Papers by Prihadi Nugroho
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Knowledge can encourage local economic development today. But the ability to adapt to the use of ... more Knowledge can encourage local economic development today. But the ability to adapt to the use of information technology that is able to drive knowledge transfer, innovation and productivity of the region differs between the urban and peri-urban areas. This causes the competitiveness of the suburbs to be low. This study aims to determine the concept of forms and mechanisms of dissemination of information and information dissemination in peri-urban areas in Indonesia.
Penduduk perdesaan dikenal sebagai kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan adaptasi yang baik... more Penduduk perdesaan dikenal sebagai kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan adaptasi yang baik terhadap tekanan dan risiko pada penghidupan mereka. Salah satu bentuk adaptasi penduduk perdesaan yaitu dengan melakukan strategi migrasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis peran strategi migrasi yang dilakukan oleh rumah tangga di Desa Padas, Desa Jono, dan Desa Gawan. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The emergence of ‘new’ batik industry clusters in the Java mainland in the early 2000s has raised... more The emergence of ‘new’ batik industry clusters in the Java mainland in the early 2000s has raised inquiries towards the interplay between indigenous business formation and government intervention. Following the historical trajectories, the batik industry has performed an intergenerational family business model by forwarding long-standing local genius in local development. However, top-down government intervention has also taken a key role in driving the local batik industry. Batik industry clusters in Barlingmascakeb Region may perform differently. This study focuses on scrutinizing how their persistence may contribute to local development where either the tradition root or policy support is missing. A mixed-method approach with sequential strategy was used by conducting case study analysis of the key informants and statistical analysis on the development of batik industry clusters in situ. The results show that their persistence is mostly encouraged by opportunistic trading busines...
Industrial clustering approach has increasingly drawn much attention from a wide range of develop... more Industrial clustering approach has increasingly drawn much attention from a wide range of development agencies in Indonesia regarding to its instrumentality to supporting regional developments. Arguably, this approach can provide broader access to and redistribution of recources through interregional linkages and cooperation between firms in producing goods and services
Jurnal Riptek, Dec 25, 2020
Jurnal Riptek, Dec 25, 2020

As a growing metropolis in the north coast Java region, Semarang City has been transforming from ... more As a growing metropolis in the north coast Java region, Semarang City has been transforming from a port city to a multifunctioning city. Mercantilism tradition has brought forward the local economy into trade and service dominance, shifting the city to become an important marketplace beyond the peripheral boundaries. Interestingly, the city's urbanisation growth does not follow 'a common trend' in Indonesia (and many parts of the world) characterized by modernized urban fabrics with mixed land use. The city is suffered from fragmented physical urban transformation and separated formal and informal economy. The urban sprawling forces are scattered around the city outskirt while the inner city's development filled up by discontinued commercial properties. On the other hand, there is 'a new direction' of urban movement based on the bottom-up kampong revitalisation. Instead of encouraging more modernized physical and economic space, these kampong settlements have proposed creative economy from below useful to (re-)organising the economic space of the urban region. This paper aims to examine how the recent urban transformation in Semarang City has been fuelled by creative economy activities through which the kampong settlements promote local community resilience. Desk study method accompanied by focus group discussions and field observations is completed in pursuit of data collection and analysis. The primary data source is taken from the Local Development Planning Authority project on creative kampong development since 2016. The preliminary results show that kampong-based creative economy movement at the urban scale is beneficial to enhancing the informal economy and urban settlement development. Participatory governance has been strengthened following income generation in situ even though their contribution to community resilience in the long-term still requires further explorations.

Entrepreneurs in cities are prone to direct market change and urban growth in a country. Those wh... more Entrepreneurs in cities are prone to direct market change and urban growth in a country. Those who do not possess strong business network and strategic alliance are likely out of the game immediately. Building community entrepreneurship thus becomes critical to provide collective business network and learning, particularly for smaller entrepreneurs and new entrants, through the mobilization of social capital. This paper aims to examine how urban community institutionalizes the embedded stock of social capital in the neighborhood to cultivate sound entrepreneurial ambience parallel with the individual pursuit of profit maximization. The multiple strategies of incorporating traditional and informal inherited values into the contemporary dynamics of market and urban growth are quite successful to sustain the continuation of home-based industry in the neighborhood. The case study approach was undertaken to observe the re-emergence of local batik industry in Kampung Laweyan of Surakarta ...

