Papers by Jendrius Jendrius

Turast: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian, Jun 30, 2020
Radicalism (Understanding) and terrorism (Action) are one unit which is a latent danger that is d... more Radicalism (Understanding) and terrorism (Action) are one unit which is a latent danger that is difficult to detect. This danger can be seen from the large number of victims falling from both government and civilian agencies. Someone who has been indoctrinated will find it difficult to get out of their wrong and anti-human understanding. However, people who have not yet been exposed to radical terror doctrines can still be straightened out through socialization, counseling and so on. This article aims to see how the West Sumatra Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum -Forum Koordinasi Pencegahan Terorisme (FKPT) plays its role in preventing radicalism in West Sumatra. This paper uses a qualitative research approach, which the author then analyzes from the perspective of functional structural theory. The focus of FKPT activities is in the form of socialization. This outreach is aimed at people who are vulnerable to being exposed to the influence of radicalism. FKPT is different from the police or Densus 88 which specifically handles enforcement (legal) aspects, this FKPT specifically handles all matters related to prevention. So, researchers found that FKPT West Sumatra carried out its function in preventing radicalism in West Sumatra. This function and role can be seen from the activities carried out by FKPT West Sumatra in preventing radicalism.
Jurnal Sosiologi Andalas
This study aims to discover the subjective meanings of Gen Z Minangkabaus in West Sumatra in find... more This study aims to discover the subjective meanings of Gen Z Minangkabaus in West Sumatra in finding a mate and what popular cultural narratives produce these subjective meanings in the digital era. The method used in this research is to use a qualitative approach with a case study type. The data collection techniques used are observation and in-depth interviews. The data will be analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis techniques with codification, data presentation, and conclusion. The research will be analyzed using late-modernity studies from Ulrich Beck as a representation of society in the digital era and religion as a sacred canopy from Peter L Berger. Studies show that Gen Z Minangkabaus in West Sumatra still have an attachment to the family in finding a partner, such as paying attention to the origin of the partner's family

Jurnal Sosiologi Andalas
This study revealed the relationship patterns of female students with male lecturers and students... more This study revealed the relationship patterns of female students with male lecturers and students who were in the Department of Sports Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Padang State University. The analysis in this study used the Structural Theory from Anthony Giddens. Furthermore, this study used a qualitative approach with the aim of gaining an understanding of the relationship patterns of female students with male lecturers and students in the Department of Sports Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Padang State University, while the type of research used was descriptive. Data collection was carried out in this study by means of in-depth interviews. The results showed that the pattern of relations between female students and lecturers during classroom learning seemed balanced, as well as the pattern of relationships on campus and off campus. However, the relationship pattern between female students and their supervisors seems unbalanced because female studen...

Jurnal Sosiologi Andalas: Andalas Journal of Sociology, Apr 30, 2023
Remarriage is an individual who was married the same or more than twice by a man or a woman. Usua... more Remarriage is an individual who was married the same or more than twice by a man or a woman. Usually, marriage was done once in a lifetime. However, in Nagari Padang Ganting found men and women married many times. This study used a qualitative method. Data was collected using in-depth interviews, observation and secondary data analysis. The practice of social remarriage (marriage again) in the Minangkabau community in Kenagarian Padang Ganting studied with structuration theory by Anthony Giddens was known that there were structures that enable or empower "remarriage" itself. But there were also structures that constrain or curb "remarriage". Of the two divisions, the empowering structure tended to be more dominant than the restraining structure. Men don't have space in their parents' homes, there were parties looking for a mate, the value of children as continuation of offspring, male providers, stigmatization of widows and two, men remarry to take care of their needs, second and subsequent marriages were easier to do and the practice of remarriage was a common thing to do into a structure that perpetuates remarriage. Meanwhile, remarriage was considered to increase men's economic responsibilities, the marriage law made it difficult for divorce to occur and women carry out the parenting role posterity became a structure that restrains perpetrators from remarriage.

Nagari Sumaniak memiliki begitu banyak potensi diberbagaiĀ aspek yang dapat dikembangkan. Potensi ... more Nagari Sumaniak memiliki begitu banyak potensi diberbagaiĀ aspek yang dapat dikembangkan. Potensi tersebut sudah dimanfaatkan dengan baik, namun masih terdapat beberapa potensi yang masih belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Pada aspek pemerintahan, diidentifikasi bahwa Pemerintah Nagari Sumaniak mengalami kesulitan dalam menyusun Peraturan Nagari disebabkan karena minimnya informasi yang didapat oleh perangkat nagari terkait penyusunanĀ Peraturan Nagari. Sementara itu, kesiapan sumber daya manusia (pemerintah) diperlukan sebagai pelaku eksekutif di daerah dalam menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan. Untuk itu perlu adanya peningkatan kapasitas perangkat nagari dalam menyusun peraturan nagari melalui pelatihan legal draftingĀ bagi pemerintah nagari. Tujuan dilakukannya kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan pemerintah nagari dalam menyusun peraturan di nagari. Kegiatan dilakukan pada tahun 2020-2021 di Nagari Sumaniak. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah seluruh Pera...

TEMALI : Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial
Kamari bedo is an expression in the Minangkabau language used to describe a difficult position. W... more Kamari bedo is an expression in the Minangkabau language used to describe a difficult position. Whatever this woman chooses in living her life, it always does not benefit the woman, causing a dilemma for women in the unclear marital status. This article aims to examine the dilemma of women in the unclear marital status. This study also tries to see the structure that empowers women in a dilemma in the unclear marital status. This approach applies a gender approach with qualitative research methodsādata obtained through interviews with Nagari Taram women. Through the analysis of women who have unclear marital status in Nagari Taram as one of the Minangkabau areas, the researcher found that kamari bedo women are empowered by structures: the obligation of the wife to her partner, limited social activities, the obligation to cover family problems, the obligation to protect children, and a negative view of widows. It is what makes the bedroom of a kamari woman experience a dilemma in the...

