Papers by bambang irawanto

Air quality forecasting study is very important because it can be used as material for planning p... more Air quality forecasting study is very important because it can be used as material for planning policies for the future. Careful planning policies will influence the preparation for facing conditions in the future. In this paper, we discuss about the most suitable forecasting method that can be used to forecast air quality index data, namely the two-factor fuzzy time series. Fuzzy time series has developed very rapidly over time. One of the developments is the two-factor fuzzy time series method that predicts data based on influence factors. In this case, the data that used is the main factor data in the form of AQI data, and the second factor is the PM2,5 concentration data. Then we make modifications to this method, by using average based-intervals to make an optimal intervals number, frequency density-based partitioning to build an optimal sub-interval, and centroid method for defuzzification stage. The result of this study, we get error value using RMSE value 1,672 and AFER value 1,755%. From the acquisition of AFER value is less than 10%, then the forecasting has a very good criterion.
Soft Computing, Mar 31, 2021
Palm oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the mesocarp fruit of the palm tree, generally, from th... more Palm oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the mesocarp fruit of the palm tree, generally, from the species, Elaeis guineensis, and slightly from the species Elaeis oleifera and Attalea maripa. Palm oil is naturally red due to its high alpha and beta-carotenoid content. Palm kernel oil is different from palm kernel oil produced from the same fruit core. Planning for palm oil production is necessary because it greatly affects to the level of the country's economy. Forecasting can reduce uncertainty in planning. Forecasting used in the palm oil problem is two-factor forecasting using the Kumar method with uama factors in the form of palm oil production and supporting factors in the form of land area. The forecasting is evaluated using AFER and MSE, from the acquisition of AFER value of 1.212% <10%, then the forecasting has very good criteria.

ABSTRAK BAHASA INDONESIA Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Nasabah PT BNI (Perse... more ABSTRAK BAHASA INDONESIA Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Nasabah PT BNI (Persero) Tbk Layanan Tulang Bawang Abstrak Bambang Irawanto Sejak krisis ekonomi terjadi pada tahun 1997 telah terjadi pergeseran konsentrasi bisnis perbankan. Sebelum krisis ekonomi, bank yang memiliki asset besar lebih memfokuskan untuk melayani nasabah korporasi; namun pada saat ini pelaku di industri perbankan lebih focus untuk melayani nasabah retail. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah apakah citra perusahaan, kualitas layanan dan kepuasan konsumen berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas pelanggan PT. BNI Tbk Kantor Pelayanan Tulang Bawang. Sehungga hipotesis yang dirumuskan adalah : citra perusahaan dan kualitas layanan berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas nasabah PT BNI Tbk Kantor Pelayanan Tulang Bawang. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik regresi linear berganda diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: Hipotesis yang menyatakan kualitas pelayanan dan Citra pe...
A Symmetric Balanced Incomplete Block design with parameters (

The concept of fuzzy time series forecasting is used to make a decision. Fuzzy time series classi... more The concept of fuzzy time series forecasting is used to make a decision. Fuzzy time series classifies data into several subintervals. In the fuzzy time series forecasting method proposed by Qiang Song and Brand S. Chissom, the fuzzy time series data clustered into some static long intervals. In this paper, we modify the method using Picture Fuzzy Clustering (FC-PFS) to get the optimal clusters. To get the suitable number of clusters with the best quality, Picture Composite Cardinality (PCC) is used. The modified method is applied to predict Indonesia Composite Index (ICI) in May 2021. The AFER value from this application is 0.55% which means that the modified method is categorized as very accurate for predicting. In other words fuzzy time series forecasting with FC-PFS has good performance. We also show that in this study case fuzzy time series forecasting with FC-PFS is better performance than fuzzy time series forecasting with Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (FCM).
Jurnal Matematika, 2012
Efficiency production can be done by rework of the goods with imperfect quality of the resulting ... more Efficiency production can be done by rework of the goods with imperfect quality of the resulting decrease in the production process, rework process itself can be done in one cycle and which is separated from the production cycle. With the model of Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) multi products single machine with rework process, will get the size of production and the optimal production time in the production activities are carried out using a multi products single machine and the presence of the reprocessing is done directly in the production cycle, so as to minimize costs. By analyzing the changes in calculation parameters of this model produces policies against the possibility that may occur during the production process.

