Papers by Diyah Fatmasari
Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi, Jun 7, 2024
Jurnal Health Sains, Apr 18, 2023
Gingivitis marginalized is an early stage of periodontal disease in the form of inflammation of t... more Gingivitis marginalized is an early stage of periodontal disease in the form of inflammation of the gingiva Analysis of Cross-Sectional and Retrograde Data on the Prevalence of Marginal Gingivitis . In general, the main factor causing gingivitis is plaque . Plaque is a layer of biofilm on the tooth surface consisting of microorganisms. Plaque bacteria that are not cleaned and stick to the surface of the teeth or between the teeth, if left unchecked, will become a toxin that

JDHT Journal of Dental Hygiene and Therapy
Background: The profession of dental and oral therapist (TGM) has a high risk of disease transmis... more Background: The profession of dental and oral therapist (TGM) has a high risk of disease transmission, so it is important to prevent cross-infection in dental extraction services because they come into direct contact with the patient's body fluids. The description of TGM behavior in Maros Regency in preventing cross infection is not optimal, 50% do not carry out SOPs properly, 63% do not maintain hand hygiene, 50% do not change handscoons and sterile masks every time they change patients. Efforts are needed to increase cross-infection prevention behavior with the "Fidz-ABCT" Model as an educational model based on learning by doing training with the aim of improving TGM behavior in preventing cross-infection during tooth extraction procedures in community health centers. Objective: To prove the effectiveness of implementing the "Fidz-ABCT" educational model in improving TGM behavior towards preventing cross infection during tooth extraction procedures at commu...

JDHT Journal of Dental Hygiene and Therapy
Background: One of the dental and oral health problems experienced by Indonesian society is maloc... more Background: One of the dental and oral health problems experienced by Indonesian society is malocclusion with a prevalence of 80%. The role of the Dental and Oral Therapist (TGM) in orthodontic treatment who collaborates with specialist dentists to correct malocclusion so that it functions well is not yet fully effective because the TGM only implements/chair side assistants in the fourth stage when the TGM should carry out all stages of dental and oral health care . So it is necessary to develop dental and oral health maintenance in specialist orthodontic services. Objective: To produce and analyze the effectiveness of implementing dental and oral health care in specialist orthodontic dentistry services. Research Method: The research method used is Research and Development and Quasy experimental research design Pretest-Posttest group design. The research respondents were TGM at the Muhammadiyah University Semarang dental and oral hospital, TGM intervention 10 people were given model...
Asian journal of dental and health sciences, Jun 15, 2024
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 2018

Journal of Applied Health Management and Technology, 2019
Tooth brushing programs that have been carried out in schools have not been able to change the br... more Tooth brushing programs that have been carried out in schools have not been able to change the brushing behavior of elementary school students, shown by OHI-S value = 1.3; DMF-T=1.09, def-t=1.78. Program improvement in behavioral aspects needs to be done to improve the dental health level of elementary school students. Behavioral changes are influenced by information. Information will be stored as much as 20% if delivered through visuals, 50% of the cost is delivered through audiovisual media and 70% if implemented in real practice. Analyze the effectiveness of the audiovisual media model on tooth brushing habits of schoolchildren Method is Quasy experiment with pretest and posttest with control group design. The sample was divided into 2 groups, the audiovisual model in the intervention group, and the brushing program in the control group. The treatment was carried out for 21 days, the measurements were carried out pre-experiment, 25th and 35th days. Data were tested using the tes...

