Books by André de Melo Araújo
Obras Raras da Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasília. Séculos XVI e XVII, 2024
Brasília pelo apoio institucional, aos alunos e pesquisadores envolvidos no projeto de elaboração... more Brasília pelo apoio institucional, aos alunos e pesquisadores envolvidos no projeto de elaboração deste catálogo pelo trabalho competente, assim como também a Agatha Pitombo Bacelar,
Este manual aborda o período histórico conhecido como Época Moderna, quando as diferentes regiões... more Este manual aborda o período histórico conhecido como Época Moderna, quando as diferentes regiões do globo entraram em contato e em conflito. Buscando superar a narrativa de uma modernidade singular, europeia e ocidental, os capítulos apresentam os múltiplos agentes históricos atuantes do século XV ao XVIII, das mulheres indígenas da América até as sociedades islâmicas, passando pelas comunidades camponesas europeias. Sem deixar de abordar temas clássicos do período, do Renascimento à Revolução Francesa, esta obra revela que a Época Moderna não é o produto de uma, mas de várias modernidades.
Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung gewinnt die Weltgeschichtsschreibung in besonderem Maße an Bedeut... more Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung gewinnt die Weltgeschichtsschreibung in besonderem Maße an Bedeutung. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht André de Melo Araújo das bislang unerforschte Gesamtspektrum des spätaufklärerischen universalhistorischen Denkens an der Universität zu Göttingen. Dabei geht er den Debatten um die Weltgeschichtsschreibung nach, die hier auf die Spitze getrieben wurden, und eröffnet den Blick auf eine dynamische Vielfalt an konkurrierenden Wissensformen.
»Ohne Zweifel schließt die Arbeit eine deutliche Lücke in der Geschichte der Göttinger Universitätsgeschichte.«
Hermann Wellenreuther, Jahrbuch für Europäische Überseegeschichte, 14 (2014)
»Araújo wollte einen ›Beitrag zur Genealogie des universalhistorischen Denkens [...]‹ leisten. Dies ist ihm in vollem Maß gelungen.«
Martin Gierl, Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, 266/3-4 (2014)
Papers by André de Melo Araújo
História, Histórias, 2022
What was at stake when handwritten artifacts were examined through reproductions in the Eighteent... more What was at stake when handwritten artifacts were examined through reproductions in the Eighteenth Century? What were the functions and limits of these reproductions? In this paper, I explore these questions by analyzing four different engravings from a gravestone discovered in 1770. Such a discovery sparked a public dispute, which was arbitrated by the director of the Royal Institute of Historical Sciences at the University of Göttingen, Johann Christoph Gatterer (1727-1799). Here I show that Early Modern printed artifacts are eloquent evidence of how knowledge was then (re)produced and transmitted.

Journal for the History of Knowledge, 2024
In this paper, I investigate how Joseph Ames construed knowledge about the past as he examined ea... more In this paper, I investigate how Joseph Ames construed knowledge about the past as he examined early English printed artifacts. I analyze Ames’s Typographical Antiquities (1749) and three main groups of handwritten sources directly related to his editorial project. In a first step, I follow Ames’s papers to showcase how an eighteenth-century antiquarian developed a laborious system for managing bibliographical data, about which he was either informed or which he had judiciously observed. The second part of the paper delves into the groundbreaking innovation of the book published in 1749: the study and classification of types. Here, I explore how evidence of the English printed past was not only collected and classified but also (re)produced in Ames’s printed work. In the third and fourth steps, I investigate how the plates commissioned in the eighteenth century for the English Typographical Antiquities could authoritatively visualize fifteenth-century (typo)graphical evidence. Here, handwritten, drawn, and printed testimonies related to the making of those plates reveal that an empirical approach to the material remains of the past was pivotal to the construction of early modern knowledge.

Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna, Nov 15, 2022
From the perspective of Early Modern historical sciences, what was at stake when documentary evid... more From the perspective of Early Modern historical sciences, what was at stake when documentary evidence was examined through reproductions? What were their functions and limits within eighteenth-century expert opinions on the identification and authenticity of historical documents? How aware were eighteenth-century scholars of their mediality? In this paper, I explore these questions by examining four different engravings of the very same historical evidence. These were produced within the context of a dispute about the identification of a gravestone discovered in 1770. This dispute was arbitrated by the director of the Royal Institute of Historical Sciences at the University of Göttingen, Johann Christoph Gatterer (1727-1799). Here, I argue that when historical documents were examined through reproductions, the artifacts of greatest evidentiary value are not what they visualized but, instead, the artifacts through which historical information was classified, displayed, and conveyed.
Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna, Nov 15, 2022

Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, 2022
From the perspective of Early Modern historical sciences, what was at stake when documentary evid... more From the perspective of Early Modern historical sciences, what was at stake when documentary evidence was examined through reproductions? What were their functions and limits within eighteenth-century expert opinions on the identification and authenticity of historical documents? How aware were eighteenth-century scholars of their mediality? In this paper, I explore these questions by examining four different engravings of the very same historical evidence. These were produced within the context of a dispute about the identification of a gravestone discovered in 1770. This dispute was arbitrated by the director of the Royal Institute of Historical Sciences at the University of Göttingen, Johann Christoph Gatterer (1727–1799). Here, I argue that when historical documents were examined through reproductions, the artifacts of greatest evidentiary value are not what they visualized but, instead, the artifacts through which historical information was classified, displayed, and conveyed.

