Papers by Munifatul Izzati

Potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum L) are one of the plants that become source of carbohydrates that he... more Potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum L) are one of the plants that become source of carbohydrates that help strengthening food. Potatoes are an annual crop that are not environmentally friendly because the potatoes can accelerate the rate of erosion. Therefore, a cultivation method is needed in polybag. Planting in polybag need to know the weight of media and seeds number for growth and production of potatoes running optimally. The purpose of this study is examine potato cultivation in polybag to improving potato growth and production. Parameters observed were plant height, wet weight of potato, tuber number, tuber weight and tuber weight/polybag. The treatments were given are media weight (V 7 : 7kg and V 10 : 10 kg) planting potatoes in land as a control and number of seeds (2 grains: 3grains and 4grains). The treatment in this research do with factorial completely randomized design in 9 different treatment and 3 repeat. Data was analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 95% confidence ...

This research conducted to treat the WWTP effluent of medicine and traditional medicine company t... more This research conducted to treat the WWTP effluent of medicine and traditional medicine company that has met the quality standards for water bodies to dispose of. The treatment is done to improve the quality of the WWTP effluent water in order to be classified as class III refer to Regulation No. 82 Year 2001. Re-treatment of WWTP effluent was conducted using artificial wetlands method that differs from the used prior treatment viz. WWTP which consists of physical and chemical treatment. The aims of the study are to assess the quality improvement of the WWTP effluent and its efficiency which has been treated using the vertical subsurface flow wetland (VSSF Wetland) and horizontal subsurface flow wetland (HSSF Wetland). The selected parameters i.e. BOD, COD, nitrite and ammonia considering surpass the class III of water quality standards. Research conducted by the lab-scale experiments were performed using two similar sizes of reactors. The reactor was filled with planting medium of ...

Soil conditioner is materials that added to the soil. Soil conditioner capable to improve soil s... more Soil conditioner is materials that added to the soil. Soil conditioner capable to improve soil structure, water holding capacity and infiltration. The aims of this research is to study the effect soil conditioner on the field capacity and growth of green peas that were planted in sandy and clay soil. The soil conditioner used in this research is consisted of two different species of aquatic plants, leaf and root E.crassipes. It is treatment was replicated 3 time. Sandy soil (T1) and clay soil (T2) without soil conditioner were served as controls. T1P1 (Sandy soil+soil conditioner leaf E.crassipes) T1P2 (Sandy soil+soil conditioner root E.crassipes) T2P1 (clay soil+soil conditioner leaf E.crassipes) T2P2 (clay soil+ soil conditioner root E.crassipes). Ratio of soil and soil conditioner is 75%:25%. Result indicated that addition of leaf and root E.crassipes conditioner significanly increased field capacity, both in sandy and clay soil. The controls soil or without soil conditioner fi...

Seaweeds have been known to have some beneficial impact in enhancing the growth of agricultural p... more Seaweeds have been known to have some beneficial impact in enhancing the growth of agricultural plant. We investigate the use of Sargassum sp. and Gracilaria verrucosa in enhancing the growth of Vigna radiata. The seaweeds were collected from Awur bay and shrimp pond in Jepara and Kendal, Central Java. The seaweeds was dried and soaked to reduce salinity, then dried again under the sun. The dried seaweeds were then finely powdered, and applied into sandy and clay soil at the proportion of soil conditioner: soil medium was 1:4. After 4 weeks composting, the mixed medium were used to plant the Vigna radiate seed. The growth of Vigna radiate was monitored by the height of the plant weekly. The collected data was analyzed using t test to compare before and after the use of seaweeds soil conditioner in certain type of soil. Results indicated that in sandy soil, Gracilaria was capable in increasing the growth of Vigna radiate by 23.86% (p=0.005). Whereas Sargassum sp increase the growth o...

Bitrogen in shrimp pond ecosystem is present in the form of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. These n... more Bitrogen in shrimp pond ecosystem is present in the form of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. These nitrogen compounds are the indication of eutrophication as nutrient enrichment in shrimp pond ecosystem is caused by the main component of feed, protein. Removal of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate from shrimp pond ecosystem is crucial as these compound are toxic to the shrimp. The aim of this research is to study the efficiency of using Gracilaria verrucosa, for nitrogen removal. The density of Gracilaria was used as treatments. The Gracilaria were arranged at density of 1kg/m2, 2kg/m3, and 3 kg/m3, and each density was put into 1m x 1m x 1.2m polyethylene enclosures, filled with 1 m3 brackish water. The performance of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate were monitored during 8 weeks of experiments. Results indicated that the presence of Gracilaria significantly reduced ammonia, nitrite and nitrate in the shrimp pond. There was a highly significant correlation between density of Gracilaria with re...

