Universidade de Brasília - UnB
Departamento de Psicoloiga Social e do Trabalho
The specialized literature provides instruments measuring stress for general application. Those instruments have been employed in occupational and health contexts. But since 1997, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)... more
The specialized literature provides instruments measuring stress for general application. Those instruments have been employed in occupational and health contexts. But since 1997, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) recommends the adoption of a specific measuring instrument for the assessment of cancer patients. Considering the existence of clinical and scientific interest to develop future meta-analysis studies in the field of Oncology, which will include Brazilian samples, the adaptation and validation of the Distress Thermometer (TD) was undertaken. The effectiveness of the TD in assessing distress was verified by comparison with the Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), a clinically established tool for evaluating distress. In order to that, a sample of 83 patients answered the TD and the HAD. The data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0. Results of the analysis indicated 82% for sensitivity and 98% for specificity. Using the TD appeared feasible and effective for psychological distress screening.
The purpose of this study was to construct a model of student performance using multilevel analysis, a type of multiple regression that takes into consideration the hierarchical structure of the data. The study used the data of the third... more
The purpose of this study was to construct a model of student performance using multilevel analysis, a type of multiple regression that takes into consideration the hierarchical structure of the data. The study used the data of the third grade students of secondary school who participated in the SAEB 2001 assessment. After controlling the effect of the variables of selectivity and school composition, an intraclass correlation of 0.17 was found, indicating that 17% of the variance in student performance can be attributed to the school level. In the final multilevel model seven variables of student level and nine variables of school level were included. The variables with the strongest effect on student level were: school delay and comparison of the student with his colleagues. On school level these variables were: aggregated cultural resources and aggregated school delay. The final model elaborated in this study will hopefully be used to elaborate public policies with a view to improve the Brazilian educational system.
- by Jacob A. Laros
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The debate concerning procedures and techniques of data treatment is relevant in the context of production and progress of knowledge in a broad range of subject areas. In the past decade, a framework of data treatment methods denominated... more
The debate concerning procedures and techniques of data treatment is relevant in the context of production and progress of knowledge in a broad range of subject areas. In the past decade, a framework of data treatment methods denominated Structural Equation Modeling received a great deal of attention from researchers. This data treatment procedure has its historical origins related to different areas of knowledge like biometrics, econometrics and psychometrics. As a consequence of its unique characteristics, scientific report in Structural Equation Modeling should consider various relevant aspects, like the theoretical definition of the model to be tested, the specification and identification of the model, as well as estimation and measurement aspects of the adequation indices. Several of these elements are presented and discussed in the present article, focusing on the possibilities of practical application in the field of Psychology and related sciences. In addition, future perspectives and limitations of Structural Equation Modeling are also discussed.
This article presents a discussion about methodological questions related to social programs evaluation, taking as an example the case of the National Worker Qualification Plan - PLANFOR. The present study used a quasi-experimental design... more
This article presents a discussion about methodological questions related to social programs evaluation, taking as an example the case of the National Worker Qualification Plan - PLANFOR. The present study used a quasi-experimental design containing three groups: two experimental groups and one control group. The research was realized from 2001 to 2004, with data collection before and after the program, and comprising 360 organizations, one per city, from all Brazilian regions. For data collection, it was used an instrument with quantitative indicators (social and economic). Four data analysis strategies were compared: analysis of variance (ANOVA) of repeated measurement (pre- and post-test scores), ANOVA with gain scores, ANOVA after subjects' categorization on their pre-test (blocking), and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Alternative explanations of the observed effects were considered. Finally, the suitability of these strategies to the evaluation of social programs was discussed.
