Universidad Nacional De Cajamarca
Para su impresión independiente, como guía para la operación del programa.
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new... more
En el marco de la teoría de los derechos fundamentales, se puede interpretar que la Constitución Política de 1993 ha consagrado por vez primera como principios y derechos de la función jurisdiccional la observancia del debido proceso y la... more
El término arcaísmo se usa para designar un término léxico o un elemento gramatical utilizada en el pasado en la mayor parte del dominio del español pero que actualmente ha desaparecido del habla cotidiana de la mayoría de hablantes, y... more
Límite líquido. Es el contenido de humedad por debajo del cual el suelo se comporta como un material plástico. A este nivel de contenido de humedad el suelo está en el vértice de cambiar su comportamiento al de un fluido viscoso.
The digital home is both the nexus of a new wave of user-centric service integration and the front line of competition between device vendors, connectivity providers, and added-value service providers. Vertical integration of provider... more
K 0 S K 0 S correlations have been studied in a sample of 717,511 hadronic events collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP during 1992. An enhancement is found in the production of pairs of K 0 S of similar momenta, as compared with a... more
Emerging applications in the area of Emergency Response and Disaster Management are increasingly demanding interactive capabilities to allow for the quick understanding of a critical situation, in particular in urban environments. A key... more
A search for the Standard Model Higgs boson was performed in the data sample of around 1 million hadronic Z 0 decays recorded in 1991 and 1992 with the DELPHI detector at LEP. The Higgs boson was searched for through its production in... more
The production of multihadronic states in collisions at LEP has been studied with the DELPHI detector. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of about 32 pb 1 , collected in the LEP runs of 1990-1992. Minimum bias data... more
The total and the dierential cross sections for the reaction e + e ! () have been measured with the DELPHI detector at LEP using an integrated luminosity of 36.9 pb 1 . The results agree with the QED predictions and consequently there is... more