Papers by Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling

Journal of Community Psychology, 2020
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are a fast-growing source of healthcare for women with... more Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are a fast-growing source of healthcare for women with intersectional identities, or those most frequently exposed to and negatively impacted by interpersonal trauma. According to the "3 E" conceptualization of trauma, certain Event- and Experience-related characteristics of a trauma predict victims' physical and mental health Effects. The "3 Es" have yet to be studied in female FQHC patients. The current study examined the prevalence of interpersonal trauma and interrelationships among traumatic Event-related factors (e.g., cumulative trauma by victim-perpetrator relationship), Experience-related factors (e.g., betrayal, resilience), and Effects (e.g., somatic symptoms, posttraumatic stress (PTS), anxiety/depression, mistrust, reduced sense of safety) among 138 predominantly Black (89.1%) women receiving care at an FQHC in the southeastern U.S. Roughly 65% of participants (n = 86) endorsed exposure to at least one type of interpersonal trauma. More cumulative trauma was significantly correlated with more somatic, PTS, and anxious/depressive symptoms, and a reduced sense of safety. Experiences of betrayal and/or resilience were better predictors of PTS and anxious/depressive symptoms and lack of safety than Event-related factors. Findings support the need for the implementation of trauma-informed care within community-based health centers. Healthcare providers should consider women's subjective experience of trauma when screening for exposure and providing trauma-sensitive care.

Journal of Community Psychology, 2019
Aims: A mixed-methods study details a multidisciplinary team's efforts to assess and transform po... more Aims: A mixed-methods study details a multidisciplinary team's efforts to assess and transform police response to sexual assault in a mid-size community. Method: A police department-wide survey (n = 331) determined baseline levels of officer exposure to trauma-informed training, rape myth acceptance, and awareness of community and nationwide sexual assault movements to understand officer attitudes towards factors influencing sexual assault investigations. These data, in conjunction with SAMHSA's (2012) traumainformed assumptions, were leveraged to develop and adopt trauma-informed policies that would enhance the police department's response to sexual assault. Results: At baseline, few officers reported receiving traumainformed interviewing training (21.8%) or having knowledge of local SAK, #MeToo, or #TimesUp movements (10.0%, 7.2%, 3.9%, respectively). Chi-square analyses suggested officer knowledge of community SAK movement, personal investment in learning about sexual assault, and understanding of trauma were higher in officers with versus without training; of concern, officers with more sexual assaults on their caseload were more likely to endorse rape myths. Training understanding was related to lower rape myth acceptance. Conclusions: Policy changes, including adding traumainformed training to the Police Academy, were implemented by the MDT to promote a system-wide trauma-informed approach to sexual assault and ensure community safety.
Deviant Behavior, 2016
ABSTRACT This study tested the role of social learning and self-control theories in the variety o... more ABSTRACT This study tested the role of social learning and self-control theories in the variety of violent delinquent behaviors engaged in by male and female adolescents (N = 833). Results of Tobit analyses indicated that neither theory was able to account for the gender gap. Low self-control was significantly associated with an increase in the variety of violent delinquency among females. Among male respondents, those who were more susceptible to peer pressure engaged in fewer types of violent delinquency. We conclude that theories must actively recognize the role of gender to better account for the differences in violent delinquent behavior.

Journal of Community Psychology, 2020
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are a fast-growing source of healthcare for women with... more Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are a fast-growing source of healthcare for women with intersectional identities, or those most frequently exposed to and negatively impacted by interpersonal trauma. According to the "3 E" conceptualization of trauma, certain Event- and Experience-related characteristics of a trauma predict victims' physical and mental health Effects. The "3 Es" have yet to be studied in female FQHC patients. The current study examined the prevalence of interpersonal trauma and interrelationships among traumatic Event-related factors (e.g., cumulative trauma by victim-perpetrator relationship), Experience-related factors (e.g., betrayal, resilience), and Effects (e.g., somatic symptoms, posttraumatic stress (PTS), anxiety/depression, mistrust, reduced sense of safety) among 138 predominantly Black (89.1%) women receiving care at an FQHC in the southeastern U.S. Roughly 65% of participants (n = 86) endorsed exposure to at least one type of interpersonal trauma. More cumulative trauma was significantly correlated with more somatic, PTS, and anxious/depressive symptoms, and a reduced sense of safety. Experiences of betrayal and/or resilience were better predictors of PTS and anxious/depressive symptoms and lack of safety than Event-related factors. Findings support the need for the implementation of trauma-informed care within community-based health centers. Healthcare providers should consider women's subjective experience of trauma when screening for exposure and providing trauma-sensitive care.