The Distribution of products in PT. Petrokimia Gresik carried out on the demand of consumers of e... more The Distribution of products in PT. Petrokimia Gresik carried out on the demand of consumers of each district in the province. The distribution is run on irregular or random, either in time or quantity distribution. Activity affects the distribution of the total cost of inventory the company issued in the procurement of supplies, therefore the company needs to pay close attention to the application System of distribution's activity to optimize the distribution of subsidized fertilizer schedule in order to maintain time and cost efficiency. Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) is a method for handling the procurement of supplies in a multi-level distribution network. DRP method relates to the size of ordering lot and the amount of safety stock. DRP method reduce the total cost of inventory and the frequency distribution of activity by determining the distribution of effective scheduling in consideration that the distribution is done in accordance lot size or multiples thereof ...
Assets allocation in a stock portfolio is one strategy that investors do to minimize risks in inv... more Assets allocation in a stock portfolio is one strategy that investors do to minimize risks in investing. In this paper, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Multi Objective Linear Programming (FMOLP) will be used to obtain optimal solution in determining asset allocation in a portfolio. By optimizing risk and return using FMOLP, assets allocated in the portfolio will have a low risk/return ratio. In addition to risk and return, several important factors in the investment sector will be added, such as; coefficient of variation (CV), price to earning growth (PEG) ratio, earning yield (EY), relative strength index (RSI), and AHP weighted score. A case study is conducted on the Indonesian Stock Exchange using data from August 2017 to July 2018.

Jurnal Matematika, 2014
ABSTRAK . Optimalisasi produksi Jenang Karomah PJ.Karomah Kudus menjadi sebuah hal yang penting u... more ABSTRAK . Optimalisasi produksi Jenang Karomah PJ.Karomah Kudus menjadi sebuah hal yang penting untuk memaksimalkan laba dengan cara mengoptimalkan penggunaan bahan baku. Program linear dengan metode simpleks adalah metode yang tepat untuk mengetahui jenang varian manakah yang memberikan keuntungan yang paling maksimal. Analisis sensitivitas dilakukan untuk batas – batas perubahan nilai pada fungsi tujuan maupun fungsi kendala, dengan tetap diperoleh tujuan yang optimal. Metode enumerasi implisit digunakan untuk mencari solusi optimal pemilihan memasak jenang yang sesuai dengan keadaan nyata di lapangan. Pengoptimalan produksi Jenang Karomah dengan program linear menghasilkan Jenang Sirsak, Jenang Mellon Strawberry, dan Jenang Durian memberikan keuntungan yang paling optimal dalam 1 kali periode memasak jenang dengan 60,0005 kg Jenang Sirsak, 9,9995 kg Jenang Mellon Strawberry, 175 kg Jenang Durian. Setelah dihitung dengan integer programming didapatkan solusi bahwa jenang yang dima...
Mathematika, 2017
Not fully fuzzylinear programming problem have two shapes of objecyive function. that is triangul... more Not fully fuzzylinear programming problem have two shapes of objecyive function. that is triangular fuzzy number and trapezoidal fuzzy number. The decision variables and constants right segment only has a triangular fuzzy number. Partial order method can be used to solve not fully fuzzy linear programming problem with decision variables and constants right segment are triangular fuzzy number. The crisp optimal objective function value generated from the partial order method.
Matematika, Dec 20, 2010
Field is integral domain and is a such that every non-zero elemen in it has multiplicative invers... more Field is integral domain and is a such that every non-zero elemen in it has multiplicative inverse. Extension field F of field K is splitting field of collections polinomial { fi(x) | i ∈ I } of K if F is the smallest subfield K containing K and all the zeros in K of the polinomial fi(x). Elemen α ∈ F is algebra over K if f (α) = 0 for some 0 ≠ f (x) ∈ K[x]. Splitting field is extension algebra.
ABSTRACT.A Let G = (V, E) be a graph and bijection map f:V → {1,2,..| V |}. For every edge uv∈E a... more ABSTRACT.A Let G = (V, E) be a graph and bijection map f:V → {1,2,..| V |}. For every edge uv∈E assign the label 1 if either f(u) divide out of f(v) or f(v) divide out of f(u) and assign the label 0 otherwise. A mapping f is called divisor cordial labeling if the difference between the number of edges having labels 0 and the number of edges having labels 1 which is to equal or less one. A graph has a divisor cordial labeling is called divisor cordial graph. Some special classes of graphs such as full binary tree graph, G*K_(2,n) graph, G*K_(3,n) graph where n even, G= graph, G= graph and sun graph〖 C〗_(n ) (〖.K〗_1 ) are divisor cordial. Keywords : divisor cordial labeling, full binary tree graph, G*K_(2,n) graph, G*K_(3,n) graph, G= graph, G= graph and sun graph
Mathematika, 2016
Fully fuzzy linear programing is part of a crisp linear programming (linear programimg with a num... more Fully fuzzy linear programing is part of a crisp linear programming (linear programimg with a number of crisp) which the numbers used are fuzzy numbers. Solving a fully fuzzy linear programming problems by using Kumar method to fuzzy optimal solution and crisp optimal value.. Solving fuzzy optimal solution by Kumar method on triangular fuzzy number to divide into tree objective functions and defuzzification by using ranking function and α - cutting to get crisp optimal solution. This paper discusses about Kumar methods method for solving fully fuzzy linear programming in which fuzzy numbers used are triangular fuzzy numbers.
Universitas Diponegoro (Diponegoro University)|Institutional Repository.
Papers by bambang irawanto