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar procedimentos para implementar e avaliar programas de manejo de estresse ocupacional focados no indivíduo, fundamentando-se na literatura das áreas de psicologia da saúde ocupacional e de avaliação de... more
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar procedimentos para implementar e avaliar programas de manejo de estresse ocupacional focados no indivíduo, fundamentando-se na literatura das áreas de psicologia da saúde ocupacional e de avaliação de programas. São abordados o planejamento da intervenção, sua implementação e avaliação, com base no ciclo da pesquisa em ciências sociais, cujas etapas compreendem a avaliação de necessidades, busca de base teórica, definição de objetivos, variáveis, instrumentos, delineamento, participantes, procedimentos, implementação do programa e coleta de dados, análise e interpretação de resultados, divulgação dos resultados e formulação de novas questões. São discutidas perspectivas futuras para a área de avaliação de programas e possíveis ganhos resultantes de alianças entre este campo e o campo de intervenções em manejo de estresse ocupacional.
Evaluation tools of anxiety and depression are useful for diagnosis and clinical management orientation before the changes caused by cancer experiences. The present study compared psychometric advantages and disadvantages of instruments... more
Evaluation tools of anxiety and depression are useful for diagnosis and clinical management orientation before the changes caused by cancer experiences. The present study compared psychometric advantages and disadvantages of instruments commonly used in specialized services in Oncology: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), General Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). There were 200 patients diagnosed with cancer and in chemotherapy treatment participating in the study, being 30.5% men and 69.5% women, aged between 18 to 89 years (M=56.8; SD=15). The instruments showed coefficients of reliability varying between .74 and .84. The evaluated psychometric characteristics indicated better values for HADS-D and GAD-7. However, HADS-A and PHQ-9 were also found to be suitable for evaluation of anxiety and depression. We suggest the adoption of these instruments for screening, diagnosis and monitoring of cancer patients, especially in psychological and social domains.
Instrumentos de avaliação de ansiedade e depressão são úteis para diagnóstico e orientação do manejo clínico diante das alterações emocionais suscitadas pelas vivências do câncer. O presente estudo comparou vantagens e desvantagens psicométricas de instrumentos comumente utilizados em serviços especializados em Oncologia: Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão (HADS), Transtorno Geral de Ansiedade (GAD-7) e Questionário sobre Saúde do Paciente (PHQ-9). Participaram da pesquisa, 200 pacientes diagnosticados com câncer, em tratamento quimioterápico, sendo 30,5% homens e 69,5% mulheres, com idade entre 18 a 89 anos (M=56,8; DP=15). Os instrumentos mostraram coeficientes de fidedignidade variando entre 0,74 e 0,84. As características psicométricas estudadas indicaram valores melhores para HADS-D e GAD-7. Entretanto, HADS-A e PHQ-9 também se mostraram adequados para avaliação de ansiedade e depressão. Sugere-se a adoção desses instrumentos para triagem, diagnóstico e monitoramento de pacientes com câncer, especialmente nos domínios psicológico e social.
Instrumentos de avaliação de ansiedade e depressão são úteis para diagnóstico e orientação do manejo clínico diante das alterações emocionais suscitadas pelas vivências do câncer. O presente estudo comparou vantagens e desvantagens psicométricas de instrumentos comumente utilizados em serviços especializados em Oncologia: Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão (HADS), Transtorno Geral de Ansiedade (GAD-7) e Questionário sobre Saúde do Paciente (PHQ-9). Participaram da pesquisa, 200 pacientes diagnosticados com câncer, em tratamento quimioterápico, sendo 30,5% homens e 69,5% mulheres, com idade entre 18 a 89 anos (M=56,8; DP=15). Os instrumentos mostraram coeficientes de fidedignidade variando entre 0,74 e 0,84. As características psicométricas estudadas indicaram valores melhores para HADS-D e GAD-7. Entretanto, HADS-A e PHQ-9 também se mostraram adequados para avaliação de ansiedade e depressão. Sugere-se a adoção desses instrumentos para triagem, diagnóstico e monitoramento de pacientes com câncer, especialmente nos domínios psicológico e social.
