Andrew Cohen's contribution to the field of interlanguage pragmatics has been significant and fruitful. My aim here is not so much to evaluate his work critically as it is to point out weaknesses in the field of interlanguage... more
... Recent approaches and re-evaluations of face (Locher and Watts 2005; Arundale 2006, 200710) have revived Goffman's (1955) conceptualization of face as discursively constructed in interaction. For example, Arun-dale's... more
Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies does not indicate a claim of ownership by IGI Global of the trademark or registered trademark. Library of... more
Issues in Political Discourse Analysis is a multidisciplinary journal focusing on the analysis of language (possibly in conjunction with other semiotic systems) in the course of our lives as citizens of established polities of various... more
Th is paper argues that genre notions, as understood by (Fairclough, 2003), can provide an over-arching unit of analysis to accommodate both top-down and bottom-up analyses of im-politeness. Th ese notions are here applied to the study... more
Introduction: Face, identity and im/politeness.
Looking backward, moving forward: From Goffman to practice theory
Introduction to special issue on face and identity
Journal of Politeness Research 9(1)
Looking backward, moving forward: From Goffman to practice theory
Introduction to special issue on face and identity
Journal of Politeness Research 9(1)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the functionality of conflict talk (Grimshaw, 1990; Bou-Franch and Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, 2014) as an ideologically loaded, indirect index of identity construction (Kiesling, 2013). It focuses on the... more
The aim of this paper is to explore how the analysis of im/politeness can be tackled from a discursive pragmatics perspective. Pragmatics and discourse analysis are interrelated disciplines as they are both concerned with language use.... more
The aim of this chapter is to explore the conflictual dynamics behind one of the six thematic contents, namely the paradoxical status of Spanish within the US Latino community, that were found to make up the matrix upon which the Latino... more
The chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of impoliteness and conflict research in Spanish, assess it critically, and suggest new areas of possible development for the field. The overview unveils two main foci of interest among... more
Though, in recent years, impoliteness research has embraced a view of impoliteness as dynamically co-constructed in interaction, the role of impoliteness in polylogal discourse is still in need of further examination. Drawing from a... more