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Abstract It has been shown that seasonal changes, especially in arid areas have a large influence on gonadal changes of the species that inhabit these areas. We studied a wild hystricomorph Microcavia australis in its natural habitat in... more
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In many mammals, sperm associations had been observed, but not in the mouse. In this work, mouse sperm rosettes are morphologically described inside the epididymis and during its dissolution in a culture medium. Also characterized are the... more
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      Cell AdhesionScanning Electron MicroscopyEnzyme InhibitorsTransmission Electron Microscopy
Glycosidases secreted by the epididymis become bound to the surface of spermatozoa during their transit through the epididymal duct. They are believed to play a role in mammalian fertilization. In the present report, we demonstrate that... more
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      GlucuronidaseAlkaline phosphataseClinical SciencesHuman Spermatozoa
Fluid of rat cauda epididymidis was obtained by flushing the duct with 0.25 mol 1-' sucrose in 0.01 mol 1-' Tris-HC1 buffer'pH 7.4. The fluid was centrifuged at 600 x g for 15 min and the sperm free supernatant was centrifuged at 47000 x... more
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      Electron MicroscopyProteinsClinical SciencesRats
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      Electron MicroscopyHypercholesterolemiaClinical SciencesAcrosome
Fertilization in mammals comprises a sequence of events leading to the fusion of sperm and oocyte membranes. Although proteases are known to be involved in this process, their role in fertilization is controversial. There is extensive... more
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      Fluorescence MicroscopyWestern blottingGelatinSodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
Cadmium is an environmental toxic metal implicated in human prostate carcinogenesis. The mechanism of its toxicity is not fully understood. Previously, we showed that cadmium exposure induces oxidative stress, especially lipid... more
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      Electron MicroscopyCholesterolHeavy MetalDrinking Water
We previously demonstrated that mouse sperm capacitation is accompanied by a time-dependent increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation that is dependent on the presence of BSA, Ca 2؉ , and NaHCO 3 , all three of which are also required... more
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      Developmental BiologyBiological ChemistrySignal TransductionBiological Sciences
The molecular basis of mammalian sperm capacitation, defined as those biochemical and functional changes that render the sperm competent to fertilize the egg, is poorly understood. This extratesticular maturational process is accompanied... more
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      Developmental BiologyBiological SciencesSequence alignmentMice
Background Vitamin A deficiency induces activation of NF-kB and impairs activities of antioxidant enzymes in aorta.
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      Nutrition and DieteticsCytokinesTransmission Electron MicroscopyOxidative Stress
The severe environments where Phymaturus lizards inhabit in the Andes highlands and in Patagonia, Argentina, impose restrictions on their reproduction, offering a framework for the development of life history strategies to overcome hard... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyTransmission Electron MicroscopyPatagonia
The acrosome reaction is a specialized exocytotic process. In the mouse there is compelling evidence that receptor-mediated activation of GTP-binding proteins by factors in the zona pellucida of oocytes is a central event in the acrosome... more
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      AndrologyFluoridesPeptidesClinical Sciences
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      BiochemistryImmunologyMolecular BiologyMolecular
Hypercholesterolemia represents a high risk factor for frequent diseases and it has also been associated with poor semen quality that may lead to male infertility. The aim of this study was to analyze semen and sperm function in... more
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      MultidisciplinaryCell morphologycyclic AMPNew Zealand
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      Fluorescence MicroscopyTransmission Electron MicroscopyCryopreservationCell separation
Las caveolinas son dominios de membrana plasmática que participan en el secuestro de lípidos y proteínas. Las caveolas tienen un papel pivotal en el metabolismo de lípidos, regulación del crecimiento, transducción de señales y apoptosis.... more
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      Signal TransductionLipid metabolismSkeletal MusclePlasma Membrane
Cardiovascular disease is often associated with chronic kidney disease and vice versa; myocardial vitamin D receptors (VDRs) are among the probable links between the 2 disorders. The vitamin D receptor activator paricalcitol protects... more
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      Cardiac ArrhythmiasRatsMyocardiumCoronary Circulation
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      ZoologyHerpetologyEcological Applications
Whole seminal plasma (SP) enhances the function and fertility of frozen/thawed ram sperm. The objective of the current study was to investigate whether SP proteins capable of binding to molecules from the sperm plasma membrane were... more
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      CryopreservationTheriogenologyBiological SciencesSheep
Phymaturus zapalensis inhabits harsh thermal environments in the steppe of Patagonia, Argentina, characterized by climate conditions that impose constraints on reproduction, providing an appealing model to study the role of steroid... more
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    • Zoology