This article aims to understand how knowledge was produced and publicized in Early Modern printer... more This article aims to understand how knowledge was produced and publicized in Early Modern printers' manuals. Firstly, I explore the parameters for the consolidation of the manuals as a genre in the European book market. Secondly, I analyse authors', editors' and printers' recurrent practices of reconfiguring illustrations from previous printers' manuals as an editorial strategy which aimed at spreading practical knowledge to a wider audience. Finally, I examine the typographic and linguistic modes of presentation of testimonial narrative and discursive alterity. I argue that Early Modern printers' manuals result from the confluence of compilatory practices registered in ink by authors and artists, economic strategies adopted by editors and booksellers, the typographic language used at printing workshops, and the collective spirit which supported a project of knowledge diffusion.

Based on the analysis of 192 title pages from German eighteenth-century history books, the goal o... more Based on the analysis of 192 title pages from German eighteenth-century history books, the goal of this article was to investigate the elements and historical agents involved in the graphic composition process of these pieces, the functions of this typographic device in the Early Modern editorial market, and what type of connections their material configurations reveal. To this end, the first section defines the parameters of the documentary corpus and presents an analysis of the formal elements of the title pages in terms of an eighteenth-century graphic device. Next, the patterns of the typographic compositions of the documents are analyzed to unveil cultural and, consequently, historical dimensions of the choices made by compositors when setting the title pages in printing shops. The third section focuses on the graphic operations carried out by editors, printers and artists. The aim was to analyze the visual transformations of the title pages from a chronological standpoint as w...

Pandaemonium Germanicum, 2019
Ao analisar o drama Os bandoleiros (1781), de Friedrich Schiller, este artigo defende a tese segu... more Ao analisar o drama Os bandoleiros (1781), de Friedrich Schiller, este artigo defende a tese segundo a qual o pensamento antropológico desenvolvido à época do iluminismo tardio alemão serve de fundamento não apenas para os discursos médico e historiográfico, mas também para uma parcela significativa da produção literária do período. Para tanto, na primeira seção deste artigo, investigam-se as bases de formação da cultura letrada e, particularmente, da cultura médica alemã na segunda metade do século XVIII, bem como as discussões à época vigentes em torno do conceito de antropologia. Na segunda e na terceira seções, discutem-se as tendências da pesquisa contemporânea que exploram os pontos de contato entre o conhecimento histórico, o pensamento antropológico e a produção literária no século das Luzes. Esses passos fundamentam a tese aqui defendida e segundo a qual o modo de representação literária operado por Schiller em Os bandoleiros é expressão direta do projeto de compreensão – e...

Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, 2021
RESUMO Neste artigo, articulam-se simultaneamente dois eixos investigativos com o propósito de ap... more RESUMO Neste artigo, articulam-se simultaneamente dois eixos investigativos com o propósito de apresentar o ganho analítico que o estudo da materialidade de impressos da Época Moderna, de sua produção gráfica coletiva e de seus processos de edição, bem como dos modos de organização textual e visual da informação registrada em papel ao longo do tempo trazem para a pesquisa histórica. Em um primeiro eixo, tem-se por objetivo familiarizar leitores e leitoras com aspectos mais gerais relacionados à produção de impressos no período. Uma vez que os produtos da prensa manual frequentemente apresentam uma configuração e exibem marcas particulares originadas em momentos distintos, o segundo eixo investigativo deste artigo dedica-se à análise gráfica e material de exemplares paradigmáticos, majoritariamente pertencentes à coleção de obras raras da Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasília e impressos no continente europeu entre os séculos XVI e XVII. Ao analisá-los, defende-se a tese seg...
The point of departure of this article is the methodological effort of Late Eighteenth-Century Hi... more The point of departure of this article is the methodological effort of Late Eighteenth-Century Historical Thought which seeks to establish a firm foundation for historical judgments. Here the aim is to (1) analyze how August Ludwig (von) Schlözer (1735-1809) has established a concept of historical truth as a result of his critical method and to (2) identify how this concept of historical truth relates to the contemporary debate about historical representation. By especially considering Schlözer’s interest for forty years in the History of Russia, I argue that the historical-critical method overcomes the methodological procedures of biblical exegesis and humanistic philology already during the last decades of the Eighteenth-Century.
Based on the correspondence between editors, philosophical writers and booksellers, as well as co... more Based on the correspondence between editors, philosophical writers and booksellers, as well as contracts granting the right to print and sell the Encyclopedie, Robert Darnton identifies in The Business of Enlightenment (1979) publisher conflicts and lucrative maneuvers in the lettered culture market in the 1700s. Thirty years after the first edition of this study, and taking into account the mechanisms of control for the production and circulation of printed knowledge, Darnton presents in The case for books (2009) challenging divergences and lucid identities between the (almost) two and a half centuries that separate pre-revolutionary France from the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century.
Der Mensch im Netz der Kulturen - Humanismus in der Epoche der Globalisierung / Being Human: Caught in the Web of Cultures - Humanism in the Age of Globalization, 2012
Books by André de Melo Araújo
»Ohne Zweifel schließt die Arbeit eine deutliche Lücke in der Geschichte der Göttinger Universitätsgeschichte.«
Hermann Wellenreuther, Jahrbuch für Europäische Überseegeschichte, 14 (2014)
»Araújo wollte einen ›Beitrag zur Genealogie des universalhistorischen Denkens [...]‹ leisten. Dies ist ihm in vollem Maß gelungen.«
Martin Gierl, Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, 266/3-4 (2014)
Papers by André de Melo Araújo
»Ohne Zweifel schließt die Arbeit eine deutliche Lücke in der Geschichte der Göttinger Universitätsgeschichte.«
Hermann Wellenreuther, Jahrbuch für Europäische Überseegeschichte, 14 (2014)
»Araújo wollte einen ›Beitrag zur Genealogie des universalhistorischen Denkens [...]‹ leisten. Dies ist ihm in vollem Maß gelungen.«
Martin Gierl, Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, 266/3-4 (2014)