Volume 2, Issue 3 (December 2015) by Prashneel Goundar

International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2025
When conducting research, a researcher’s perspective and worldview are referred to as positionali... more When conducting research, a researcher’s perspective and worldview are referred to as positionality. It also “reflects the position that the researcher has chosen to adopt within a given research study” and describes the researcher’s relationship to their research subjects. What the researcher chooses to study, how it is carried out, and the outcomes are all influenced by their position. In this paper, I argue that the positionality of a researcher is shaped by a variety of factors, including gender, race, personal experiences, values, and beliefs. These factors then influence the researchers’ assumptions, methods of accessing and interacting with participants, the questions they pose, and how they interpret the findings. For higher degree research in the social sciences, there should be a section that clarifies researcher positionality. Making these declarations gives the study clarity and credibility in that the researcher is aware of their ‘insider and outsider hat’ so to say. This paper discusses ways in which Masters, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Social Work, Doctor of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and Ph.D. scholars can explain positionality in their research design. Crucial elements that must be disclosed in the study are the identities, viewpoints, and positions of the researchers. This work contributes to the growing corpus of scholarship on researcher positionality, which is based on my findings as a novice researcher conducting qualitative research. My paper takes an inductive systematic review approach which relates to noting observations and seeking to find patterns within them. I provide examples from my Ph.D. thesis which looked at academic English writing skills of first-year undergraduate students. The examples will be helpful to novice researchers and post-graduate students interested in providing precision in conducting qualitative methodology and examining positionality in their study. They can use the article as a starting point in approaching the concept of researcher positionality and ways in which it can be embedded in their study design.

Language testing is a complex field of study as there are various factors that need to be taken i... more Language testing is a complex field of study as there are various factors that need to be taken into account when preparing and assessing the students' language proficiency. However, it plays a pivotal role in society. With the results of language tests used for immigration purposes, university entrance qualifications as well as employment opportunities. Scholars attest that it is obligatory for language teachers to constantly 'assess their students' oral and written performances', and the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) offers a variety of oral and writing scales which provide the 'opportunity for a common standard'. This paper argues the significant gaps that are yet to be address in a language testing research and highlights why a study needs to be conducted in Fiji with the university students. The article discusses applying a quantitative methodology thus, a longitudinal research design to conduct a language testing study on writing proficiency levels of undergraduate students; compare the writing proficiency levels of pre-first year and post-first year university students by using academic essay tests of the same cohort; and finally determine undergraduate students' progress (or lack of) in written English over the course of their program.

International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2018
The assessment of English essay writing errors at university undergraduate level has been achieve... more The assessment of English essay writing errors at university undergraduate level has been achieved in several countries but a study using error analysis is the first to be conducted in the Pacific Island nation of Fiji. The purpose of the present study was to examine errors of written academic essays of Fijian undergraduate pre-service and in-service students at the Fiji National University Lautoka campus. This paper analyzes pre-service and in-service undergraduate students' essay writing papers which is a new dimension and knowledge to existing literature. The study mainly focused on eighteen errors as classified and adapted from Darus & Ching (2009) with the top six errors discussed in this paper. Twenty writing samples were analyzed with the top errors for pre-service students being mechanics, subject verb agreement, redundancy, prepositions, tense and vocabulary choice while in-service students had errors in mechanics, redundancy, tense, articles, incomplete structures, word form and clarity. The authors found that carelessness and failure to recognize important words in the sentences as the main reasons for the errors. The paper recommends that remedial lessons on usage of articles, word formation and preposition are required in the course curriculum to improve upon the errors mentioned.

Vocabulary learning is one of the major challenges foreign language learners face during the proc... more Vocabulary learning is one of the major challenges foreign language learners face during the process of learning a language (Ghazal, 2007). One way to alley the problem is to assist students in becoming independent learners during the course of L2 vocabulary learning. Furthermore, Ghazal (2007) explains that this could be achieved through instructing learners to apply vocabulary learning strategies as efficiently as possible.
This study has reviewed significant literature and the importance of reviewing the literature in the field was to realize the implications of our understanding of this relevant literature for the study referred to in this paper. The definitions, taxonomies and factors which pertain to language learning strategies and which are present in the literature have clarified the concepts and helped in the data analysis, i.e. in the identification and coding of the strategies reported by the respondents and later in the interpretation of the findings (Cusen & Buja, 2009).
Furthermore, this research brings to light the common strategies that learners use in vocabulary learning. It also discusses the different strategies at length and suggests valuable recommendations and concludes with further research implications.
Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, Second Language Acquisition, Vocabulary Learning Beliefs, Vocabulary Learning Strategies, English as a foreign language (EFL).
Papers by Prashneel Goundar
International journal of humanities and social sciences, Mar 17, 2016
Multilingualism is a worldwide phenomenon in today's multicultural World. There are about thirty ... more Multilingualism is a worldwide phenomenon in today's multicultural World. There are about thirty times as many languages as there are countries. Nearly half of the world's population speaks more than one language. This article examines the causes of multilingualism, whether it is advantageous or disadvantageous for individuals and the nation. Consequently, it will cover the linguistic landscape of Fiji and explain its causes. Ultimately, one will find that multilingualism has more benefits then setbacks.