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 5, 2023
Caries is caused by microbial activity of a fermented carbohydrate. Preventive efforts gargling m... more Caries is caused by microbial activity of a fermented carbohydrate. Preventive efforts gargling mouthwash contains antibacterial, long-term use has side effects, so we need herbal ingredients that have antibacterial properties, one of which is celery leaves. This study aims to prove the potential of celery leaf extract (Apium graveolens L.) as a mouthwash ingredient in reducing the number of bacterial colonies compared to formulary controls without active ingredients. This type of research used laboratory and field experiments with pretest-posttest consisting of the intervention group of celery leaf extract mouthwash formulation concentrations of 30%, 15% and control formulary without active ingredients, the sample consisted of 39 people, the sample was rinsed for 1 minute. Saliva collection before and after gargling. The variable studied was the number of bacterial colonies. The results of the Paired t-test for the number of bacterial colonies at a concentration of 15% showed a Δ-105.846 p-value of 0.025 meaning that there were differences in bacterial colonies before and after rinsing, a 30% concentration had a Δ value of 17.846 pvalue 0.351 and a control value of 7.385 p-value 0.183 meaning that there is no significant difference but there is a decrease in the number of bacterial colonies. The conclusion of this study is that giving celery leaf extract mouthwash with a concentration of 30% for 1 minute is effective in reducing the number of bacterial colonies compared to formularies without active ingredients. 183 means there is no significant difference but there is a decrease in the number of bacterial colonies. The conclusion of this study is that giving celery leaf extract mouthwash with a concentration of 30% for 1 minute is effective in reducing the number of bacterial colonies compared to formularies without active ingredients. 183 means there is no significant difference but there is a decrease in the number of bacterial colonies. The conclusion of this study is that giving celery leaf extract mouthwash with a concentration of 30% for 1 minute is effective in reducing the number of bacterial colonies compared to formularies without active ingredients.

Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi
One cause of teeth apperance disruption is teeth discoloritation. Tooth disclorisation caused by ... more One cause of teeth apperance disruption is teeth discoloritation. Tooth disclorisation caused by intrinsic, extrincic and aged related factor. Several ways to change yellow teeth become white teeth. Baking soda is one of such material which can whiten teeth. Recent research aims to find 30% and 50% baking soda solution effectiveness towards teeth discolorisation.Experimental with pre-post group design was used as research design. Baking soda solution was made with two different concentration (30 and 50%), then teeth was measured the white level with shade guide. Samples then soaked in baking soda solution for 5, 10, and 15 days. Every 5 days the teeth was re-measured the white level until 15 days. Research results shown baking soda solution 50% is more effective to whiten teeth than baking soda solution 30%. Further research about baking soda for whiten teeth is needed. Key words : Baking Soda, soaked, tooth discoloritation
Jurnal Kebidanan, Apr 27, 2023

Fluoride plays an important roles in reducing dental caries by improving remineralization and str... more Fluoride plays an important roles in reducing dental caries by improving remineralization and strengthening email through fluoroapatite forming which is more resistant to acid. The available fluoride dosage form have disadvantages due to its difficulties to control dose and to overcome first hepatic metabolism. Fluoride systemic delivery system to maintain therapeutic plasma concentration need to be developed, and one attractive candidate is transdermal route. Aims this research were to develop patch containing natrium fluoride, to find fluoride concentration on blood and teeth after application and also to study its biocompatibility. Quasy experimental design with post test only control group as research approach was used. Serial transport test with vertical diffusion cell was used as the instrument to examine in vitro skin permeation test with full thickness rat skin as membrane between donor and receptor compartment. Donor was filled with either fluoride solution, fluoride added chemical enhancer and fluoride patch. Sample was taken for time interval of 8, 24 and 48 hours and fluoride concentration was measured by Potensiometer Spesific Fluoride Ion. An in vivo experimentation was done by appliying NaF patch onto dorsal mouse skin and blood sample was taken after 8, 24 and 48 hours to determine fluoride concentration. Teeth was extracted two weeks after application to determine fluoride. Treatment group was patch containing NaF 1.000, 750 and 500 ppm, while patch without NaF was used in control group. Skin sensitisation was evaluated visually for biocompatibility test. Research results showed fluoride can penetrate to the skin. Time of transport influences weight of fluoride and enhancer can increase absorption rate of fluoride. Fluoride weight after transport test of NaF patch for 8-48 hours with patch concentration 0, 500, 750 dan 1.000 mg/L (ppm) was 0.06-0.18 μ
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research, Jul 1, 2018
International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 2018
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Dec 30, 2020

