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The present paper describes the development of an accident and incident database for the Biodiesel Industry for the period 2003eNovember 2013. The work performed is related to the collection of data from different documental sources and... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringBiodieselRisk Analysis
The process to obtain biodiesel is simple, however it is a chemical process in which toxic and flammable substances are used or variables like temperature or pressure should be controlled to avoid any kind of incident. Literature report... more
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      BusinessBiodieselHuman ReliabilityHuman Errors
During the last decade biodiesel production facilities has had a fast growth all over the world. Productions levels and installed capacity have increased continuously to respond the demands of renewable oils. This growth has been... more
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Numerous theoretical models and techniques to assess human error were developed since the 60's. Most of these models were developed for the nuclear, military, and aviation sectors. These methods have the following weaknesses that limit... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceAviationHuman Machine Interface
which ethanol can be found. This growth has been accompanied by rising accidental rates. Given the difficulty of modelling the human error in this type of facilities, the objective of the present work is to determine if there is... more
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This work presents a study of accidents with fatalities in biofuel industries. The objective is to present preliminary accident risks associated with biodiesel and ethanol plants. The analysis is based on data occurring from 2003 to... more
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      Environmental ScienceBiofuel
El artículo analiza la relevancia de estudiar la historia, la configuración y el rol que ha tenido el Estado en Brasil. El concepto de paradigma de Estado, que implica una nueva interpretación de la forma que adopta la economía y la... more
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      International RelationsStateEstado
El presente relato de experiencias se centra en la trayectoria de proyectos de extensión y prácticas sociales educativas desarrollados por un equipo interdisciplinario de docentes y estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo en el... more
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