportunities for sustainable development in many cities.
Papers by Virginia Alvarado
in space and time. Its study should be focused on understanding
the elements that affect this process, in order to achieve an
adequate approach in soil management and conservation. This
overview aims to analyze the main factors that condition soil
water erosion and the influence of each of them; in addition to
presenting some soil conservation techniques. The most
important are, precipitation, vegetation cover, topography,
edaphic characteristics and anthropic factors. The loss of this
resource occurs more commonly in sites without vegetation
cover, inadequate land use, areas exposed to intense rains,
steep slopes and long lengths, and lack or absence of preventive
practices. The use of technologies such as organic fertilizers,
cover crops, live barriers, windbreaks, bioengineering and
revegetation, are key to control erosion process and increase
land productivity. For this reason, the estimation of soil
resistance to erosion must be comprehensive; since the erosive
process does not depend on one variable, but on the
combination of components that, in turn, affect the magnitude
of its effects.
to develop a uniform successor community is essential for ecological
restoration and is necessary to control eroding processes. A
fi eld assessment was carried out in three sites along the Torres river
watershed through the establishment of eight experimental plots
per site, one of them without vegetation and the rest with diff erent
herbaceous and shrub species. Edaphic and climatic variables were
considered on each site, while in each plot the species survival and
the sediments production were evaluated monthly. The survival average
in the three sites was over 50%, showing the species overcame
post-sowing stress and managed to adapt successfully. In the upper
and lower part, the plots sown with Hamelia patens and Tradescantia
zanonia registered a lower erosion rate. For the middle part,
Dahlia imperialis and T. zanonia, were the most effi cient compared
to the other four species. In general, in the high and low areas, the
shrubs are dominant, and the herbaceous in the middle. The use
of native species as a strategy of ecological restoration and urban
forestry allows the improving of mechanical, hydraulic and environmental conditions of the study site, and acts as a living barrier
against erosion.
in space and time. Its study should be focused on understanding
the elements that affect this process, in order to achieve an
adequate approach in soil management and conservation. This
overview aims to analyze the main factors that condition soil
water erosion and the influence of each of them; in addition to
presenting some soil conservation techniques. The most
important are, precipitation, vegetation cover, topography,
edaphic characteristics and anthropic factors. The loss of this
resource occurs more commonly in sites without vegetation
cover, inadequate land use, areas exposed to intense rains,
steep slopes and long lengths, and lack or absence of preventive
practices. The use of technologies such as organic fertilizers,
cover crops, live barriers, windbreaks, bioengineering and
revegetation, are key to control erosion process and increase
land productivity. For this reason, the estimation of soil
resistance to erosion must be comprehensive; since the erosive
process does not depend on one variable, but on the
combination of components that, in turn, affect the magnitude
of its effects.
to develop a uniform successor community is essential for ecological
restoration and is necessary to control eroding processes. A
fi eld assessment was carried out in three sites along the Torres river
watershed through the establishment of eight experimental plots
per site, one of them without vegetation and the rest with diff erent
herbaceous and shrub species. Edaphic and climatic variables were
considered on each site, while in each plot the species survival and
the sediments production were evaluated monthly. The survival average
in the three sites was over 50%, showing the species overcame
post-sowing stress and managed to adapt successfully. In the upper
and lower part, the plots sown with Hamelia patens and Tradescantia
zanonia registered a lower erosion rate. For the middle part,
Dahlia imperialis and T. zanonia, were the most effi cient compared
to the other four species. In general, in the high and low areas, the
shrubs are dominant, and the herbaceous in the middle. The use
of native species as a strategy of ecological restoration and urban
forestry allows the improving of mechanical, hydraulic and environmental conditions of the study site, and acts as a living barrier
against erosion.