The existence of business clusters can strengthen the resilience of the economy which mainly rely... more The existence of business clusters can strengthen the resilience of the economy which mainly rely on existing potential. In 2006, industry and trade sector dominated by SMEs at 99% and approximately 30% of the population of SMEs in Indonesia are in Central Java. One of Klaten district, known as the dominance of small industrial activity. The flagship product of Klaten in 2013 is one industrial clusters batik. Industrial cluster is one of the small industry that has become the main economic commodities in Bayat, Klaten. Batik has been a source employement for the majority of people in Bayat, Klaten. Batik as local economic development able to create an ascsociation with related business like entrepreneur/batik craftsmen, supplier of raw materials, and buyer. The linkage will certainly have an impact on the business dependence. The dependence of batik craftsmen on suppliers of raw materials and the buyer mat ant any time be a time bomb for enterpreneurs/craftsmen batik. Moreover, in i...

Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu kota yang memiliki tingkat risiko banjir tinggi. Tingginya per... more Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu kota yang memiliki tingkat risiko banjir tinggi. Tingginya perubahan penggunaan lahan dari waktu ke waktu menimbulkan semakin meningkatnya risiko bencana banjir di Kota Semarang pada masa mendatang. Berkurangnya tutupan lahan akan mengakibatkan semakin sedikitnya infiltrasi air ke dalam tanah dan mengakibatkan kekeringan panjang di musim kemarau. Sebaliknya, berkurangnya tutupan lahan juga akan berdampak pada semakin besarnya limpasan air hujan ke permukaan yang pada akhirnya mengakibatkan terjadinya bencana banjir besar di musim penghujan. Salah satu wilayah yang terdapak banjir di Kota Semarang adalah wilayah RW XVII Kelurahan Srondol Wetan. Wilayah RW XVII Srondol Wetan terdampak banjir akibat dari luapan sungai yang berada di wilayah tersebut yang terjadi di musim penghujan. Kondisi drainase yang buruk dan kurangnya resapan air menjadi salah satu penyebab meluapnya sungai di wilayah tersebut. Untuk melakukan mitigasi melalui kegiatan pembanguna...
Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan multidimensi yang berkaitan dengan berbagai aspek, seperti ekon... more Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan multidimensi yang berkaitan dengan berbagai aspek, seperti ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan politik. Di sisi lain, kemiskinan sering diartikan sebagai ketidakberdayaan individu dalam mengakses sumber daya. Permasalahan kemiskinan terjadi di Kabupaten Wonosobo yang merupakan kabupaten termiskin di antara 15 kabupaten miskin lain nya di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Menurut data dari BAPPEDA Kabupaten Wonosobo tahun 2015 , Kabupaten Wonosobo memiliki persentase penduduk miskin sebesar 22,02%. Hal tersebut tentunya juga berlaku di salah satu desa yang ada di Kabupaten Wonosobo yaitu Desa Tal unombo dengan jumlah 222 KK yang terdiri dari 1.913 jiwa tergolong miskin.

Pola urbanisasi di Indonesia sejak periode Orde Baru hingga sekarang belum mampu melepaskan diri ... more Pola urbanisasi di Indonesia sejak periode Orde Baru hingga sekarang belum mampu melepaskan diri dari permasalahan klasik, yaitu tingginya ketimpangan antar wilayah. Sistem perkotaan yang terbentuk tidak berhasil menjamin terciptanya perubahan ekonomi struktural secara bertahap dari masyarakat agraris ke masyarakat industri-jasa. Sekurangnya ada tiga tantangan utama yang dihadapi dalam mengatasi permasalahan urbanisasi. Pertama, orientasi pembangunan belum dapat menyediakan media antarmuka untuk menyelesaikan konflik dikotomis antara pembangunan sektor pertanian dan industri. Kedua, titik berat pembangunan keruangan masih bertumpu pada pembangunan kota (urban biased), sehingga desa sekedar dianggap sebagai daerah pelengkap semata. Ketiga, ketimpangan distribusi pelayanan publik semakin menjadi sebagai akibat dari polarisasi pembangunan sektor-sektor perkotaan secara insentif. Bertolak dari keprihatinan tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja sistem perkotaan ...

Perkembangan pembangunan kawasan industri berperan besar mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional m... more Perkembangan pembangunan kawasan industri berperan besar mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional maupun regional, investasi, teknologi baru, membuka lapangan pekerjaan, kompetisi pasar dan daya saing perusahaan. Permasalahan pengelolaan kawasan industri antara lain belum siapnya infrastruktur (pelabuhan, jalan, listrik, fasilitas), Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) daerah, regulasi, serta perbedaan persepsi antara perusahaan dengan aspek ekonomi. Demikian halnya dengan Kawasan Industri Suge (KIS) di Kabupaten Belitung meskipun telah di canangkan sejak lama (dari Tahun 2001) implementasinya hingga sekarang belum berkembangan seperti yang di harapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pengembangan KIS berdasarkan persepsi pemerintah dan perusahaan. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan mengingat sejak ditetapkan KIS belum memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan bagi pertumbuhan daerah. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan pembobotan (scoring) dan skala Likert. Seca...

Industrialization in the region contributes to a prime mover for the economy so that each region ... more Industrialization in the region contributes to a prime mover for the economy so that each region competes to provide the most favorable location for the development of the export-oriented main industry. The problem of choosing the location of an industrial estate in Belitung Regency is not ready for infrastructure, RTRW, and industrial regulation. The research question is whether the location has set by the local government in accordance with normative standards/regulations. The purpose of this study is to identify the suitability of the location of Industrial Zone in Belitung Regency. Weighting is used to identify the location and factor analysis used to obtain the main variable in the development of the industrial estate. The findings are the determination of the location of Industrial Zone in Belitung Regency in accordance and fulfill technical standards as regulation, which have determined. The main variable that influences the development of industrial estate in Belitung Regen...

Indonesia as one of the developing country has some of coastal areas which utilized to develop th... more Indonesia as one of the developing country has some of coastal areas which utilized to develop the industrial activities based on manufacturing industry with labor intensive or even capital intensive.The development of industry activities in Batam are rely on domestic investment and foreign investment. One of the targeted region of industrial development is Batam City. With full support of industrial development from government on Economic Exclusive Zone, now industrial sector become the influence sector and leading sector in Gross Domestic Product of Batam City. It is also become the main focus of economic development. The aim of this research is to analyze and observe the influence of industrial activity to an increase in citizens’ economy based on income and the development of trade and services in Batam City. This research use quantitative approach with survey research method. The data collections are done with field surveys and questionnaires. Sampling which used in this resear...
Klaster dapat diartikan sebagai sekumpulan usaha yang memiliki commonality (kesamaan), concentrat... more Klaster dapat diartikan sebagai sekumpulan usaha yang memiliki commonality (kesamaan), concentration (terkonsentrasi), dan connectivity (terkoneksi). Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu Kota Metropolitan di Indonesia dengan jumlah penduduk lebih dari 1,5 juta jiwa. Sebagai Ibu Kota Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang termasuk ke dalam tipologi wilayah cepat tumbuh, Kota Semarang memiliki aktivitas ekonomi utama yaitu perdagangan, jasa, dan industri. Berdasarkan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah (RPJMD) Kota Semarang, terdapat isu strategis terkait peningkatan ekonomi dan daya saing daerah melalui pendekatan konsep klaster.

Local economic development is one of the instruments to actualize regional development utilizing ... more Local economic development is one of the instruments to actualize regional development utilizing their local resources. Resource utilization in a region als o depends on the potential in the region, such as the coconut sugar industry in the Bagelen District , Purworejo that use raw materials and local labor s . Although coconut sugar industry is small-scale industries and households, but its existence began ogled by the international market. The high demand can not be met by the owner of the industry due to lack of manpower and the middlemen involved in marketing . Because of it, fears about the sustainability of the coconut sugar industry in the District Bagelen. This research used mix ed method with Triangulation Design models. The results showed that coconut sugar and crystal sugar are difficult to continue to be a growing industry as the local economic development efforts . Coconut sugar faced a problem with the unstable price, while crystal sugar doesn’t have permission to labe...

High urban population growth that are followed by prominent urbanization phenomena is a global is... more High urban population growth that are followed by prominent urbanization phenomena is a global issue. It raises challenges and problems in various aspects, such as a decrease in environmental quality due to reduced green space, and the need for adequate and quality food availability for the growing urban population. Accordingly, as has been implementing in most advanced urban areas worldwide, urban farming activities appears as a promising solution to supply a sustaingood quality agricultural products. The Semarang City Government has designated urban farming program to promote food resilience as one of the priority development issues stated in the RPJMD 2016-2021. Following the commitment, this study aims to elaborate potentials and co-benefits to further develop the urban farming activities within the city. Descriptive and spatial analyses supported by secondary and primary data were applied to assess the findings. There are two types of urban farming activities, those are (a) loc...
Papers by Prihadi Nugroho