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1. The Documentary Field 2. Braided Channels - Documentary Voice 3. Cinematic Scenes of Life 4. New Waves of Documentary 5. Australian Television Takes On Independent Documentary 6. Documentary and the Film Finance Corporation 7. Changing... more
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1. The Documentary Field 2. Braided Channels - Documentary Voice 3. Cinematic Scenes of Life 4. New Waves of Documentary 5. Australian Television Takes On Independent Documentary 6. Documentary and the Film Finance Corporation 7. Changing... more
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Browning's Curiosities: The Ring and the Book and the "democracy of things'''
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terme questionne habilement les dualismes nature/culture, humain/animal qui soutiennent l'idée qu'il existe des espaces exclusifs mutuels et des zones propres aux animaux. Ces dualismes sont fondés sur la différence plutôt que sur la... more
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McDonell, Jennifer . 2015 ‘Animals”. Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. Eds. Dino Franco Felluga, Pamela K. Gilbert, and Linda K. Hughes. Oxford: Blackwell, 2015. Forthcoming. (5000 words); In press
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    • Victorian Literature and Culture
Leigh Dale, Jennifer McDonell and Marshall Brown.  Eds. Modern Language Quarterly. Special Issue: Lessons from the Past: the History of Academic English. 75.2 (2014):
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      Victorian LiteratureHistory of UniversitiesVictorian poetry
Modern Language Quarterly Special Issue: Lessons from the Past: the History of Academic English 75.2 (2014) 193-214. (7 000 words) Original research examining MacCallum’s public lectures, and teaching of Browning at the University of... more
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      Victorian LiteratureHistory of UniversitiesVictorian cultural studiesVictorian poetry
Original research examining MacCallum’s public lectures, and teaching of Browning at the University of Sydney from the 1890s-1920s; proposes a genealogy of ‘difficulty”.
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      Victorian StudiesHistory of UniversitiesVictorian cultural studiesVictorian poetry
This article examines Robert Browning's and Henry James's writings to consider their responses to, and implication in, the production, circulation, and consumption of late nineteenth-century celebrity. For James, there were two Brownings... more
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Title: Bull’s-eye, Agency and the Species Divide in Oliver Twist: a Cur’s-Eye View Abstract Dickens’s satire of the 1834 Poor Law in Oliver Twist draws upon Victorian discourses of animality in a way that highlights contemporary... more
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