Open Education Studies, 2023
The delivery of education and the outcome it produces largely depend on how students are taught, ... more The delivery of education and the outcome it produces largely depend on how students are taught, the resources they are exposed to along with the kind of facilities they are provided with. We have to acknowledge that teaching and learning do not occur in the same way across the world due to critical factors. These factors cause hindrances in the education system that create educational inequalities which exist in various forms as this article aims to outline. Some of these include shortage of teachers, poverty learning-gap, distribution of resources, location of schools, access to scholarship, and school curriculum. It is worth comparing Fiji's education system to the global context using all the three streams of education that is primary, secondary, and higher education. It is prudent that stakeholders in all three education streams are aware of the nature of inconsistencies that affect the students. This will inform and enable policy makers to engage with the current underlying inequalities in education in order to address these that persist in the world and in Fiji. Conversations that revolve around these issues will be fruitful for the education system in Fiji and worldwide.

The assessment of English essay writing errors at university undergraduate level has been achieve... more The assessment of English essay writing errors at university undergraduate level has been achieved in several countries but a study using error analysis is the first to be conducted in the Pacific Island nation of Fiji. The purpose of the present study was to examine errors of written academic essays of Fijian undergraduate pre-service and in-service students at the Fiji National University Lautoka campus. This paper analyzes pre-service and in-service undergraduate students' essay writing papers which is a new dimension and knowledge to existing literature. The study mainly focused on eighteen errors as classified and adapted from Darus & Ching (2009) with the top six errors discussed in this paper. Twenty writing samples were analyzed with the top errors for pre-service students being mechanics, subject verb agreement, redundancy, prepositions, tense and vocabulary choice while in-service students had errors in mechanics, redundancy, tense, articles, incomplete structures, word form and clarity. The authors found that carelessness and failure to recognize important words in the sentences as the main reasons for the errors. The paper recommends that remedial lessons on usage of articles, word formation and preposition are required in the course curriculum to improve upon the errors mentioned.

Asian Social Science, May 31, 2019
Fiji, an island nation located in the South Pacific has three major higher education institutions... more Fiji, an island nation located in the South Pacific has three major higher education institutions namely, "The Fiji National University, The University of the South Pacific which is also 'the oldest university' in the country and The University of Fiji". This paper reviews key emerging issues that are being encountered in higher education (HE) in Fiji. The key issues' faced by these universities, is showing a similar trend in higher education internationally which this paper examines. Plagiarism continues to be a global phenomenon which the literature objectively highlights along with problems arising due to heavy workload and negligence of not incorporating inclusive education. The paper explores possible solutions to these issues drawing evidence from the available literature. Further research on individual universities would provide greater data for analysis as well as broader solutions to the issues.

Journal of Language Teaching and Research, May 1, 2020
Language testing is a complex field of study as there are various factors that need to be taken i... more Language testing is a complex field of study as there are various factors that need to be taken into account when preparing and assessing the students' language proficiency. However, it plays a pivotal role in society. With the results of language tests used for immigration purposes, university entrance qualifications as well as employment opportunities. Scholars attest that it is obligatory for language teachers to constantly 'assess their students' oral and written performances', and the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) offers a variety of oral and writing scales which provide the 'opportunity for a common standard'. This paper argues the significant gaps that are yet to be address in a language testing research and highlights why a study needs to be conducted in Fiji with the university students. The article discusses applying a quantitative methodology thus, a longitudinal research design to conduct a language testing study on writing proficiency levels of undergraduate students; compare the writing proficiency levels of pre-first year and post-first year university students by using academic essay tests of the same cohort; and finally determine undergraduate students' progress (or lack of) in written English over the course of their program.

International journal of humanities and social sciences, Mar 25, 2016
Culture and tradition form an individual's identity, the values instilled by the culture is a ref... more Culture and tradition form an individual's identity, the values instilled by the culture is a reflection of how people tend to live their lives. In Fiji, the value of tradition has passed through stages of change from the pre-colonial era to the post-colonial era and the present. The main aim of the research is to highlight the views of 6 individuals on culture, heritage and identity. The opinion expressed by them on the topics was achieved by a questionnaire (Appendix B), oral interview and informal discussions. The 6 participants are highly qualified professionals from Fiji who work in a firm operated by the United Kingdom (UK). The participants are a mixture of ethnicities, marital status and gender. The questionnaire has been analyzed with the use of sub topics and the views and thoughts are elaborated with relevant examples. The article concludes by giving recommendations expressed by the individuals.

