Papers by Paula Furtado Goulart
Pólemos, Feb 10, 2020
RESUMO Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a acepção de linguagem para a hermenêutica filosó... more RESUMO Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a acepção de linguagem para a hermenêutica filosófica de Hans-Georg Gadamer e para o pensamento de Émile Benveniste. Ambos os pensadores, apesar de pertencerem a tradições diferentes, têm pontos de semelhança e de complementariedade quanto a suas acepções de linguagem. Para atingir tal objetivo, este artigo se divide em três partes: a primeira trata de apresentar a linguagem na acepção gadameriana, a partir da própria linguagem; a segunda consiste na apresentação do pensamento de Benveniste acerca da linguagem, que se coaduna com o gadameriano, mas a partir do funcionamento da língua natural; a última busca retomar os pontos de relação entre ambos os autores acerca da linguagem.
Perspectiva Filosófica, Mar 8, 2023

Eleuthería - Revista do Curso de Filosofia da UFMS
This paper aims to present the concept of alterity and its implications both in Gadamer’s perspec... more This paper aims to present the concept of alterity and its implications both in Gadamer’s perspective, especially, regarding the concept of formation and in Han’s thought bearing in mind the concept of Eros and the dichotomy between positivity/negativity, a central theme in “The Agony of Eros”. Based on the analysis of the concepts of alterity, it will be possible to recognize how and to what extent they are convergent and complementary, but also distinct, thoughts. That’s the reason why this article will be divided into two parts. The first one will focus on showing the context in which alterity appears in “Truth and Method” (TM), related to the concept of formation, memory, and sciences of the spirit. The second part presents alterity as the pole of negativity, of the difference, of the pain inherent to our human experience. According to Han, alterity as one of the manifestations of negativity has been slyly annihilated by the massive use of new communication technologies. After g...
Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics, 2020
Byung-Chul Han nasceu na Coreia do Sul, em 1959. Estudou Filosofia naUniversidade de Friburgo, e ... more Byung-Chul Han nasceu na Coreia do Sul, em 1959. Estudou Filosofia naUniversidade de Friburgo, e Literatura Alemã e Teologia na Universidade deMunique. Em 1994, concluiu o doutorado, com uma tese sobre Martin Heidegger, emFriburgo. Lecionou em diversas universidades alemãs. Atualmente, é autor dediversos livros sobre a sociedade contemporânea.
Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics, 2020
Byung-Chul Han nasceu na Coreia do Sul, em 1959. Estudou Filosofia naUniversidade de Friburgo, e ... more Byung-Chul Han nasceu na Coreia do Sul, em 1959. Estudou Filosofia naUniversidade de Friburgo, e Literatura Alemã e Teologia na Universidade deMunique. Em 1994, concluiu o doutorado, com uma tese sobre Martin Heidegger, emFriburgo. Lecionou em diversas universidades alemãs. Atualmente, é autor dediversos livros sobre a sociedade contemporânea.

Eleuthería Journal, 2022
This paper aims to present the concept of alterity and its implications both in Gadamer’s perspec... more This paper aims to present the concept of alterity and its implications both in Gadamer’s perspective, especially, regarding the concept of formation and in Han’s thought bearing in mind the concept of Eros and the dichotomy between positivity/negativity, a central theme in The Agony of Eros. Based on the analysis of the concepts of alterity, it will be possible to recognize how and to what extent they are convergent and complementary, but also distinct, thoughts. That’s the reason why this article will be divided into two parts. The first one will focus on showing the context in which alterity appears in Truth and Method (TM), related to the concept of formation, memory, and sciences of the spirit. The second part presents alterity as the pole of negativity, of the difference, of the pain inherent to our human experience. According to Han, alterity as one of the manifestations of negativity has been slyly annihilated by the massive use of new communication technologies. After going through the two parts, it will be possible for us to see the relations between the approaches of the two authors, who share as a common horizon Heidegger's and Hegel's thought.
Key-words: Alterity. Byung-Chul Han. Eros. Formation (Bildung). Gadamer
Papers by Paula Furtado Goulart
Key-words: Alterity. Byung-Chul Han. Eros. Formation (Bildung). Gadamer
Key-words: Alterity. Byung-Chul Han. Eros. Formation (Bildung). Gadamer