Donald Haggis
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Post-Ph.D. Research Grants, Scientific Reseach Grantee
Donald Haggis is Professor of Classical Archaeology in the Department of Classics and the Curriculum in Archaeology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research interests include settlement structure in the Aegean; the archaeology of Prepalatial, Protopalatial, and Early Iron Age Crete; and the development of early cities and small-scale states in the Aegean. He is a research associate in the Research Laboratories of Archaeology; co-editor of the journal Aegean Archaeology (AEA) (Warsaw); and director of the Azoria Project —the excavation of a Final Neolithic, late Prepalatial, Early Iron Age-Archaic site in eastern Crete. The excavations at Azoria explore problems in urbanization and state-formation in the Early Iron Age and Archaic period (ca. 1200-600 BC). The most recent reports on this fieldwork can be found on Academia.edu or the Azoria Project Archive in the Carolina Digital Repository:
Phone: 919-579-0184; GR 30-697-618-9872
Address: Department of Classics
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
212 Murphey Hall, CB 3145
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3145
Tel. (office) 919-962-7191
Fax. 919-962-4036
[email protected]
Director, Azoria Project (www.azoria.org)
Institute for Aegean Prehistory Study Center for East Crete
Pacheia Ammos, Ierapetra
PO Box 364, Crete GR 72200
Tel. 30-28420-93027
Cell. 30-697-618-9872
Fax. 30-28420-93017
Phone: 919-579-0184; GR 30-697-618-9872
Address: Department of Classics
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
212 Murphey Hall, CB 3145
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3145
Tel. (office) 919-962-7191
Fax. 919-962-4036
[email protected]
Director, Azoria Project (www.azoria.org)
Institute for Aegean Prehistory Study Center for East Crete
Pacheia Ammos, Ierapetra
PO Box 364, Crete GR 72200
Tel. 30-28420-93027
Cell. 30-697-618-9872
Fax. 30-28420-93017
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Papers by Donald Haggis