Cellulose is a constituent component of plant cell walls. Cellulose is protected by lignin and he... more Cellulose is a constituent component of plant cell walls. Cellulose is protected by lignin and hemicellulose, it is difficult to degrade so it is necessary to elaborate pretreatment component. Pretreatment is a crucial step to creation of lignocellulose-based bioethanol. Pretreatment serves to break up and remove lignin and damage to the crystalline structure of cellulose that makes unraveling cellulose into glucose. This study aims to determine the decrease in biomass and changes of anatomical structures on cotton and rice straw soaked in rice water. This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Biological Structure and Function of Plant Biology UNDIP FSM. The design used was using T-test analysis and descriptive data with the two treatments are soaking in distilled water and water field. Parameters observed decrease of biomass and structure changes ( macroscopic and microscopic). The results showed soaking rice in water significantly affect biomass decreased as much as 27.5% co...
Organic matter in the soil is a key factor in determining soil fertility. Addition of soil condit... more Organic matter in the soil is a key factor in determining soil fertility. Addition of soil conditioner is the best way to provide organic matter in the soil. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of aquatic plants as source of soil conditioner on organic contain of sandy and clay soil. This study analyze as much as 17 species of aquatic plants either from fresh water, brackish water and marine plants. Results indicated that addition of soil conditioner from aquatic plants significantly increased organic contain either in sandy or clay soil (p<0,05). In sandy soil, the highest organic contain (917%) was provided by brackish water plants, Najas marina , whereas in Clay soil was provided by marine plant, Gracilaria verrucosa (220%) Keywords : Soil conditioner, aquatic plant, sandy, clay soil

Energy crisisin many parts ofthe worldencouragesus toseekan alternative solutionto solvethe probl... more Energy crisisin many parts ofthe worldencouragesus toseekan alternative solutionto solvethe problem. Sources ofraw materialsin the manufacture ofenergy must beabundant, inexpensive, andeasy toobtain, sotakean ideato useleftovercottoncropswhich containscellulose, as well as usingacowrumen fluidslaughtehousewaste. The purposeof this study toany changesinthe anatomical structure ofcottonfibersand toinvestigate the influence ofbovinerumenfluidtodecreasebiomass.This research was conductedat the Laboratory ofBiologicalStructure and Function ofPlants,Department of Biology, FSM, UNDIP. The design used is descriptive qualitative analysis, and test T. Parameters observed were decreased biomass, and changes in anatomic structure (macroscopic and microscopic). The results showed soaking the cotton in the cow rumen fluid decreased significantly influence cotton biomass, which in the cotton control aerobic larger 0.5% decline from the anaerobic control cotton and cotton anaerobic biomass decrease...

Limbah cair industri non dairy creamer dapat mencemari lingkungan bila tidak dilakukan pengolahan... more Limbah cair industri non dairy creamer dapat mencemari lingkungan bila tidak dilakukan pengolahan dengan baik. Bahan-bahan pencemar yang terkandung dalam limbah cair berupa senyawa organik dan anorganik baik dalam keadaan tersuspensi maupun terlarut mampu menurunkan mutu badan air bahkan menimbulkan bau sehingga dapat mengganggu keseimbangan lingkungan. Pemanfaatan limbah cair non dairy creamer sampai saat ini belum optimal, sehingga perlu suatu upaya untuk menjadikan limbah tersebut lebih berguna yaitu sebagai alternatif bahan baku produk lain dengan memanfaatkannya sebagai media tumbuh Saccharomyces cerevisiae untuk produksi protein sel tunggal, dan fungsi bioremediasi, agar lingkungan juga terjaga dari pencemaran oleh limbah cair non dairy creamer. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengelolaan limbah cair non dairy creamer sebagai media tumbuh Saccharomyces cerevisiae untuk produksi protein sel tunggal dan fungsi bioremediasi. Penelitian lingkungan dilakukan di Dukuh Cabean, ...

The porosity of soil is one of the parameters of soil porosity. Tanah Merah in Madura island has... more The porosity of soil is one of the parameters of soil porosity. Tanah Merah in Madura island has low fertility. This soil not good to used because the physical structure and has low nutrition. The addition of organic materials from solid and liqiud organic fertilizer can increase soil porosity and spinach growth. The research aimed to determine the effect of solid, liquid organic fertilizer, and their combination to increase porosity and spinach growth. The design of the research is completely randomized design (RAL) with a single factor with combination treatment media, control treatment with no treatment to media (P0), media were given solid organic fertilizer (P1), media were given liquid organic fertilizer (P2), and media were given combination of solid and liquid organic fertilizer (P3). Analysis of the data used Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) continued by DMRT test with significance level of 95%. The results of the research showed organic fertilizer given effect to the i...

