This paper describes an ontology network that will serve as the basis for publishing and linking data about wood plant communities of the Brazilian Cerrado biome, obtained from scientific studies, meteorological and environmental data and... more
The present work describes an interdisciplinary evaluation activity of learning by modelling involving secondary school teachers. DynaLearn software functionalities ( were presented to teachers in a course. They created... more
Knowledge about the natural dynamics of wind resources and the advantages of its exploration as energy source has a high value for implementing sustainable and integrated environmental management. The present work aims to explain the... more
Tendências atuais na educação científica mediada por computadores apontam para a importância da construção do conhecimento pelos alunos através de uma interação ativa com o ambiente de aprendizagem. Atividades de modelagem farão parte das... more
A better understanding of population dynamics is needed in the face of accelerating changes and modifications of natural landscapes. Qualitative Reasoning based models have been considered as a tool for integration and exploration of... more
This work aims to link data about wood plant communities obtained from scientific studies about the Brazilian Cerrado biome, meteorological and environmental data, geographical information (maps) and Qualitative Reasoning (QR) conceptual... more
Knowledge about the natural dynamics of wind resources and the advantages of its exploration as energy source has a high value for implementing sustainable and integrated environmental management. The present work aims to explain the... more
The composition of phytoplankton and the concentration of pigments in their cells make their absorption and specific absorption coefficients key parameters for bio-optical modeling. This study investigated whether the multispectral... more
In the Amazonian floodplains, the local populations living from agricultural activities and fishing, have always coped natural variations, between flood and dry seasons. However, the rhythm and the amplitude of these floods are disturbed... more
The processes in tropical floodplain lakes enable maintaining phytoplankton nutrient requirements over a hydrological year. The nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon compounds play an essential role in phytoplankton growth.... more
This study focuses on determining how many samples are needed to effectively assess the species richness of a community. Zooplankton samples at 40 sampling sites distributed among four lakes in the floodplain of the middle Araguaia River... more
River floodplains are subject to different inundation scenarios, mainly related to the flood pulse. Moreover, the ecology of floodplain lakes is modulated by exchanges of water with the main stream. On Amazonian floodplains, the water... more
Amazonian aquatic environments are complex, and their interaction promotes heterogeneous environments that turn difficult the development of patterns to describe them. We evaluated if interannual variation in the physical-chemical... more
Aim This study aimed to answer: (i) can phytoplankton communities be used as surrogate of zooplankton communities?; (ii) can we use ecological approaches like functional groups (FG) or morphofunctional classification (MBFG) as surrogate... more
Many trophic indices have been constructed for temperate aquatic environments, but few have proved reliable for tropical environments. Indices constructed on the basis of nutrients may not be effective for describing the trophic state... more
The Amazonian floodplain is among the most productive and diversified ecosystems in the world. The moving littoral enables a rapid nutrient recycling, explaining the large productivity and biodiversity of the system. Attracted by such... more
This study aimed to answer: (i) can phytoplankton communities be used as surrogate of zooplankton communities?; (ii) can we use ecological approaches like functional groups (FG) or morphofunctional classification (MBFG) as surrogate for... more
This study focuses on determining how many samples are needed to effectively assess the species richness of a community. Zooplankton samples at 40 sampling sites distributed among four lakes in the floodplain of the middle Araguaia River... more
Canadian Water Quality Index (CWQI) provides protection for freshwater life promoting healthy ecosystems and safeguarding human health. Biological Diatom Index (BDI) was developed to indicate the ecological status and water quality of... more