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The Fiji Sugar Industry is an important to economic contributor to (41% of rural population) Fijis' economy. Overall, it contributes 7% of agricultural share to the national GDP, which employ 13% of the total labour force.
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      International TradeInternational trade lawAgriculture and Food StudiesAgriculture and Rural Development
Opinin paper on political decision using POM-QM decision tree analysis. Fiji politics have near zero analysis and the opinion serves as the door step towards the use of social science tool and mathematics to draw light into political... more
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      EconomicsEconomics and Politics
Abstract: Agricultural research and development (R&D) has being conducted in the upland districts of Cambodia to develop new farming systems and crop management technologies. Levels of farm income in these areas are relatively low due to... more
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The Cicerone Project conducted a grazed farmlet experiment on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia, from July 2000 to December 2006, to address questions raised by local graziers concerning how they might improve the... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
This report presents a description of the northern cropping region of NSW and of several identifiable crop-based dryland farming systems therein. Six whole-farm budgets are described based on subregional characteristics and the related... more
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      Industrial OrganizationEconomic analysisAgricultural ProductionCrop Rotation
Farming systems research for wet-season non-rice upland crops in Cambodia is being conducted with the overall aim of poverty reduction and food security for farmers in the Provinces of Battambang and Kampong Cham. Some of these cash crops... more
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      EconomicsTechnologyRiskFood Security
Three 54ha 'farmlets' were established in 2000 near Uralla, NSW to trial high input, moderate input and intensive rotational grazing systems. A representative farm approach was used to interpret the profitability results of the trial from... more
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      ProfitabilityRotational Grazing
This assessment of research and extension in conservation farming in northern NSW was done as part of a systematic process of evaluating the economic, social and environmental impacts of major research, extension and education programs.... more
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      Resource AllocationSoil ErosionReduced Tillage
This assessment of research and extension in conservation farming in northern NSW was done as part of a systematic process of evaluating the economic, social and environmental impacts of major research, extension and education programs.... more
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      Resource AllocationSoil ErosionReduced Tillage
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The key aims in this study are to assess the current level of importance of pulse and oilseed (broadleaf) crops in winter cereal rotations in NSW, and to identify recent trends. The production of broadleaf crops has increased in each... more
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      Research and DevelopmentCrop ProductionEmerging TechnologyIndustrial Production
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      Environmental ScienceProceedings
The Cicerone Project conducted a grazed farmlet experiment on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia, from July 2000 to December 2006, to address questions raised by local graziers concerning how they might improve the... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Mitigation of the deleterious impacts of climate change on agriculture is a crucial strategy for securing food resources to meet the future demand of the world with a steadily increasing population. We used a pre-validated Agricultural... more
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    • Elsevier
Agricultural research and development (R&D) has being conducted in the upland districts of Cambodia to develop new farming systems and crop management technologies. Levels of farm income in these areas are relatively low due to small farm... more
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    • Economics
A whole farm budget for a representative farm in the Lower Namoi Valley in northern NSW was used to analyse the financial implications of a comparative rotational experiment of four cotton-based rotations conducted in recent years at the... more
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsProfitabilityCommodity prices
A number of farming systems projects are currently being conducted in the north eastern cropping region of Australia. These are jointly funded by the grains industry and state government R&D agencies, and conducted by the latter with some... more
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      AgricultureNatural ResourceFarm managementProduction System
The Liverpool Plains catchment faces a number of natural resource issues including dryland salinity, which has been attributed to removal of native vegetation, an increase in rainfall and the use of long fallow cropping systems.... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnergy EconomicsProfitabilityNatural Resource
Much of the recent and current agricultural productivity research is concerned with the sustainability of cropping systems. Paddock level gross margin (ie financial) analysis is usually used to get the message across to farmers about the... more
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      Financial AnalysisSeasonalityProfitabilityAgricultural Production
This report presents a description of the Lower Namoi Valley of NSW and representative whole-farm budgets for the region based on subregional characteristics and the related farming systems. Agronomic and agricultural production... more
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      AgricultureIrrigated Agriculture