- by Jacob A. Laros and +1
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- Psychometrics, Depression, Cancer, Psycho-oncology
Abstract. Intelligence is an important variable in the pursuit to comprehend academic achievement. The present study aimed to review the literature with regard to the relation between intelligence and academic achievement, highlighting... more
Abstract. Intelligence is an important variable in the pursuit to comprehend academic achievement. The present study aimed to review the literature with regard to the relation between intelligence and academic achievement, highlighting variables that may influence this relation. The reviewed articles were classified into nine categories according to the main variables that have been investigated in relation to intelligence and academic achievement. These categories are related to personality traits, gender, cognition, ethnicity, positive and dysfunctional aspects, socioeconomic status, personal and school aspects. The reviewed articles indicate evidence that personality characteristics such as responsibility and self-discipline are positively associated with academic achievement. Other factors like creativity, motivation, self-perceived performance also seem to explain academic achievement. Furthermore, the main shortcomings of the scientific literature and directions for future research are presented.
- by Jacob A. Laros and +1
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- Intelligence
The main purpose of this study was to identify variables that affect proficiency in Mathematics of Brazilian students of the third grade of secondary school. To attain this goal we analyzed the data of 35,929 students of 1,715 schools who... more
The main purpose of this study was to identify variables that affect proficiency in Mathematics of Brazilian students of
the third grade of secondary school. To attain this goal we analyzed the data of 35,929 students of 1,715 schools who
took the Mathematics test of the SAEB in 2001. Multilevel analysis showed a raw intraclass correlation (ICC) of .43
and an ICC corrected for variables related to the composition and selectivity of the school of .15. After the entry of the
control variables seven indicators on student level and five indicators on school level were identified that affect
achievement in Mathematics. The final model of this study explains at least 84.9% of the total variance on school level
and 19.8% of the total variance on student level. The results of the present study confirm the results of other Brazilian
studies related to factors affecting proficiency in Mathematics using multilevel analysis.
Keywords: Educational evaluation; School performance; SAEB; Multilevel regression analysis.
the third grade of secondary school. To attain this goal we analyzed the data of 35,929 students of 1,715 schools who
took the Mathematics test of the SAEB in 2001. Multilevel analysis showed a raw intraclass correlation (ICC) of .43
and an ICC corrected for variables related to the composition and selectivity of the school of .15. After the entry of the
control variables seven indicators on student level and five indicators on school level were identified that affect
achievement in Mathematics. The final model of this study explains at least 84.9% of the total variance on school level
and 19.8% of the total variance on student level. The results of the present study confirm the results of other Brazilian
studies related to factors affecting proficiency in Mathematics using multilevel analysis.
Keywords: Educational evaluation; School performance; SAEB; Multilevel regression analysis.
- by Jacob A. Laros and +2
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- Multivariate Statistics
The identification of variables that affect proficiency in Portuguese Language is essential for the elaboration of interventions that seek to improve student achievement in Brazil. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the data of 33,962... more
The identification of variables that affect proficiency in Portuguese Language is essential for the elaboration of
interventions that seek to improve student achievement in Brazil. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the data of 33,962
third grade students of 1,661 secondary schools who took the Portuguese Language test of the National Basic Education
System of Evaluation of Basic Education (SAEB) in 2001 using multilevel analysis. The results of this study showed that,
after controlling the effect of variables related to the composition and selectivity of the schools, the intraclass correlation
varied among the Brazilian regions between 0.10 for the South and 0.13 for the North. These figures indicate that even
after the insertion of the control variables, school factors can explain between 10% and 13% of the total variability in
Portuguese performance. Three variables on school level and ten variables on student level were identified as affecting
proficiency in Portuguese Language.
