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Demokrasi di Mesir ibarat kolam tanpa ikan dan air. Ikan-ikan di kolam tersebut mati, karena tidak ada air yang memungkinkannya hidup dan beranak-pinak". 3 Itulah perumpamaan yang dipopulerkan Muhammad Husein Haikal perihal rapuhnya... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesMaritime History
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Jumbo Sand Bag filled with local site sand, so that not sinking because similar in gravity, a tetrapode will sink in alluvial coast not suitable for protecting mangrove sheed till growth as natural coast storm barrier
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Nakayasu Unit Hydrograph is a simple method by using spreadsheet to calculate run off or reservoir Inflow for example in Malahayu reservoir located in Kabuyutan river of Pemali Comal - Central Java jurisdiction basin under Cimanuk... more
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On the Job Training module ; mention  Planning of Water Quality Monitoring Systems, Water Quality Management, Sampling, Total Maximum Delivery Load, etc
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Quality Modeling
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Last Planner System (LPS) is one of Lean Construction's tools for scheduling to enhance project's reliability, productivity, and performance. It has already been widely adopted in many developed countries and shown benefits, such as... more
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Last Planner System (LPS) is one of Lean Construction's tools for scheduling to enhance project's reliability, productivity, and performance. It has already been widely adopted in many developed countries and shown benefits, such as... more
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Expansive soils have proved to be problematic to most Civil Engineering structures. Several researchers have tried to look for different materials which can alter the properties of these poor soils, and among them are lime and cement,... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySTABILIZATION OF EXPANSIVE SOILS
To date, non-destruction testing (NDT) method is the most popular method to assess the condition of road pavement. Among all evaluation procedures of the NDT method, load-deflection backcalculation analysis is one that is developed widely... more
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    • Geology
In 1943, Burmister introduced an analytical solution to overcome a practical problem in designing an economical pavement with sufficient thickness over a subgrade to provide adequate support for traffic load. Using this solution, a... more
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      Materials ScienceElastic ModulusModulusDeflection
The temperature within the asphalt pavement layers varies due to the influence ofenvironmental factors including air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and the reflectance of pavement surface. The temperature distribution... more
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      Environmental ScienceAsphaltMultidisciplinaryElsevier
Construction of the first toll road in Indonesia, namely Jagorawi connecting Jakarta and Bogor, started in 1973 and operated in 1978. In further developments, since 1987, the government provides an opportunity for the private companies to... more
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      BusinessEngineeringTransport EngineeringMultidisciplinary
Kinerja campuran beraspal perlu ditingkatkan dengan memodifikasi campuran beraspal untuk menghasilkan campuran yang kuat, tahan lama dan tahan terhadap deformasi plastis. Sementara kehadiran sampah plastik yang melimpah membutuhkan 1.000... more
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      Materials ScienceAsphaltPolyethyleneComposite Material
Teknologi campuran aspal hangat (WMA) memungkinkan pencampuran, penghamparan, dan pemadatan pada temperatur lebih rendah dibandingkan pencampuran aspal panas (HMA). Teknologi ini dilakukan dengan menambahkan bahan aditif bernama Sasobit.... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceAsphalt
Instances of missing data are common in pavement condition–performance databases. A common practice today is to apply statistical imputation methods to replace the missing data with imputed values. Pavement management decision makers must... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringComputer ScienceData Mining