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 6, 2023
Caries is caused by microbial activity of a fermented carbohydrate. The results of Basic Health R... more Caries is caused by microbial activity of a fermented carbohydrate. The results of Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) state that the largest proportion of dental problems in Indonesia are damaged/cavities/sick teeth (45.3%). Preventive efforts gargling mouthwash contains antibacterial, long-term use has side effects, so we need herbal ingredients that have antibacterial properties, one of which is celery leaves. This study aims to prove the potential of celery leaf extract (Apium graveolens L.) as a mouthwash ingredient in inhibiting the growth of caries-causing bacteria and being able to reduce the number of bacterial colonies compared to formulary controls without active ingredients. This type of research used laboratory and field experiments with pretest-posttest consisting of the intervention group of celery leaf extract mouthwash formulation concentrations of 30%, 15% and control formulary without active ingredients, the sample consisted of 39 people, the sample was rinsed for 1 minute. Saliva collection before and after gargling. The variables studied the inhibition of bacteria. The results of the inhibition of Streptococcus mutans bacteria carried out by the ANOVA test at a concentration of 15% showed a mean of 5 mm and a concentration of 30% with a mean of 6.2 mm with a pvalue of 0.000 which means that there was a significant difference in inhibiting Streptococcus mutans bacteria, while the control had a mean of 0. 0 mm which means there is no resistance formed. The conclusion of this study is that giving celery leaf extract mouthwash Calculate the inhibition zone with a concentration of 15%, 30% being able to inhibit bacteria while the control has no inhibition on Streptococcus mutans bacteria.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 20, 2023
Dental and oral health problems that are most commonly found in elementary school children are de... more Dental and oral health problems that are most commonly found in elementary school children are dental caries. Dental and oral health problems are caused by behavior in maintaining dental and oral health. Behavior change can be done through Oral Health Education. The application of AR-based LED media can improve the dental and oral health maintenance behavior of elementary school children. The purpose of the literature review is to describe an intervention that utilizes the potential of LED (Dental Lamp Education) media as an alternative medium for improving the dental and oral health maintenance behavior of elementary school children. This study uses a systematic literature review (SLR), which is a synthesis of the results of a systematic, clear, comprehensive literature study by identifying, analyzing, evaluating through data collection an existing research result with an accurate search method and involving a critical review process. in study selection. The results of a systematic literature review found that there were 5 studies stating that there were dental and oral health problems in elementary school children, and a number of 15 studies found that AR media was effective in improving dental and oral health behavior in elementary school children. From the results of a literature study, the form of AR-based LED media can be developed as a media for promoting oral health in elementary school children. Several studies have developed AR media in the form of EMT, Dental Smile, which has proven effective in improving behavior in maintaining the oral health of elementary school children.

Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of giving moringa leaf nanoparticles to changes in b... more This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of giving moringa leaf nanoparticles to changes in blood calcium levels and blood pressure in women of childbearing age with hypertension. The method used in this research is Quasi Experiment with Pretest–Posttest With a Control Group design. The results showed that the average increase in calcium levels in the intervention group after treatment was 0.49, and in the control group was 0.18. The average decrease in diastolic blood pressure was 18.50 mmHg in the intervention group and 6.81 mmHg in the control group. The average reduction in systolic blood pressure was 16.19 mmHg in the intervention group and 6.00 mmHg in the control group. In conclusion, the administration of moringa leaf nanoparticles effectively increases blood calcium levels and reduces blood pressure in women of childbearing age with hypertension. Keywords: Hypertension, Blood Calcium Levels, Moringa Leaf Nanoparticles, Blood Pressure, Women of Reproductive Age

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 26, 2022
Dental health at school age with normal children is better than that of deaf children due to limi... more Dental health at school age with normal children is better than that of deaf children due to limited communication due to hearing loss to receive information. Children who are basically easily saturated or bored, the strategy to overcome this problem is that a medium or method is needed in the form of a BISINDO visualization model in the form of a website-based learning video through the senses of the eye so that deaf children understand the content of the material so that changes in teething behavior are obtained. The purpose to produce alternative behavior change through the Indonesian Sign Language (BISINDO) visualization model of effective dental health to improve the brushing behavior of deaf children. The research methoad use Research and Development (R&D) and model trials using quasy experiment methods (pre and post test with control group desaign). Sampling using the lemeshow formula obtained 10 samples of children per group based on inclusion criteria. The intervention group to measure knowledge, attitudes, actions and debris indexes was then given education using the BISINDO visualization model for 21 days. The control group to measure knowledge, attitudes, actions and debris indexes was then given education using leaflet and phantom media. Results : The feasibility test of the Indonesian Sign Language visualization model (BISINDO) of websitebased dental and oral health obtained an average score of 85.6% (very feasible). The implementation of this model is effective in increasing knowledge (p=0.003), attitude (p=0.000), action (p=0.001), and lowering the debris index score (p=0.033). Conclusion : The websitebased Indonesian Sign Language (BISINDO) visualization model of dental and oral health is feasible as an alternative to behavior change and effectively improves brushing behavior compared to the control group
Papers by Diyah Fatmasari