International journal of humanities and social sciences, Apr 15, 2016
Vocabulary learning is one of the major challenges foreign language learners face during the proc... more Vocabulary learning is one of the major challenges foreign language learners face during the process of learning a language . One way to alley the problem is to assist students in becoming independent learners during the course of L2 vocabulary learning. Furthermore, Ghazal (2007) explains that this could be achieved through instructing learners to apply vocabulary learning strategies as efficiently as possible. This study has reviewed significant literature and the importance of reviewing the literature in the field was to realize the implications of our understanding of this relevant literature for the study referred to in this paper. The definitions, taxonomies and factors which pertain to language learning strategies and which are present in the literature have clarified the concepts. Furthermore, this research brings to light the common strategies that learners use in vocabulary learning. It also discusses the different strategies at length and gives valuable recommendations and concludes with further research implications.

English Language Teaching, Jun 7, 2019
Language is something many individuals take for granted. It is usually when we discover that our ... more Language is something many individuals take for granted. It is usually when we discover that our language (or language variety) is different from and perhaps less valued than, the language of others or that our options are somehow limited, either because 'we do not speak/understand a language or language variety, or use it inappropriately or ineffectively in a particular context that we begin to pay attention to language'. This paper gives a sketch of Language Policy and Planning (LPP) which is becoming a well-researched field for many academics as well as postgraduate students. The article provides the latest pertinent information on Fiji's LPP, the linguistic background as well as the medium of instruction (MOI). It further deliberates on the recommendations from the Fiji Islands Education Commission Report of 2000 which is a well-articulated document that provides an overt grounding for LPP in the South Pacific.

International journal of humanities and social sciences, Mar 30, 2016
The aim of this research paper is to study the odyssey of the Fiji Indian writer in the Pacific: ... more The aim of this research paper is to study the odyssey of the Fiji Indian writer in the Pacific: Satendra Nandan, who transforms his memoirs into artistic reconstructions through a strategy of writings heightened by exilic experience. Nandan's writings dig deep into the experiences of the Fiji Indian. For the authors of this paper, Nandan's works of art are expressions of a remarkable genius with a quest for writing the unwritten, untold tales of the people who suffered for many years. As a Fiji Indian, his mind and soul sensitively captures the remnants of indenture, and nurtured further by the Fijian coup culture, the education in Fiji, tertiary education in England, India and Australia, including the English language. His background represents the girmit experience, for he shows a willingness to confront the unimagined, the unrecognized and the unseen.

Review of European Studies, Mar 1, 2023
The use of grounded theory methodology (GTM) is rare in the field of language testing as indicate... more The use of grounded theory methodology (GTM) is rare in the field of language testing as indicated by the literature survey. However, this study used GTM in a study on first year undergraduate students writing skills in Fiji. The study used the Common European Framework for Reference (CEFR) to evaluate student writing skills successfully at a university in Fiji. The CEFR is one of the most comprehensive frameworks for language evaluation that has been widely used by language testing organisations mostly in Western countries. This paper takes a methodological position rather than looking at empirical data from the research to engage novice users of GTM to apply it to the field of linguistics, specifically to language testing research. It provides step-by-step guide and a discussion of relevant literature that attest to the use of GTM in linguistics. The methodological contributions and the unique data set of the study will advance scholarly and social policy conversations on this topic. The study makes an original contribution to the body of knowledge on how grounded theory research methodologies can be applied to a longitudinal language testing research context. At present, language testing in higher education relies on data from conventional formative and normative assessments. Approaches such as grounded theory and longitudinal research design have rarely been used. The paper will benefit novice researchers such as Masters and PhD scholars as well as policy makers in applying the methodology to their studies.

