Papers by L. Van Wallendael
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1985
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2000
... Koss, 1991). These violent pat terns in dating relationships are often initially experienced ... more ... Koss, 1991). These violent pat terns in dating relationships are often initially experienced in high school relationships (Gryl, Stith, & Bird, 1991; Henton, Cate, Koval, Lloyd, & Christopher, 1983; Stickel & Ellis, 1991). Only about ...
The Journal of General Psychology, 1991
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 2001
A Web site ( has been established to support an interdisciplinary ... more A Web site ( has been established to support an interdisciplinary course in cognitive science. The modules include introductory reading material, interactive exercises/virtual laboratory, and pointers to existing material on the Web. Our approach to using the Web in support of instruction differs from distance learning initiatives because it is centered on an instructor and classroom experiences. The Web-based modules are used to supplement classroom lectures and provide an interdisciplinary perspective.
Teaching of …, 2003
... Paula Goolkasian Lori Van Wallendael Jane F. Gaultney University of North Carolina, Charlotte... more ... Paula Goolkasian Lori Van Wallendael Jane F. Gaultney University of North Carolina, Charlotte ... Aberson, Berger, Healy, Kyle, and Romero (2000) evaluated a Web-based tutorial on the central limit theorem; the tuto-rial allowed students to draw samples of varying sizes and ex ...
Police Quarterly, 2009
This article examined the feasibility of a computer-based program that alleviates the human resou... more This article examined the feasibility of a computer-based program that alleviates the human resource challenge associated with blind photoarrays (photoarrays in which the investigator is blind to the suspect's identity). Students watched videotaped crimes and attempted to identify the perpetrators from photoarays conducted by a "virtual officer" who responds to simple voice commands or by research assistants playing the role of investigators. The student investigators and virtual officer produced comparable identification performance and student reactions to the photoarray procedures. Results of this evaluation study are encouraging, and the authors recommend further laboratory and field testing of the virtual officer technology for conducting blind lineups.
Police Quarterly, 2009
This article examined the feasibility of a computer-based program that alleviates the human resou... more This article examined the feasibility of a computer-based program that alleviates the human resource challenge associated with blind photoarrays (photoarrays in which the investigator is blind to the suspect's identity). Students watched videotaped crimes and attempted to identify the perpetrators from photoarays conducted by a "virtual officer" who responds to simple voice commands or by research assistants playing the role of investigators. The student investigators and virtual officer produced comparable identification performance and student reactions to the photoarray procedures. Results of this evaluation study are encouraging, and the authors recommend further laboratory and field testing of the virtual officer technology for conducting blind lineups.
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2000
... Koss, 1991). These violent pat terns in dating relationships are often initially experienced ... more ... Koss, 1991). These violent pat terns in dating relationships are often initially experienced in high school relationships (Gryl, Stith, & Bird, 1991; Henton, Cate, Koval, Lloyd, & Christopher, 1983; Stickel & Ellis, 1991). Only about ...
Psychological Reports, 1997
46 participants rated the distinctiveness of a series of 40 photographed faces of black and white... more 46 participants rated the distinctiveness of a series of 40 photographed faces of black and white targets. Average ratings of African-American male and female targets were higher for African-American raters than for white raters. Average ratings of Caucasian male and female targets were higher for Caucasian raters than for African-American raters. No significant effects of targets' sex or raters' sex were seen. Results are discussed in relation to cross-racial effects in face recognition by eyewitnesses.
The Journal of General Psychology, 1991
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 2001
Papers by L. Van Wallendael