Keywords: educational evaluation; proficiency test; SAEB; regression analysis.
interventions that seek to improve student achievement in Brazil. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the data of 33,962
third grade students of 1,661 secondary schools who took the Portuguese Language test of the National Basic Education
System of Evaluation of Basic Education (SAEB) in 2001 using multilevel analysis. The results of this study showed that,
after controlling the effect of variables related to the composition and selectivity of the schools, the intraclass correlation
varied among the Brazilian regions between 0.10 for the South and 0.13 for the North. These figures indicate that even
after the insertion of the control variables, school factors can explain between 10% and 13% of the total variability in
Portuguese performance. Three variables on school level and ten variables on student level were identified as affecting
proficiency in Portuguese Language.
Keywords: educational evaluation; proficiency test; SAEB; regression analysis.
- by Joao Luiz P Marciano and +1
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- Multivariate Statistics
vem evoluindo tecnicamente de maneira significativa a cada ciclo. Em 2001 a construção dos questionários contextuais foi baseada em um quadro de referência, definido e explicitado em documento divulgado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos... more
vem evoluindo tecnicamente de maneira significativa a cada ciclo. Em 2001 a construção dos questionários contextuais foi baseada em um quadro de referência, definido e explicitado em documento divulgado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP) (INEP, 2001). No mesmo documento, o INEP afirma que a divulgação do referencial teórico e quadro de referência têm o propósito de possibilitar o debate e viabilizar o processo de aprimoramento dos questionários contextuais. O quadro de referência para os questionários contextuais indica os construtos que se pretende investigar e as questões elaboradas para medir cada um deles. Para cada nível do sistema de ensino (escola, turma e aluno), há um quadro de referência com as características a serem medidas e os itens do questionário relacionados a cada uma delas. O quadro relativo às características da escola, ou aos construtos relacionados a elas, indica que foram elaboradas 163 questões para medir 12 construtos teóricos abrangentes. Embora estejam esses construtos previamente definidos, somente uma análise empírica dos resultados das questões pode mostrar se os construtos teóricos estão sendo efetivamente medidos na prática. A opção por estudar os construtos relacionados a características da escola surge com o intuito de contribuir com a busca dos fatores escolares que incidem no rendimento escolar dos alunos. Na bibliografia pesquisada, há poucos estudos que mencionam o método de agregação de variáveis nos fatores, seja ele a teoria ou algum método estatístico, como a análise fatorial. A tendência é a formação de fatores com base na teoria, reunindo questões com conteúdo semelhante. Muitos estudos feitos com dados do SAEB usam fatores obtidos dessa forma. Há registros de emprego de análise fatorial, especialmente para obtenção do índice de nível socioeconômico dos alunos Soares y Alves, no prelo; Barbosa y Fernandes, 2001). utilizou análise fatorial, coordenando um trabalho de redução da dimensão de todas as bases de dados do SAEB 1999. Nesse estudo, foi utilizada análise fatorial aplicada em blocos de variáveis homogêneas quanto ao conteúdo, nos questionários dos alunos, professores e diretores, separadamente. Primeiramente, a teoria orientou o agrupamento de variáveis relacionadas a uma mesma característica. Em seguida, cada grupo de variáveis foi submetido à análise fatorial, para a redução do número de variáveis visando a análise de cada questionário do SAEB 1999 individualmente. Um dos objetivos desse estudo é reduzir o grande número de variáveis relacionadas à escola, que compõem os questionários contextuais do SAEB 2001 aplicados na 4ª série do ensino fundamental, por meio da análise fatorial. Ademais, o objetivo principal é identificar possíveis razões pelas quais algumas questões não se inserem na estrutura fatorial empírica. Essas razões podem estar relacionadas ao cumprimento ou não de critérios de elaboração de itens Günther, 1999;
- by Raíssa Rauter and +2
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O objetivo deste artigo é elaborar um modelo explicativo do desempenho acadêmico de alunos da 8ª série. A análise realizada considerou a estrutura hierárquica dos dados do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (SAEB). Os resultados... more
O objetivo deste artigo é elaborar um modelo explicativo do desempenho acadêmico de alunos da 8ª série. A análise realizada considerou a estrutura hierárquica dos dados do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (SAEB). Os resultados apontaram que 79% da variância entre as escolas no desempenho na prova de Língua Portuguesa pode ser atribuída às variáveis relacionadas à composição socioeconômica das escolas e ao status socioeconômico dos estudantes. As variáveis com efeitos positivos no desempenho dos alunos são: (a) a manutenção dos recursos tecno-pedagógicos; (b) freqüência com que os professores passam e corrigem a lição de casa; (c) grau com que os professores estão comprometidos com a aprendizagem dos seus alunos; (d) o quanto que a idade dos alunos está próxima à ideal para a série; (e) freqüência com que o estudante faz seu dever de casa e (f) se o estudante pode se dedicar integralmente aos estudos. Palavras-chave: Avaliação educacional, desempenho em português, Modelos Lineares Hierárquicos.