Journal of Community Psychology, 2019
Aims: A mixed-methods study details a multidisciplinary team's efforts to assess and transform po... more Aims: A mixed-methods study details a multidisciplinary team's efforts to assess and transform police response to sexual assault in a mid-size community. Method: A police department-wide survey (n = 331) determined baseline levels of officer exposure to trauma-informed training, rape myth acceptance, and awareness of community and nationwide sexual assault movements to understand officer attitudes towards factors influencing sexual assault investigations. These data, in conjunction with SAMHSA's (2012) traumainformed assumptions, were leveraged to develop and adopt trauma-informed policies that would enhance the police department's response to sexual assault. Results: At baseline, few officers reported receiving traumainformed interviewing training (21.8%) or having knowledge of local SAK, #MeToo, or #TimesUp movements (10.0%, 7.2%, 3.9%, respectively). Chi-square analyses suggested officer knowledge of community SAK movement, personal investment in learning about sexual assault, and understanding of trauma were higher in officers with versus without training; of concern, officers with more sexual assaults on their caseload were more likely to endorse rape myths. Training understanding was related to lower rape myth acceptance. Conclusions: Policy changes, including adding traumainformed training to the Police Academy, were implemented by the MDT to promote a system-wide trauma-informed approach to sexual assault and ensure community safety.
Deviant Behavior, 2016
ABSTRACT This study tested the role of social learning and self-control theories in the variety o... more ABSTRACT This study tested the role of social learning and self-control theories in the variety of violent delinquent behaviors engaged in by male and female adolescents (N = 833). Results of Tobit analyses indicated that neither theory was able to account for the gender gap. Low self-control was significantly associated with an increase in the variety of violent delinquency among females. Among male respondents, those who were more susceptible to peer pressure engaged in fewer types of violent delinquency. We conclude that theories must actively recognize the role of gender to better account for the differences in violent delinquent behavior.

Neuropsychology Review, 2004
In the September 2001 issue of Neuropsychology Review Miller and Rohling published a description ... more In the September 2001 issue of Neuropsychology Review Miller and Rohling published a description of the Rohling Interpretive Method (RIM). These authors indicated that the RIM could be used to analyze an individual patient's test results obtained from a flexible neuropsychological battery. Two critiques of the RIM were submitted (Palmer, Appelbaum, & Heaton, 2004; Willson & Reynolds, 2004), both of which are printed in the current issue. This paper is a response to these two author groups concerns about the clinical and psychometric feasibility of the RIM. We provide both psychometric theory and data analyses to refute each of the two author groups' main objections. We conclude with a recommendation that neuropsychologists adopt the RIM for use in their day-today practice to improve their diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning skills. The main reason for use of the RIM is to avoid several common errors in clinical judgment that have been well documented in the literature (e.g., Dawes, Faust, & Meehl, 1989).

Neuropsychology Review, 2004
In the September 2001 issue of Neuropsychology Review Miller and Rohling published a description ... more In the September 2001 issue of Neuropsychology Review Miller and Rohling published a description of the Rohling Interpretive Method (RIM). These authors indicated that the RIM could be used to analyze an individual patient's test results obtained from a flexible neuropsychological battery. Two critiques of the RIM were submitted (Palmer, Appelbaum, & Heaton, 2004; Willson & Reynolds, 2004), both of which are printed in the current issue. This paper is a response to these two author groups concerns about the clinical and psychometric feasibility of the RIM. We provide both psychometric theory and data analyses to refute each of the two author groups' main objections. We conclude with a recommendation that neuropsychologists adopt the RIM for use in their day-today practice to improve their diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning skills. The main reason for use of the RIM is to avoid several common errors in clinical judgment that have been well documented in the literature (e.g., Dawes, Faust, & Meehl, 1989).