ABSTRAK Usaha peternakan sapi di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih mementingkan produktivitas terna... more ABSTRAK Usaha peternakan sapi di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih mementingkan produktivitas ternak dan belum mempertimbangkan aspek lingkungan atau dampak kegiatan terhadap lingkungan. Limbah peternakan yang dihasilkan seharusnya tidak lagi menjadi beban biaya usaha tetapi menjadi hasil ikutan yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi dan bila mungkin setara dengan nilai ekonomi produk utama (daging).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengelolaan kotoran ternak dan alasan yang mempengaruhi peternak penggemukan sapi potong memilih cara pengelolaan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif untuk mengumpulkan data primer dari responden dan didukung dengan studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara diperoleh hasil sebagian besar peternak memanfaatkan kotoran ternak sebagai pupuk.Pembuatan pupuk relatif sederhana dengan menumpuk kotoran ternak di suatu tempat dibiarkan membusuk sendiri tanpa perlakuan khusus kemudian setelah jumlahnya banyak dibawa...
This experiments was conducted as response to the serious negative impact of shrimp aquacultres i... more This experiments was conducted as response to the serious negative impact of shrimp aquacultres into the environment. The shrimp-Gracillaria polyculture system was hypothesized to reduce excess pollutant in the shrimp pond. Variation in Gracillaria density was used as treatments. Two important aspects are discussed in this paper, that are the effect on shrimp productivity and efficiency in carbon energy conversion into harvestable products. There were significant evidences that the shrimp-Gracllaria polyculture system increase the sizes, total biomass, survival and growth rate of shrimp. The density of Gracillaria was positively correlated with all of those parameters. The carbon energy conversion was also significantly affected by Gracillaria density. The carbon energy conversion into harvestable products was more efficient if Gracillaria density was increased.

Artificial rice is rice made from non-carbohydrate rice approached or exceeded conventional rice.... more Artificial rice is rice made from non-carbohydrate rice approached or exceeded conventional rice. Making artificial rice from cassava flour and kidney bean flour is solution for the needs of healthy food society . This experiment aims to analyze and assess the nutritional value of artificial rice made from cassava flour and kidney bean by means of proximate analysis and to analyze and assess the preference level for artificial rice. Experimental studies using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor, namely the number of comparisons cassava flour to kidney bean flour, consisted of 3 standard formula is F1 with comparison between cassava and kidney bean flour as much 2:1, F2 with comparison between cassava and kidney bean flour as much 1:1 and F3 with comparison between cassava and kidney bean flour as much 1:2. The methods of this experiment were proximate analysis and test preferences value. The results show that the formula of artifisial rice that the best nutrition ...

Gracilaria verrucosa adalah salah satu jenis rumput laut yang berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan dan d... more Gracilaria verrucosa adalah salah satu jenis rumput laut yang berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan dan dikembangkan terutama digunakan di lahan tambak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peranan Gracilaria verrucosa dalam menurunkan kandungan Nitrogen (N) dan Mangan (Mn) dalam sedimen pada tambak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di tambak desa Mororejo, Kendal dan Laboratorium Biologi Struktur dan Fungsi Tumbuhan FSM Universitas Diponegoro. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap. Penelitian ini menggunakan tambak metode monokultur udang, monokultur Gracilaria verrucosa dan polikultur yang berisi udang, bandeng dan Gracilaria verrucosa. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis of Variance (ANOVA) dilanjutkan uji beda nyata Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf signifikasi 9 5%. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kandungan N dan Mn dalam sedimen . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan N dan Mn dalam sedimen lebih banyak pada sistem budidaya monokultur udang dibandi...

Storage of agricultural products is an important thing to do in post-harvest handling. Bogor Taro... more Storage of agricultural products is an important thing to do in post-harvest handling. Bogor Taro ( Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) is a perishable agricultural products at harvest time, so it takes a good handling to be able to maintain its quality as a functional food ingredient (instead of rice). This study aims to determine the long effect of storage on morphology changes, proximate and vitamin B 1 content of the tuber Bogor taro. The study design used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) for storage time of 5 days (K.I), 10 days (K.II) and 15 days (K.III) with three replications. The main parameters of the study are the morphological changes (weight loss, shrinkage diameter, tuber damage, the presence of buds) and the chemical changes (proximate and vitamin B 1 content). The parameters also play a role in the form of environmental storage conditions (temperature, humidity and light intensity). The analysis of the data was done using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by furth...

ABSTRAK Arthropoda tanah memiliki peran yang penting dalam jaring-jaring makanan khususnya di tan... more ABSTRAK Arthropoda tanah memiliki peran yang penting dalam jaring-jaring makanan khususnya di tanah. Pengetahuan mengenai kelimpahan, serta keanekaragaman arthropoda tanah ini sangat berguna dalam pemahaman tentang peran dan fungsinya dalam memperbaiki kuaitas lingkungan lahan pertanian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman arthropoda, serta perannya dalam memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan lahan pertanian khususnya tanah, penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lahan pertanian pekarangan (urban farming) organik di Desa Penanggungan Kec. Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto dan dibandingkan dengan pertanian intensif di Desa Pandanrejo, Kec. Bumiaji, Kota Batu Jawa Timur. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan metode mutlak dan nisbi, metode mutlak dilakukan dengan mengambil tanah dengan pipa, sedangkan metode relatif menggunakan pitfall trap. Kelimpahan arthropoda tidak berbeda nyata antar kedua pengamatan, dari pengamatan metode mutlak didapatkan jenis arthropoda tanah di lahan urba...

Rubber tree ( Hevea brasilliensis Mull. Arg.) are commodities that have an important role in Indo... more Rubber tree ( Hevea brasilliensis Mull. Arg.) are commodities that have an important role in Indonesia. Gibberellin and auxin can accelerate seed dormancy breaking. The aim of this research was to study the effects of gibberellin and auxin on the germination and growth of Hevea brasilliensis Mull. Arg. This research was conducted in December 2014 until Pebruary 2015 in Bringin village, sub district of Bringin, Semarang Regency and Laboratory structure and function of plant biology, FSM Diponegoro University. The arrangment used is the full factorial pattern of random design (RAL) with two factors, namely the gibberellin (G0,G1,G2) and auxin (I0,I1,I2). This research using nine treatments, each of treatment are three replicates. Parameters were observed such as percent of germination, rate of germination, height of plant, number of leaves,length of the roots, wet weight, and dry weight. The analysis of data used is Analysist of Variances (ANOVA), if it shows significant results then ...
Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa not only produce oxygen but also consume oxygen. Consider the prod... more Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa not only produce oxygen but also consume oxygen. Consider the production and consumption of the oxygen, we can determined that the production and consumption models of oxygen like a logistic models. Finally, in this paper presented a role to determine an optimum time of the oxygen production and consumption.

Leachate is liquid waste released from accumulated landfill which contains various dissolved comp... more Leachate is liquid waste released from accumulated landfill which contains various dissolved compound, particularly organic matter. Leachate rinses the dissolved materials, as well as organic materials from biological decomposition process. Decomposition process releases decomposition result quickly using available oxygen and creates anoxic environment. Leachate can cause water pollution, both of ground and surface water that needs to be handled properly. The aim of this study to evaluate the survival and performance of H.verticillata and E.crassipes as phytoremediator on leachate of Jatibarang landfill in Semarang. This research used leachate which is combined with fresh water. There were three repetition of it is treatment. The treatment are 100% leachate, 75% leachate dissolved with 25% fresh water, 50% leachate dissolved with 50% fresh water and 25% leachate dissolved with 75% fresh water. Phytoremediator plant in fresh water without leachate served as control. Results of the study showed that the presence of E. crassipes was effective in increasing pH and dissolved oxygen in leachate. Compared to H. verticillata, E. crassipes shows better survival growth rates and performance. To reach an optimum remediation result the leachate should be dissolved in 25% leachate and 75% of fresh water.

Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi, Feb 26, 2018
Produksi kedelai di Indonesia mengalami penurunan karena kondisi cuaca yang tidak menentu, maka p... more Produksi kedelai di Indonesia mengalami penurunan karena kondisi cuaca yang tidak menentu, maka perlu dilakukan penanaman kedelai yang toleran terhadap cekaman kekeringan untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini. Kedelai melakukan adaptasi cekaman kekeringan dengan cara mengakumulasi prolin untuk melindungi sel dari kerusakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat ketersediaan air terhadap pertumbuhan dan kandungan prolin pada tanaman kedelai varietas Wilis dan Grobogan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Greenhouse Gombel Lama dan di Laboratorium Biologi Struktur dan Fungsi Tumbuhan Jurusan Biologi FSM Undip. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial, 2 faktor yaitu tingkat ketersediaan air dan varietas dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 pengulangan. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis of Variance (Anova) dilanjutkan uji beda nyata Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf signifikasi 95%. Parameter yang diamati adalah kandungan Prolin dan pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, berat basah dan kering tajuk, berat basah dan kering akar). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat ketersediaan air berpengaruh terhadap kandungan prolin dan pertumbuhan. Ketersediaan air terendah menghasilkan kandungan prolin tertinggi, yaitu pada varietas Grobogan sebesar 2,15 µmol/gr dan Wilis 2,30 µmol/gr. Varietas tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kandungan prolin dan pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai, tetapi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun trifoliat. Varietas Grobogan lebih unggul terhadap cekaman kekeringan dibandingkan Wilis dilihat dari tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun trifoliat.
Papers by Munifatul Izzati