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The specialized literature provides instruments measuring stress for general application. Those instruments have been employed in occupational and health contexts. But since 1997, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)... more
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      Health PsychologyOncologyPsycho-oncologyPsychological distress
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      Cognitive AbilitiesIntelligence tests
The purpose of this study was to construct a model of student performance using multilevel analysis, a type of multiple regression that takes into consideration the hierarchical structure of the data. The study used the data of the third... more
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The debate concerning procedures and techniques of data treatment is relevant in the context of production and progress of knowledge in a broad range of subject areas. In the past decade, a framework of data treatment methods denominated... more
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    • Data Analysis
This article presents a discussion about methodological questions related to social programs evaluation, taking as an example the case of the National Worker Qualification Plan - PLANFOR. The present study used a quasi-experimental design... more
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    • Program Evaluation
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar procedimentos para implementar e avaliar programas de manejo de estresse ocupacional focados no indivíduo, fundamentando-se na literatura das áreas de psicologia da saúde ocupacional e de avaliação de... more
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      Program EvaluationOccupational HealthInterventionData Collection
Evaluation tools of anxiety and depression are useful for diagnosis and clinical management orientation before the changes caused by cancer experiences. The present study compared psychometric advantages and disadvantages of instruments... more
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Abstract. Intelligence is an important variable in the pursuit to comprehend academic achievement. The present study aimed to review the literature with regard to the relation between intelligence and academic achievement, highlighting... more
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    • Intelligence
The main purpose of this study was to identify variables that affect proficiency in Mathematics of Brazilian students of the third grade of secondary school. To attain this goal we analyzed the data of 35,929 students of 1,715 schools who... more
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    • Multivariate Statistics
The identification of variables that affect proficiency in Portuguese Language is essential for the elaboration of interventions that seek to improve student achievement in Brazil. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the data of 33,962... more
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    • Multivariate Statistics
vem evoluindo tecnicamente de maneira significativa a cada ciclo. Em 2001 a construção dos questionários contextuais foi baseada em um quadro de referência, definido e explicitado em documento divulgado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos... more
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O objetivo deste artigo é elaborar um modelo explicativo do desempenho acadêmico de alunos da 8ª série. A análise realizada considerou a estrutura hierárquica dos dados do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (SAEB). Os resultados... more
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    • Avaliação Psicológica
RESUMO -A presença de uma quantidade considerável de itens com funcionamento diferencial (DIF) pode tornar um teste menos válido. Assim, este estudo investigou a existência de DIF no teste de inteligência . O teste é a versão abreviada do... more
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Explorative studies were performed to adapt the subtest Categories of the SON-R 5½-17. As a first step, the existing booklet was used and children were interviewed to learn if they were sufficiently familiar with the pictures.
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Graphical Item Analysis (GIA) visually displays the relationship between the total score on a test and the response proportions of the correct and false alternatives of a multiple-choice item. The GIA method provides essential and easily... more
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    • Educational evaluation
This study aims to identify the predictor variables for three types of management competencies: financial business management, process management and socio-environmental management. It was hypothesized that attributes of bank managers... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical SciencePublic Administration and Policy
A competição, a cobrança social e pessoal e a possibilidade de fracasso são alguns dos fatores que podem tornar a situação de prova um evento estressante e gerador de ansiedade. Nesse contexto, este estudo objetivou disponibilizar para o... more
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U ma pergunta que surge freqüentemente em relação aos instrumentos psicológicos é se a sua estrutura fatorial é replicável quando aplicados em outras amostras. Uma das técnicas mais utilizadas para verificar a estabilidade dessa estrutura... more
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      Organizational ClimateFactor analysisConstruct ValidityFirst-Order Logic
The present study, including 83 Brazilian and 51 Dutch children, evaluated the presence of cultural bias in items of the SON-R 5½-17 that make use of concrete objects and situations. Two procedures were followed to detect item bias. The... more
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