Papers by Fernando Quesada
In praise of giving: Understanding the American Heart (English edition title) written by Guy Sorm... more In praise of giving: Understanding the American Heart (English edition title) written by Guy Sorman and published in 2013 is the trigger of this bibliographic essay. U.S. American philanthropy is a relevant field of study. This subject has an important tradition of perspectives and point of views. Especially in North America, but also around the world, there are a lot of studies on this issue.
In this essay, I analyze from the first books and studies on North American philanthropy, the most important point of views about the issue, until the current and sundry perspectives. And I try to show that for many reasons, the book of Guy Sorman is not an important contribution to this field of studies.
This paper is an study on the Rockefeller Fellowships to the developmente of the history in the U... more This paper is an study on the Rockefeller Fellowships to the developmente of the history in the University of Chile (Center of Research for American History)
Hardback 978-1-4094-3186-2 £65.00 Includes 27 b&w illustrations Academic autonomy has been a domi... more Hardback 978-1-4094-3186-2 £65.00 Includes 27 b&w illustrations Academic autonomy has been a dominant issue among Latin American social studies, given that the production of knowledge in the region has been mostly suspected for its lack of originality and the replication of Euro-American models. Politicization within the higher education system and recurrent military interventions in universities have been considered the main structural causes for this heteronomy and, thus, the main obstacles for 'scientific' achievements. This groundbreaking book analyses the struggle for academic autonomy taking into account the relevant differences between the itinerary of social and natural sciences, the connection of institutionalization and prestige-building, professionalization and engagement.
Review on a book about Philanthropic Foundations
L OS ORGANISMOS INTERNACIONALES de cooperación y las fundaciones filantrópicas han tenido una fun... more L OS ORGANISMOS INTERNACIONALES de cooperación y las fundaciones filantrópicas han tenido una función relevante en la emergencia y consolidación del campo científico. La asistencia técnica y financiera comenzó a tomar un fuerte impulso en los años posteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, especialmente cuando la Organización de las Naciones Unidas creó a la UNESCO para promover el desarrollo cultural. Otro impulso vino cuando las fundaciones norteamericanas reactivaron el proceso de internacionalización que habían comenzado en la etapa de entreguerras. 1 En el escenario de la Guerra Fría, la cooperación internacional comenzó a mostrar múltiples tensiones y las periferias se convirtieron en territorios estratégicos en los cuales se desenvolvió la contienda por la dominación simbólica a nivel mundial.
Books by Fernando Quesada

Óscar J. Martín García and Lorenzo Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla (eds.), New York & Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2020
In the 1960s and 1970s, the educational systems in Spain and Latin America underwent comprehensiv... more In the 1960s and 1970s, the educational systems in Spain and Latin America underwent comprehensive and ambitious reforms that took place amid a "revolution of expectations" arising from decolonization, global student protests, and the antagonism between capitalist and communist models of development. Deploying new archival research and innovative perspectives, the contributions to this volume examine the influence of transnational forces during the cultural Cold War. They shed new light on the roles played by the United States, non-state actors, international organizations, and theories of modernization and human capital in educational reform efforts in the developing Hispanic world. Óscar J. Martín García is a tenure-track researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. This series bridges the divide between studies of Latin America and peninsular Spain by employing transnational and comparative approaches that shed light on the complex societies, cultures, and economies of the modern age. Focusing on the cross-pollination that was the legacy of colonialism on both sides of the Atlantic, these monographs and collections explore a variety of issues such as race, class, gender, and politics in the Spanish-speaking world. Cover photograph: Courtesy Uníversídad de Alcalá. Servicio de biblioteca e-BUAH Repositorio Institucional.
Juan Jesús Morales (comp.)"Filantropía, ciencia y universidad: nuevos aportes y análisis sociohistóricos sobre la diplomacia académica en América Latina" (2018), Santiago de Chile: Ediciones UCSH , 2018
"Filantropía, ciencia y universidad: nuevos aportes y análisis sociohistóricos sobre la diplomacia académica en América Latina" (2018), Santiago de Chile: Ediciones UCSH , 2018
Texto introductorio al libro compilado por Juan Jesús Morales "Filantropía, ciencia y universidad... more Texto introductorio al libro compilado por Juan Jesús Morales "Filantropía, ciencia y universidad: nuevos aportes y análisis sociohistóricos sobre la diplomacia académica en América Latina" (2018), Santiago de Chile: Ediciones UCSH

Con el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial sobrevino una reconfiguración del sistema internacional... more Con el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial sobrevino una reconfiguración del sistema internacional que cambió la distribución global del poder. Las potencias históricas -Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania e Italia-emergieron de la guerra con sus estructuras económicas afectadas y sus potenciales bélicos disminuidos. En contraposición, Estados Unidos se proyectó como la potencia hegemónica dominante del bloque occidental y la Unión Soviética como su contraparte ideológica, dando origen a un sistema bipolar de poder. Desde 1947 hasta 1989, la Guerra Fría, con sus particulares formas de acción bélica e ideológica, dominó las relaciones entre los Estados y proveyó un marco ideológico para la proyección de la influencia de Estados Unidos . La segunda postguerra marcó un nuevo estadio en el sistema de acumulación, caracterizado por el impulso del complejo militar-industrial, el relativo consenso entre capital y trabajo y la expansión mundial de las empresas norteamericanas, elementos cuyas condiciones de posibilidad fueron garantizadas por la sostenida intervención del Estado en los asuntos económicos, a la vez que produjo una integración creciente de la economía mundial capitalista (Lewontin, 1997: 2-7).
Papers by Fernando Quesada
In this essay, I analyze from the first books and studies on North American philanthropy, the most important point of views about the issue, until the current and sundry perspectives. And I try to show that for many reasons, the book of Guy Sorman is not an important contribution to this field of studies.
Books by Fernando Quesada
In this essay, I analyze from the first books and studies on North American philanthropy, the most important point of views about the issue, until the current and sundry perspectives. And I try to show that for many reasons, the book of Guy Sorman is not an important contribution to this field of studies.