- by Jacob A. Laros and +1
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- Avaliação Psicológica
RESUMO -A presença de uma quantidade considerável de itens com funcionamento diferencial (DIF) pode tornar um teste menos válido. Assim, este estudo investigou a existência de DIF no teste de inteligência . O teste é a versão abreviada do... more
RESUMO -A presença de uma quantidade considerável de itens com funcionamento diferencial (DIF) pode tornar um teste menos válido. Assim, este estudo investigou a existência de DIF no teste de inteligência . O teste é a versão abreviada do SON-R 2½-7, normatizado e validado em vários países da Europa. Os dados de 1.200 crianças da normatização brasileira foram utilizados para identificar a presença de DIF em relação à gênero e região, usando o método da TRI. Os resultados indicaram que, de um total de 60 itens, 5 itens apresentaram DIF entre os sexos e 13 itens apresentaram DIF entre as regiões. Conclui-se que há adequabilidade da maioria dos itens, o que viabiliza o uso do SON-R 2½-7[a] em contexto nacional.
- by Girlene Jesus and +1
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Explorative studies were performed to adapt the subtest Categories of the SON-R 5½-17. As a first step, the existing booklet was used and children were interviewed to learn if they were sufficiently familiar with the pictures.
- by Girlene Jesus and +1
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Graphical Item Analysis (GIA) visually displays the relationship between the total score on a test and the response proportions of the correct and false alternatives of a multiple-choice item. The GIA method provides essential and easily... more
Graphical Item Analysis (GIA) visually displays the relationship between the total score on a test and the response proportions of the correct and false alternatives of a multiple-choice item. The GIA method provides essential and easily interpretable information about item characteristics (dif®culty, discrimination and guessing rate). Low quality items are easily detected with the GIA method because they show response proportions on the correct alternative which decrease with an increase of the total score, or display response proportions of one or more false alternatives which do not decrease with an increase of the total score. The GIA method has two main applications. Firstly, it can be used by researchers in the process of identifying items that need to be excluded from further analysis. Secondly, it can be used by test constructors in the process of improving the quality of the item bank. GIA enables a better understanding of test theory and test construction, especially for those without a background in psychometrics. In this sense, the GIA method might contribute to reducing the gap between the abstract world of psychometrists and the practical world of constructors of achievement tests.
- by Jacob A. Laros and +1
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- Educational evaluation
This study aims to identify the predictor variables for three types of management competencies: financial business management, process management and socio-environmental management. It was hypothesized that attributes of bank managers... more
This study aims to identify the predictor variables for three types of management competencies: financial business management, process management and socio-environmental management. It was hypothesized that attributes of bank managers (such as the learning strategies they use) and those of the branches where they work (such as organizational support) are associated with the expression of management competencies at work. Structured questionnaires were used for data collection. Multilevel regression analyses (HLM) were performed to test the theoretical model of investigation. The sample was made up of 775 managers from the Bank of Brazil, spread among 239 bank branches. The greatest relative contribution to explain the management competencies came from intrinsic and extrinsic reflection, a learning strategy employed by managers at work. The managers' perceptions regarding the company's performance management practices, one dimension of organizational support, appeared as another important predictor. Other learning strategies and dimensions of organizational support, as well as the number of hours spent on training activities, revealed less expressive effects regarding management competencies. Practical recommendations are presented and the study's limitations and contributions are discussed.
A competição, a cobrança social e pessoal e a possibilidade de fracasso são alguns dos fatores que podem tornar a situação de prova um evento estressante e gerador de ansiedade. Nesse contexto, este estudo objetivou disponibilizar para o... more
A competição, a cobrança social e pessoal e a possibilidade de fracasso são alguns dos fatores que podem tornar a situação de prova um evento estressante e gerador de ansiedade. Nesse contexto, este estudo objetivou disponibilizar para o Brasil dois instrumentos de avaliação da ansiedade em situações de testagem e demonstrar evidências de validade dessas escalas. Participaram do estudo 1.878 estudantes do ensino médio de escolas públicas e particulares de Brasília. Dois instrumentos de ansiedade foram desenvolvidos: um que busca medir quatro dimensões de ansiedade, o Inventário de Ansiedade frente a Provas (IAP), e o Inventário de Ansiedade Internamente e Externamente Causada (IAIEC). Verificou-se que os instrumentos têm adequadas estruturas fatoriais e boa consistência interna. Ademais, análises de correlação com outros instrumentos de ansiedade indicaram evidências de validade convergente adequada com correlações entre 0,31 e 0,72. As implicações do estudo são notáveis no âmbito clínico, social e acadêmico. Palavras-chave: Ansiedade, Situações de prova, Desempenho, Testes de seleção.
- by Jacob A. Laros
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U ma pergunta que surge freqüentemente em relação aos instrumentos psicológicos é se a sua estrutura fatorial é replicável quando aplicados em outras amostras. Uma das técnicas mais utilizadas para verificar a estabilidade dessa estrutura... more
U ma pergunta que surge freqüentemente em relação aos instrumentos psicológicos é se a sua estrutura fatorial é replicável quando aplicados em outras amostras. Uma das técnicas mais utilizadas para verificar a estabilidade dessa estrutura é a validação cruzada. Esta técnica permite examinar se a estrutura identificada se repete quando investigada em uma segunda amostra. A sua utilização é importante tanto para soluções fatoriais exploratórias como para soluções fatoriais confirmatórias. Idealmente, o tamanho das amostras deveria ser suficientemente grande para permitir separar os respondentes aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Num deles seria realizada a derivação da estrutura fatorial e no outro a validação cruzada da solução fatorial identificada. Neste processo a designação aleatória é muito importante, uma vez que os grupos não podem diferir em relação às características sociodemográficas, pois isto pode afetar a estrutura fatorial (Floyd & Widaman, 1995).
The present study, including 83 Brazilian and 51 Dutch children, evaluated the presence of cultural bias in items of the SON-R 5½-17 that make use of concrete objects and situations. Two procedures were followed to detect item bias. The... more
The present study, including 83 Brazilian and 51 Dutch children, evaluated the presence of cultural bias in items of the SON-R 5½-17 that make use of concrete objects and situations. Two procedures were followed to detect item bias. The first consisted of asking the children, immediately after an incorrect answer, whether they recognized the pictures. The second procedure compared item difficulties of the Brazilian children with those of the Dutch children belonging to the standardization sample of the SON-R 5½-17. Fourteen items were detected with bias: ten of these favored the Dutch group and four the Brazilian group. The cultural disadvantage for Brazilian children is rather small, taking the large amount of investigated items into account. This study indicated which items of the SON-R 5½-17 should be improved, not only for reasons of cultural bias, but also because children, irrespective of their cultural background, encountered problems with the recognition of several pictures.
- by Jacob A. Laros
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