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Researching peace and conflict in the Solomon Islands is a sensitive and nuanced process. The research must be guided by a methodology that is congruent with the epistemology and ontology of the Melanesian context, the peace studies... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesResearch MethodologyMelanesia (Anthropology)Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was the first TRC in the Pacific Islands. Its goals and activities – truth-seeking, reconciliation and the production of a report with a narrative of the conflict that focused... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTransitional JusticeMelanesia (Anthropology)Reconciliation
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTransitional JusticeReconciliationSolomon Islands
This project seeks to build public demand for democracy and human rights by strengthening women's groups and organisations and in turn creating an opportunity for women to voice their opinions and have full participation in society.
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This guide was developed by Live & Learn Solomon Islands to support male advocates against violence against women to facilitate informal and interactive sessions in their communities. Male advocates can use this guide to talk with men in... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesGenderViolence Against WomenMelanesia
This guide was developed by Live & Learn Environmental Education Solomon Islands to support community-based staff to facilitate workshops with target communities. The guide can also be used by local governments, Non-Government... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesLeadershipCommunity DevelopmentGender
This workbook is for community members, community groups, organisations and human rights trainers who want to increase their own and their community's awareness of how we can all work together to make our communities safe places to live.... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesHuman RightsMelanesia
This guide is for the Pacific media to support the human rights of men, women, boys and girls living in and around logging camps.
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Migration and mobility are central features of the Pacific Islands landscape. The diverse island States dispersed throughout the world’s largest ocean are connected by thousands of years of migration, history and culture. Mobility... more
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      GenderLabor MigrationInternational Migration
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      DemocratizationEuropeanizationTransitionEU Enlargement
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      DemocratizationEuropeanizationTransitionEU Enlargement
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      DemocratizationEuropeanizationTransitionEU Enlargement
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      DemocratizationEuropeanizationTransitionEU Enlargement
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      DemocratizationEuropeanizationTransitionEU Enlargement
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      DemocratizationEuropeanizationTransitionEU Enlargement
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      DemocratizationEuropeanizationTransitionEU Enlargement
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    • Democratization
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      DemocratizationDemocratisationHungaryDemocratic consolidation
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace StudiesPeacebuildingPeace Infrastructures
Peace infrastructures are persistent networks of institutions, organizations, and mechanisms that span various, potentially every level of a society, which contain expertise in conflict resolution or conflict transformation, and address... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace StudiesLiberal PeacebuildingInfrastructures for peace