Papers by Giovanni Santos

IEEE Access, 2022
Managing and evolving a chatbot's content is a laborious process and there is still a lack of sta... more Managing and evolving a chatbot's content is a laborious process and there is still a lack of standardization. In this context of standardization, the absence of a management process can lead to bad user experiences with a chatbot. This work proposes the Chatbot Management Process, a methodology for content management on chatbot systems. The proposed methodology is based on the experiences acquired with the development of Evatalk, the chatbot for the Brazilian Virtual School of Government. The focus of this methodology is to evolve the chatbot content through the analysis of user interactions, allowing a cyclic and human-supervised process. We divided the proposed methodology into three distinct phases, namely, manage, build, and analyze. Moreover, the proposed methodology presents a clear definition of the roles of the chatbot team. We validate the proposed methodology along with the creation of the Evatalk chatbot, whose amount of interactions was of 22,771 for the 1,698,957 enrolled attendees in the Brazillian Virtual School of Government in 2020. The application of the methodology on Evatalk's chatbot brought positive results: we reduced the chatbot's human hand-off rate from 44.43% to 30.16%, the chatbot's knowledge base examples increased by 160% whilst maintaining a high percentage of confidence in its responses and keeping the user satisfaction collected in conversations stable.
… Livre (FISL), Porto …, 2004
Universidade Católica de Brasília - UCB QS 07 Lote 01 Águas Claras 71966-700 Taguatinga D... more Universidade Católica de Brasília - UCB QS 07 Lote 01 Águas Claras 71966-700 Taguatinga DF Brasil ... {fwcruz,giovanni,raissad}, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ... Abstract. The LDAP free ...
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems

2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
To meet socio-cultural demands imposed by the new millennium and its implications for education, ... more To meet socio-cultural demands imposed by the new millennium and its implications for education, it was necessary for teachers and students to participate actively in the teaching-learning process. In this context, the classes' evaluation by students has been a tool widely used in various universities in different countries. For institutions and teachers, these assessments allow knowing and measuring the results, further analysis of the institutional status, reviewing projects, adjusting goals, diagnosing weaknesses and correcting possible deviations. For the monitoring and improvement of this process, it was necessary to create instruments that aimed to evaluate the performance of the proposed changes. The teaching-learning methodology adopted in the Introduction to Computer Science classes may be a process that makes it difficult to understand the principles of language programming for undergraduate students in Computer Science and related areas, generating high failure and course drop out rates. This paper presents an analysis of the results obtained in the Introduction to Computer Science classes taught in five Engineering courses, of the Faculty of Gama (FGA) at University of Brasília (UnB). It was analyzed the evaluation questionnaire answered by the undergraduate students in 2017, perform validation of the questionnaire, check the level of students satisfaction in relation to the evaluated subject and the association among the level of satisfaction, the percentage of practical activities of the discipline, student performance and the level of absenteeism. 519 responses were studied, 63% of students reported satisfaction with the classes taken, however a significant number of students 37% reported dissatisfaction with assessment practices and the dynamics of the classes.

2019 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS)
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is the research area concerned with the use of data mining methods ... more Educational Data Mining (EDM) is the research area concerned with the use of data mining methods and its development in order to explore data sets collected in educational platforms. EDM has a considerable potential to improve the education quality. In this paper, we first model the Moodle variables of the Brazilian National School of Public Administration (Enap) database. Next we apply EDM to understand the standard Moodle variables influence and the proposed variables in the attendees performance and dropout rates. Our framework includes the following data mining approaches: decision tree, Adaboost based decision tree, random forest and k-means. The obtained Adaboost based decision tree outperforms the other approaches and the state-of-the-art framework with 91 % of Precision, 89 % of Recall and 90 % of F1 score in terms of the attendees performance evaluation.

More than 90% of traffic accidents are caused by humans. Therefore, the wide adoption of autonomo... more More than 90% of traffic accidents are caused by humans. Therefore, the wide adoption of autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is expected to save hundreds of thousands of lives in the next decades. One important capability of autonomous vehicles and ADAS is pedestrian detection. However, such detection becomes very challenging in scenarios where pedestrians are partially occluded, resulting in high rates of non-detection. In this paper, we improve the performance of a pedestrian classifier by proposing frameworks composed of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature extraction, combined with Support Vector Machine (SVM), and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) learning models. In order to validate the performance of the improved approach, we consider the PSU and the INRIA pedestrian datasets. The state-of-the-art detection rates for the PSU and INRIA datasets are 55% and 54%, respectively. The proposed approach achieves detection rates of 86% and 82%...

This paper presents the scenario of the Engineering courses of the Faculty UnB Gama (FGA) in rela... more This paper presents the scenario of the Engineering courses of the Faculty UnB Gama (FGA) in relation to the number of male newcomers versus the number of female ones. It is possible to see, through analysis of the data collected, that the number of male students is much higher than that of female ones, from the creation of the campus in the second semester of 2008 until now. This occurs despite FGAs efforts in promoting the Engineering courses on campus using an experimental laboratory, through the Girls in Computing Program, supported by the National Council of Scientific and Technologic Development (CNPq), in partnership with the high schools of the region. Lectures are also conducted, focused on the female public, and looking do debunk the idea that Engineering is a typically male-oriented course, and trying to awaken the vocational interest of women towards Engineering. Through the surveys focused in the low rate of women in engineering courses, some things come up: (1) the lac...

2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2020
This Research Full Paper studies the impact of using Calango language in the introductory learnin... more This Research Full Paper studies the impact of using Calango language in the introductory learning of algorithms and computer programming by Brazilian engineering undergraduates. Calango is an educational multi-platform tool designed to facilitate algorithm learning and provide a simple syntax that enables developing advanced logic, so that students concentrate on logic without worrying about language details, considering its based on Portuguese pseudocode commands. A survey was conducted to evaluate if the teaching methods and tools used in the engineering introductory computer programming course were helpful. The questionnaire was applied at the end of four consecutive semesters of lecturing the course, and five questions were selected to analyze Calango’s influence in the learning process. Approximately 95% of the participants agreed that Calango should continue in the class. Students reported that the learning of C language was more accessible due to the initial contact with Cal...

2020 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), 2020
Autonomous vehicles may save 500.000 lives between 2035 and 2045, since humans cause more than 90... more Autonomous vehicles may save 500.000 lives between 2035 and 2045, since humans cause more than 90% of traffic accidents. In order to have an accurate perception of the environment and to avoid accidents, autonomous vehicles require a positioning estimation with only a few centimeters errors. Therefore, state-of-the-art third generation GNSS systems are not suitable for autonomous vehicle applications. In this paper, we propose an improved localization framework for autonomous vehicles via tensor and antenna array based GNSS receiver. As shown in this paper, in challenging urban scenarios, antenna array based GNSS receivers using tensor based algorithms can provide a positioning five times more accurante than state-of-the-art single antenna based GNSS receivers, reducing the positioning error from 149 cm to 30 cm.

Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
The competitiveness has demanded from the software industry shorter delivery times for its produc... more The competitiveness has demanded from the software industry shorter delivery times for its products resulting in optimized life cycles, generating a need to increase its performance to maintain competitiveness in the markets where they operate. This context has made productivity study so fundamental that organizations not only evaluate their performance, but also provide means to improve it. The main goal of this paper is to investigate which factors affect productivity in software development projects and in open-source projects. In this work a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was carried out in order to answer the research questions and a survey with practitioners community about their perception in relation to the factors of the productivity of the team. This empirical study led to the discovery of interesting factors that show how the different factors do (or do not) affect productivity. It was also found out that some factors appear to allow independence and responsibility of team, while others appear to cause a better distribution of tasks. The results show how factors such as people, product, organization, investment in technology, lack of contractual relations and engagement of open-source project contributors influence productivity.
Anais do XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2020)
O aprendizado inicial de algoritmos se torna mais árduo quando a linguagem de programação utiliza... more O aprendizado inicial de algoritmos se torna mais árduo quando a linguagem de programação utilizada possui comandos em uma língua estrangeira não dominada pelo aluno. O propósito deste estudo é compreender o impacto do uso da linguagem nativa do aprendiz nos estudos iniciais de programação. Um questionário foi aplicado ao final de quatro semestres consecutivos de um curso introdutório de programação e cinco perguntas foram selecionadas para o identificar nível de satisfação dos alunos e a eficiência do processo educacional. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a maior parte dos alunos entrevistados se mostrou satisfeita, teve as suas expectativas atendidas e recomenda a metodologia utilizada.
Anais dos Workshops do VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2019), Nov 21, 2019
This paper presents an Intelligent Tutoring System that has been used in different levels and lea... more This paper presents an Intelligent Tutoring System that has been used in different levels and learning modalities, achieving promising results in more personalized education in the Federal District. Resumo. Este trabalho apresenta um Sistema Tutor Inteligente que vem sendo utilizado em diferentes níveis e modalidades de ensino, alcançando resultados promissores na educação mais personalizada no Distrito Federal.
Informatics in Education
The teaching-learning methodology adopted in the Introduction to Computer Science classes may be ... more The teaching-learning methodology adopted in the Introduction to Computer Science classes may be a process that makes it difficult to understand the principles of programming language for undergraduate students in Computer Science and related areas, generating high failure and course drop out rates. This paper presents an analysis of the results obtained in the Introduction to Computer Science classes taught in Computer Science and Engineering courses at University of Brasília (UnB). The evaluation questionnaire answered by the undergraduate students in 2017 was analyzed, a validation was performed, and we checked the level of students satisfaction in relation to the evaluated subject and the association among the level of satisfaction, the percentage of practical activities of the discipline, student performance and the level of absenteeism.
This paper presents specifications of an artificial intelligent agent to be integrated into an In... more This paper presents specifications of an artificial intelligent agent to be integrated into an Intelligent Tutoring Systems, applied as a methodology to support teaching and learning of graduate disciplines. This integration involves technological resources from the Artificial Intelligence aiming to model the cognitive status of each learner and use resources that are able to work emotional and affective aspects of motivation in an educational process, making it more pleasant and efficient.
Abstract. This paper describes the ARPA (ACL Replication and Propagation Algorithm) as a solution... more Abstract. This paper describes the ARPA (ACL Replication and Propagation Algorithm) as a solution to propagate and replicate ACLs automatically in an OpenLDAP-based directory service. It is particularly useful in a distributed environment where an ACL should be ...
Papers by Giovanni Santos