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In this paper, we present an ontology to represent the semantics of the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) specification, a meta-language used to describe the main elements of the learning design process. The motivation of this work relies on... more
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      OntologyInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance Education
The 2005 edition of the SW-EL workshop is organized in three sessions held at three different conferences in order to discuss the current problems in e-learning from different perspectives, including those of advanced Web-based... more
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      OntologyLearning DesignSemantic WebIMS Learning Design Specification
In this paper, we present an ontology to represent the semantics of the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) specification, a meta-language used to describe the main elements of the learning design process. The motivation of this work relies on... more
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      OntologyInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance Education
The 2005 edition of the SW-EL workshop is organized in three sessions held at three different conferences in order to discuss the current problems in e-learning from different perspectives, including those of advanced Web-based... more
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      OntologyLearning DesignSemantic WebIMS Learning Design Specification
In this paper the problem of educational resource management in a cooperative learning environment is discussed. A task model was elaborated to determine both functional and level-ofservice requirements. Among the former we salient: (1)... more
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      Agent BasedSoftware ArchitectureCooperative LearningRemote Control
The EUME project is intended to develop an Intelligent Learning Management System (ILMS) with the aim to improve the quality of traditional teaching strategies as well as to facilitate the implementation of new learning methodologies. At... more
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      WorkshopLearning Management Systemteaching StrategiesKnowledge Modeling
The resource accessibility problem in a cooperative learning environment can be stated as how both teachers and students can gain access to resources (information and hardware devices) not only from remote locations, but also from the... more
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      System IntegrationCooperative LearningE Learning
In this paper, we present EUME Onto, an educational ontology that describe terms of learning design, contents and resources. This ontology is intended to (1) organize the available information; and (2) provide the grounds of the knowledge... more
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      OntologyE Learning
This paper briefly describes how ontologies can be used to model, validate and execute IMS Learning Design. The main contribution relies on incorporate the implicit knowledge found on the IMS LD specification in terms of formal axioms.
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      IMS Learning Design SpecificationLearning TechnologiesModel validation
In this paper we present a teacher interface for a computer supported educational system that we are developing. This interface was developed over a PDA with wireless network connectivity to be carried by the teacher into the classroom.
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      EngineeringEducational TechnologyComputer Science EducationTeaching
Resumo -Esta comunicação tem como objetivo relatar o desenvolvimento do jogo-simulador Kimera: Cidades Imaginárias, o qual atuará como um espaço-simulacro de aprendizagem, sobre os espaços citadinos, aos alunos do Ensino Fundamental I da... more
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      Game DesignEducational Games
EDuCação, CulTura DigiTal E Espaços ForMaTivos Este texto representa um esforço mútuo para (re)desenhar um diálogo sobre Educação e Cultura Digital. Um dos argumentos centrais deste escrito se traduz na ideia da Educação como prática... more
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Este texto representa um esforço mútuo para (re)desenhar um diálogo sobre Educação e Cultura Digital. Um dos argumentos centrais deste escrito se traduz na ideia da Educação como prática transformadora e ato humano comprometido com o... more
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Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar uma Prática Pedagógica realizada com 28 alunos da disciplina Computação Gráfica II, do curso de Design da Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB, realizada no segundo semestre de 2019, em Salvador,... more
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Este artigo apresenta estratégias de avaliação para MOOC – Massive Open Online Course, com destaque para a Avaliação Baseada em Perspectivas. Com abordagem qualitativa e natureza aplicada é apresentado um panorama sobre a evolução da... more
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If Your Bug Database Could Talk...
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringMining
Este artigo apresenta um recorte da dissertação de mestrado da autora, intitulada "Práticas pedagógicas no Ensino de Matemática: contribuições das produções do K-Lab na Educação Básica". Sabendo que é papel das escolas garantir a seus... more
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This paper presents evaluation strategies for MOOC-Massive Open Online Course-with emphasis on Perspective-based Evaluation. With a qualitative approach and applied nature, an overview is presented of the evolution of the interface... more
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      Free RadicalsSignal TransductionFree RadicalHypertension