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Pedaling For a Purpose and the Simple Joy

June 30, 2017
The 2017 Raven Rock Ramble raised over $30,000 last month to assist kidney patients with emergency needs, while also promoting awareness of organ donation. The annual event celebrates the joy of cycling after one man’s kidney transplant. It also gives back to a continuum of care at the UNC Kidney...

Department Highlights Current UNC Kidney Center Research

June 30, 2017
UNC nephrology is the most recently featured division on UNC’s Department of Medicine web site highlighting current research in each division; a review of ongoing research in our division from glomerulonephritis (ANCA and lupus), patient centered research to emerging technologies is available featuring many projects and faculty. The major areas...

Cynthia Denu-Ciocca, MD, Joins Editorial Board of the American Society of Nephrology for Continuing Medical Education

May 3, 2017
Dr. Cynthia Denu-Ciocca, an Associate Professor of Medicine in UNC’s Division of Nephrology, has been selected to serve on the editorial board of the American Society of Nephrology’s (ASN) Education Program. Dr. Denu-Ciocca is one of 14 national nephrologist clinicians to serve on the ASN Kidney Self-Assessment Program (KSAP) board,...

Keisha Gibson, MD, Has Been Appointed Chief of Pediatric Nephrology

March 22, 2017
Gerald Hladik, MD, Chief of the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, has announced the appointment of Keisha Gibson, MD, MPH, as Chief of Pediatric Nephrology “It is with great pleasure that we announce Dr. Gibson’s appointment in pediatric nephrology,” said Gerald Hladik, MD. “Dr. Gibson has dedicated her life to...

Lori O’Brien, Ph.D., Joins Research Mission of UNC Kidney Center

February 9, 2017
“A thorough understanding of how the nephron and its specialized cell types form, function, and respond to disease is essential to our ability to develop new therapies and regenerative strategies.” – Dr. Lori O’Brien The UNC Kidney Center has welcomed Dr. Lori O’Brien, a new Assistant Professor in the Department...

Gerald Hladik, MD, Appointed Chief of the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension

January 19, 2017
Ronald Falk, MD, Chairman of the Department of Medicine has announced that Gerald Hladik, MD, has been appointed Chief of the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension. “Gerald Hladik is a consummate clinician educator who embodies the academic mission of UNC Medicine, along with the research collaboration and caregiving that is...