European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, Dec 11, 2020
Scholars have stated that it is "challenging to describe proficiency" . One of the issues that te... more Scholars have stated that it is "challenging to describe proficiency" . One of the issues that teachers, researchers, students and language testers encounter is defining "what it actually means to be proficient in an L2". Language proficiency "is the extent to which an individual possesses the linguistic cognition necessary to function in a given communicative situation, in a given modality such as listening, speaking, reading or writing". It can be implied that proficiency is often discussed in the context of L2 acquisition, usually measured with test-scores. We conduct language tests in order gauge a learn proficiency. Therefore, it is crucial to first get an overview of the field of language testing. The aim of this paper is to briefly outline what has transpired in the field of language testing over the years.
Language in Society, Feb 1, 2018
InTech eBooks, Jul 5, 2017
This chapter has been compiled to provide an overview of the language policing and planning (LPP)... more This chapter has been compiled to provide an overview of the language policing and planning (LPP) field, particularly for new researchers who would like to pursue their MA or PhD. It aims to explore the following: the genesis of LPP from the 1950s to date, type of research questions pertinent to the field, methodology that can be applied, substantial literature review and case studies that have been carried out in LPP, ethnography of language policy and planning, the historical analysis approach and authorities in the field of LPP such as Hornberger, Johnson and Ricento. Keywords: language policing and planning (LPP), ethnography, research instruments, historical analysis approach categorized as status planning [3], corpus planning [3] and acquisition planning .

English Language Teaching, Apr 20, 2019
Learning a new language entails various challenges, one of these is grasping the vocabulary of th... more Learning a new language entails various challenges, one of these is grasping the vocabulary of the language. A significant way to tackle the problem is to motivate students to become independent learners during the progression of second language (L2) vocabulary learning. Thus, this study intended to explore the use of different vocabulary learning strategies among adult English as foreign language learners and investigated the various vocabulary learning strategies and found the benefits and drawbacks associated with each strategy. It was able to select the most frequently and least frequently used VLSs by learners who have completed the language program and those who are continuing the course. Further, it found effective strategies that could be used in teaching vocabulary to students. The research used a quantitative method approach with 53 participants who were EFL learners took part in the questionnaire survey. The results of the present study reveal the common strategies that foreign language learners use in vocabulary learning. The VLSs from this study will not only benefit students of the English language but can easily to be used by learners of other second languages globally. Finally, the paper discusses different strategies at length, gives valuable recommendations in the discussion section and concludes with implications for future research.
International journal of humanities and social sciences, Sep 18, 2016
This paper gives a sketch of Language Policy and Planning (LPP) which is becoming a wellresearche... more This paper gives a sketch of Language Policy and Planning (LPP) which is becoming a wellresearched field for many academics as well as postgraduate students. Here, Fiji is discussed in relation to its LPP, medium of instruction (MOI) and the recommendations from the Fiji Islands Education Commission Report of 2000. Two case studies from Hong Kong have also been highlighted in this paper.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 31, 2017
In Fiji, the Hindi language is one of the three National languages (English and I-Taukei) used. I... more In Fiji, the Hindi language is one of the three National languages (English and I-Taukei) used. It is the mother tongue of almost 35% of Fiji's population attested to the arrival of indentured laborers in the late 1800's which give the country multilingualism. Fiji was previously bilingual with the colonialism, Christian missionaries and explorers bringing the English language. Unfortunately, there is emerging a trend in the decline of tertiary students undertaking studies in the Hindi Language. This paper evaluates the determinants for the decline in Hindi Language students and makes appropriate recommendations.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (December 2015) by Prashneel Goundar
This study has reviewed significant literature and the importance of reviewing the literature in the field was to realize the implications of our understanding of this relevant literature for the study referred to in this paper. The definitions, taxonomies and factors which pertain to language learning strategies and which are present in the literature have clarified the concepts and helped in the data analysis, i.e. in the identification and coding of the strategies reported by the respondents and later in the interpretation of the findings (Cusen & Buja, 2009).
Furthermore, this research brings to light the common strategies that learners use in vocabulary learning. It also discusses the different strategies at length and suggests valuable recommendations and concludes with further research implications.
Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, Second Language Acquisition, Vocabulary Learning Beliefs, Vocabulary Learning Strategies, English as a foreign language (EFL).
Papers by Prashneel Goundar
This study has reviewed significant literature and the importance of reviewing the literature in the field was to realize the implications of our understanding of this relevant literature for the study referred to in this paper. The definitions, taxonomies and factors which pertain to language learning strategies and which are present in the literature have clarified the concepts and helped in the data analysis, i.e. in the identification and coding of the strategies reported by the respondents and later in the interpretation of the findings (Cusen & Buja, 2009).
Furthermore, this research brings to light the common strategies that learners use in vocabulary learning. It also discusses the different strategies at length and suggests valuable recommendations and concludes with further research implications.
Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, Second Language Acquisition, Vocabulary Learning Beliefs, Vocabulary Learning Strategies, English as a foreign language (EFL).
academia. The distinguished collection of authors, who specialize in the field of sociolinguistics, portrays a rich variety of studies to dig into. It is essential for a book
such as this to take the audience from the beginning of the field to the future directions for research, and it is noteworthy that it has been able to achieve that and more