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced couples to navigate illness-related stressors and unique public ... more The COVID-19 pandemic has forced couples to navigate illness-related stressors and unique public health responses, including extended lockdowns. This study focused on under-resourced North Carolina residents (n = 107) who self-reported changes in relationship conflict (Increased, Decreased, Stayed the Same) and intimate partner violence (IPV) during the pandemic. We expected high rates of increased conflict and IPV since the start of the pandemic. We then sought to determine the associations between dyadic changes in conflict and reports of IPV and pandemic-related experiences and responses. Participants completed a brief online survey assessing their demographics, COVID-19 exposure/stressors, and pandemic responses. As expected, reports of increased couple conflict were related to difficulties getting needed social support, loss of health insurance, more fear and worry, stress, pain, and greater use of alcohol and/or illicit drugs, related to the coronavirus. Participants reporting...

Aggressive Behavior, 2019
Attitudes about violence and sex in dating relationships were related to psychological, physical,... more Attitudes about violence and sex in dating relationships were related to psychological, physical, and sexual teen dating abuse perpetration and victimization. Data from Wave 4 of the national, randomly selected, Growing up with Media cohort (n = 876 adolescents aged 14-19 years), collected in 2011, were analyzed. Dating youth perceived more peer pressure to have sex and were more accepting of sex in brief or non-marital relationships than pre-dating youth. Boys had higher levels of rape-supportive attitudes than girls. Among dating youth, the relative odds of involvement in teen dating abuse as a perpetrator or a victim were generally associated with greater acceptance of relationship violence, perceived peer pressure to have sex, and acceptance of sex in brief and/or non-marital relationships. Rape-supportive attitudes were not significantly associated with any type of teen dating abuse involvement. Programs aimed at preventing dating abuse might benefit from targeting attitudes associated with sexual activity as well as relationship violence.

Journal of Adult Development, 2018
The developmental transition from adolescence to adulthood, a period of time known as emerging ad... more The developmental transition from adolescence to adulthood, a period of time known as emerging adulthood, is marked by great personal growth and interpersonal maturation (Arnett, Emerging adulthood: The winding road from the late teens through the twenties, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004). Risk-taking behaviors are seen as a significant impediment to positive development during emerging adulthood. However, few researchers have examined how underlying cognitive processes contribute to the development and exacerbation of risk-taking behaviors at this time. In the current study, we examined the multivariate associations between early maladaptive schemas (disconnection and rejection, impaired autonomy, impaired limits, other-directedness, overvigilance, and inhibition) and expected involvement in five indices of risky behaviors for college women (n = 341) and college men (n = 143). Gender-specific patterns emerged in the prediction of different risk-behavior indices. Early maladaptive schemas accounted for 24% of the variance in men’s anticipated engagement in risky sexual behavior (vs. 9% of women’s). Early maladaptive schemas accounted for 20% of the variance in women’s anticipated engagement in both academic/work and illegal/aggressive risky behaviors (vs. 11 and 9% of men’s). In addition, unique schema domains differentially predicted variance in risky sexual, illicit drug use, heavy drinking, and aggressive/illegal risk behavior for each gender. Gender-sensitive and schema-specific prevention efforts for different types of risky behaviors, often present during emerging adulthood, may be warranted.

Violence and Victims, 2000
Parental divorce, history of parental relationship separation, perceptions of interparental confl... more Parental divorce, history of parental relationship separation, perceptions of interparental conflict, and witnessing parental violence were retrospectively assessed in a sample of 213 college students from several regions in the United States, all of whom had suffered an unwanted break-up of an important romantic relationship. This study investigated whether these family-of-origin experiences were associated with perpetrating unwanted pursuit behaviors after the relationship break-up. Results indicated that male participants who had experienced either parental divorce or separation perpetrated more severe unwanted pursuit behavior than males who had not experienced parental divorce or separation or females from either divorced, separated, or intact families. For females, severe unwanted pursuit behavior perpetration was correlated with threatening and intense parental arguments. These findings suggest that a variety of types of negative parental relationship behavior may be risk fac...

Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP, Jan 10, 2018
Standard evaluation practice in public health remains limited to evaluative measures linked to in... more Standard evaluation practice in public health remains limited to evaluative measures linked to individual projects, even if multiple interrelated projects are working toward a common impact. Enterprise evaluation seeks to fill this policy gap by focusing on cross-sector coordination and ongoing reflection in evaluation. We provide an overview of the enterprise evaluation framework and its 3 stages: collective creation, individual data collection, and collective analysis. We illustrate the application of enterprise evaluation to the Gulf Region Health Outreach Program, 4 integrated projects that aimed to strengthen health care in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Shared commitment to sustainability and strong leadership were critical to Gulf Region Health Outreach Program's success in enterprise evaluation. Enterprise evaluation provides an important opportunity for funding agencies and public health initiatives to e...

SOJ Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016
With passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, the integrated health care model has becom... more With passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, the integrated health care model has become standard in the United States. Implementing integrated healthcare teams has been empirically shown to improve patient health outcomes and reduce health care costs system-wide. Pharmacists are positioned to play a pivotal role, especially as health educators, in this new model. However, several systemic and policy-related barriers may impede pharmacists from realizing their full potential in the new integrated healthcare world. This paper describes the evolving integrated health care system and pharmacists' potential role in it. Through the use of real-world case examples, we elucidate how promoting pharmacists' full participation is likely to positively affect patient health outcomes. We conclude with some policy considerations related to pharmacists' abilities to function as key agents of change within the integrated health care system.

Partner Abuse, 2012
The current review addresses two central questions: 1) What motivates partners to perpetrate IPV ... more The current review addresses two central questions: 1) What motivates partners to perpetrate IPV and 2) Whether such motivations differ between men and women? Delineating whether there are gender differences in motivations for perpetrating IPV has important clinical and policy implications. Specifically, if men's violence is enacted in order to subjugate women and keep them in a position of vulnerability and disempowerment, then the treatment of men's violence will best be understood in the context of societal inequities for women. Correspondingly, if women's violence is primarily enacted out of self-defense in response to their male partner's violence, they should not be considered "husband batterers". Furthermore, they are unlikely to benefit from being mandated to abuser/batterer treatment programs that were designed specifically for men. On the other hand, if both men's and women's violence is motivated by anger management concerns, lack of skills to communicate successfully with intimate partners, or because of jealousy perhaps resulting from an inability to securely attach to one's partner, different types of IPV interventions are likely to be necessary and these interventions may not need to be so gender-specific. Instead, less gender-specific interventions that take into account these latter types of motivations for violence may need to address perpetrator-specific psychological issues as well as relationship-specific concerns. We collected and summarized all available papers that report empirical data related to men's and women's motivations for IPV (n = 73 empirical studies; n = 1 book chapter; 75 total samples). Included studies were published in 1990 or later, appeared in peer-reviewed journals, and contained empirical data. To facilitate direct gender comparisons, the motives reported in each obtained study were coded by the current authors into seven broad categories: (a) Power/Control, (b) Self-defense, (c) Expression of Negative Emotion (i.e., anger), (d) Communication Difficulties, (e) Retaliation, (f) Jealousy, and (g) Other. These studies were also coded by the nature of the sample they assessed as follows: large population samples (Table 1),
Journal of Substance Abuse, 2000
Journal of Family Violence, 2000
Domestic violence research has increasingly focused on the identification of batterer subgroups. ... more Domestic violence research has increasingly focused on the identification of batterer subgroups. Although typologies have been proposed using the utility of both empirical and theoretical methodologies, studies comparing empirically derived and theoretically based typology solutions have not been conducted. To what degree mental health practitioners can successfully classify batterers into subgroups is also not known. To address these questions, data
Papers by Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling