sastri sunarti
Since 1993-2021 Researcher at Language Development and Cultivation Agency, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia.
January 2022 until now Researcher at BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency).
Address: Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
January 2022 until now Researcher at BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency).
Address: Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
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Papers by sastri sunarti
Artikel ini mendeskripsikan sebuah naskah Melayu dalam enam jilid
yang berisi Hikayat Koris Mengindra (HKM), yang dulunya dimiliki
oleh Dudley Hervey (1849-1911). Karena naskah tersebut lama
berada di dalam koleksi pribadi, tersimpan di Jakarta, Indonesia,
dan hampir tidak diketahui oleh para peneliti sastra Melayu
tradisional, artikel ini ingin memberikan perhatian pada naskah
yang luar biasa ini. HKM memuat banyak pantun, tetapi
bertentangan dengan pendapat R.O. Winstedt, aspek tersebut tidak
begitu berguna dalam merekonstruksi waktu dan tempat dari versi
HKM yang ‘asli’. Terkait dengan pertanyaan tentang ketebalan
naskah, artikel ini mengajukan argumentasi bahwa hal itu
berhubungan dengan sifatnya sebagai pelipur lara. Hikayat ini
sepertinya berfungsi sebagai semacam ‘opera sabun’ (serial yang
alurnya berbelit-belit) yang membuat beberapa ulama terkenal kesal.
The blended learning model based on Google Classroom is a learning model that uses the Google Classroom application to make the learning process easier for teachers and students. This study aimed to determine the effect of the blended learning model based on Google Classroom on student learning outcomes in reading short stories in Sundanese subjects. The method used in this research is the experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this study were
students of class 1 Kramatmulya Public Junior High School. The sample in this study were students of class VIII.B as the experimental class and class VIII.C as the control class—data collection through observation, tests, and documentation. The analysis technique used the validation test, normality test, homogeneity test, and independent t-test. The results of this study were: 1) the ability of students who had reached the
Vol. 7, No. 3, 2023 International Journal of Language Education 512 minimum completeness criteria in reading short stories before using the blended learning model, namely 13.33% in the experimental class and 6.67% in the control class; 2) the ability of students who have reached the minimum completeness criteria in reading short stories after using the blended learning model based on Google classroom, namely 66.67% in the experimental class and 20.00% in the control class; and 3) based
on the results of the pretest and posttest, and the independent t-test, the Google classroom-based blended learning model influences student learning outcomes in the ability to read short stories. Keywords: Blended learning model; Google Classroom; short stories.
Keywords: Blended learning model; Google Classroom; short stories
Artikel ini mendeskripsikan sebuah naskah Melayu dalam enam jilid
yang berisi Hikayat Koris Mengindra (HKM), yang dulunya dimiliki
oleh Dudley Hervey (1849-1911). Karena naskah tersebut lama
berada di dalam koleksi pribadi, tersimpan di Jakarta, Indonesia,
dan hampir tidak diketahui oleh para peneliti sastra Melayu
tradisional, artikel ini ingin memberikan perhatian pada naskah
yang luar biasa ini. HKM memuat banyak pantun, tetapi
bertentangan dengan pendapat R.O. Winstedt, aspek tersebut tidak
begitu berguna dalam merekonstruksi waktu dan tempat dari versi
HKM yang ‘asli’. Terkait dengan pertanyaan tentang ketebalan
naskah, artikel ini mengajukan argumentasi bahwa hal itu
berhubungan dengan sifatnya sebagai pelipur lara. Hikayat ini
sepertinya berfungsi sebagai semacam ‘opera sabun’ (serial yang
alurnya berbelit-belit) yang membuat beberapa ulama terkenal kesal.
The blended learning model based on Google Classroom is a learning model that uses the Google Classroom application to make the learning process easier for teachers and students. This study aimed to determine the effect of the blended learning model based on Google Classroom on student learning outcomes in reading short stories in Sundanese subjects. The method used in this research is the experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this study were
students of class 1 Kramatmulya Public Junior High School. The sample in this study were students of class VIII.B as the experimental class and class VIII.C as the control class—data collection through observation, tests, and documentation. The analysis technique used the validation test, normality test, homogeneity test, and independent t-test. The results of this study were: 1) the ability of students who had reached the
Vol. 7, No. 3, 2023 International Journal of Language Education 512 minimum completeness criteria in reading short stories before using the blended learning model, namely 13.33% in the experimental class and 6.67% in the control class; 2) the ability of students who have reached the minimum completeness criteria in reading short stories after using the blended learning model based on Google classroom, namely 66.67% in the experimental class and 20.00% in the control class; and 3) based
on the results of the pretest and posttest, and the independent t-test, the Google classroom-based blended learning model influences student learning outcomes in the ability to read short stories. Keywords: Blended learning model; Google Classroom; short stories.
Keywords: Blended learning model; Google Classroom; short stories