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The cultural transformation of AKHLAK in the organization places a strong emphasis on the role of human capital as cultural actors to enhance competitiveness in the global market and position state-owned enterprises (BUMN) as talent... more
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    • Business
Jakarta, Medialawan -Salah satu wujud pelibatan masyarakat dalam proses politik adalah pemilihan umum (pemilu). Pemilu merupakan sarana bagi masyarakat untuk ikut menentukan figur dan arah kepemimpinan negara atau daerah dalam periode... more
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      PhilosophySocial Sciences
Studi mengenai komunikasi lintas budaya yang terjadi dalam praktik kehidupan masyarakat sosial di Blang Lancang, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. The essay about intercultural communication which happened in real society, Blang Lancang,... more
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      SociologyCommunicationIntercultural CommunicationCross-Cultural Studies
Psikologi tentang pemahaman makna pesan yang dapat mempengaruhi proses komunikasi yang berlangsung.
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyCommunicationSocial Sciences
Karakteristik komunikator dalam melakukan komunikasi efektif
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyCommunicationSocial Sciences
A short essay about Aesthetic Surgery development in South Korea where it became a lifestyle.
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      SociologyCommunicationSocial SciencesCross-Cultural Psychology
Perbedaan antara jenis-jenis kelompok yang ada.
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      SociologyPsychologySocial PsychologyCommunication
Pengertian filsafat oleh para Ahli dalam Filsafat Komunikasi.

Some definitions about philosophy.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceCommunicationScience Communication
Elaboration Likehood Theory, Expectancy & Violation Theory, and Interpersonal Deception Theory
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      Social TheoryCommunicationSocial SciencesScience Communication
KOMUNIKASI LINTAS BUDAYA ESSAY SOSIALISASI PRA-KUALIFIKASI (PQ) VENDOR DI PROYEK ARUN LNG - Pada tahun 2013, selama proses eksekusi proyek Arun LNG, Rekind dituntut untuk turut melibatkan supplier lokal sebagai rekan kerja. Desakan juga... more
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      CommunicationSocial Sciences
Setiap orang memiliki potensi untuk menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan. Hal tersebut dimulai dari sebuah gagasan usaha dan perencanaan yang matang. Sebelum menjalankan usaha, perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu apa yang dimaksud dengan gagasan... more
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      BusinessSocial Sciences
Mengenal dan memahami komunikasi lintas budaya serta mempelajari contoh penerapan atau pelaksanaan dari komunikasi lintas budaya itu sendiri.
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationIntercultural CommunicationSocial Sciences
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Socialization programs and utilization of Conservation Forest to the people who live around the forest takes the proper and effective communication and directed through the determination of sources of information (communicator), message... more
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The existence of National Parks Conservation Forest Halimun Salak Mountain at Bogor and Sukabumi is in separable from the efforts in the cultivation of forest communities and forest management. At this time TNGHS forests that are managed... more
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In social life, YouTube as a social media is often used to spread messages and information quickly on a large scale to its users at a relatively low cost. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe communication ethics in the... more
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The decline in the quality of the conservation forest of Mount Halimun Salak National Parkcan be studied from various perspectives, one of which is the participation of thecommunity around the forest in managing, utilizing and conserving... more
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To socialise the utilization programs and forest conservation to the people who live around the forest takes the proper and effective communication directively through the communicator, the message (information), the communicant, the... more
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    • Geography