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia, 2022
Gender equality and justices are not only the nation's problems but the worlds. Gender problems a... more Gender equality and justices are not only the nation's problems but the worlds. Gender problems and injustices are manifested in conditions of subordination, violence, and deprivation of rights that many women experience. If the women's empowerment program directly intervenes with women who are victims of gender injustice, the goal of realizing justice and gender will not be realized because many of the problems stem from men. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with literature study and document study methods, in which researchers who study previous studies related to gender-based social movements and collect documents related to this study. Then the researcher discusses these findings by using Alberto Melucci's theory which according to him the formation of a new social movement cannot be separated from the conflict situations experienced by many people at that time. The result of this research is that many genderbased organizations are discussing issues of gender equality and justice. The organization consists of organizations initiated by the women's movement as well as the men's movement. In Indonesia, the emergence of the men's movement to solve these problems is slower when compared to countries in Southeast Asia and the world. This social movement is represented in the form of the New Men's Alliance movement through which gender issues are widely discussed.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia, 2022
Healthy latrine" is a triggering activity for the community to increase universal access to prope... more Healthy latrine" is a triggering activity for the community to increase universal access to proper and safe basic sanitation in a sustainable manner in accordance with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) indicators implemented by CSR PT. Tirta Investama Plant Solok in Batang Barus Nagari, Solok Regency in 2020. Activities are carried out with a community empowerment approach and provide a minimum subsidy for the construction of latrines for triggering. Adequate sanitation facilities at home are households that have separate sewage disposal from human contact and ensure that waste does not return to the immediate environment. This activity is motivated by the low ownership of latrines, having latrines but not proper and unsafe, and the existence of community members who defecate openly. According to some people, activities in the latrine are routine activities that have direct contact with women. Like the proverb, women are synonymous with 3-ur which means well (sumur), kitchen (dapur) and mattress (kasur). On the other hand, women do not only complete domestic activities but also public activities. This condition does not reduce women's enthusiasm to participate in the "Healthy Latrine" program. Based on attendance, >75% are women at regular program meetings. So the purpose of this study was to determine the cause of the high participation of women in the healthy latrine program. The research method used is a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by in-depth interviews and observations. Informants in this study were divided into two, namely informants and observers. The perpetrators are women who are involved in healthy latrine activities. The observer informants were the head of the "healthy latrine" activity group, the activity facilitator, the guardian of the Batang Barus Nagari, representatives of the Bundo Kanduang Batang Barus Nagari and the sustainable development supervisor of PT. Tirta Investama Plant Solok.The findings of this study are that the "healthy latrine" program is considered important and beneficial by women. This is evidenced by the participation of women in each activity session: at the planning stage, women participate in formulating their ideas and formulating joint work plans. At the implementation stage, women helped build latrines, dug holes for septic tanks. In the evaluation stage, women maintain their latrine assets. Several factors caused the high participation of women in the healthy latrine program, namely; 1) No latrines; domestic work takes up a lot of time. 2) Presence of toddlers, children and the elderly at home. 3) Husband doesn't mind if there's no latrine. 4) Worried about contracting the disease if you defecate. 5) Embarrassed to go to the neighbor's latrine. 6) Women with open defecation have the opportunity to be sexually harassed. 7) There is a minimum subsidy for latrines from CSR PT Tirta Investama.

Melalui partai politik, kaum perempuan dapat memperjuangkan kepentingannya secara nyata di segala... more Melalui partai politik, kaum perempuan dapat memperjuangkan kepentingannya secara nyata di segala bidang khususnya dalam bidang politik, sehingga partai politik menjadi salah satu faktor penting yang dapat menentukan partisipasi politik dan keterwakilan kaum perempuan di lembaga legislative. Keterwakilan perempuan di lembaga legislative tentu tidak terlepas dari upaya partai politik dalam memberdayakan kader perempuannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bentuk pemberdayaan perempuan yang dilakukan oleh partai politik di provinsi sumatera barat. Metode kualitatif dengan tipe studi kasus digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa partai politik, yakni Gerindra dan Partai Persatuan Pembangunan memberdayakan kader perempuannya dengan mengadakan pelatihan dan pendidikan politik serta memberikan ruang penuh bagi kader perempuan untuk merumuskan kebijakan dan membuat kegiatan melalui organisasi sayap partai yang khusus mengurus kebutuhan pe...

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia
This study discusses the strategy of the West Sumatran women's care network in pressing for the r... more This study discusses the strategy of the West Sumatran women's care network in pressing for the ratification of the draft law on the elimination of sexual violence. Based on National Commission for Women data, as many as 299,911 cases of violence against women occurred in 2020. Then from this data, it can be seen that sexual violence is evenly distributed in almost all parts of Indonesia, including in West Sumatra. Meanwhile, in 2019, referring to data released by the Women's Crisis Center Nurani Perempuan it was stated that violence against women and children reached one hundred and five cases in 2019. In November 2020 WCC Nurani Perempuan reported that there were eighty cases of violence against women, mostly occurring in the city of Padang with the highest cases of sexual violence. This study uses social movement theory, namely the political process theory of Douglas McAdam. The analysis used is stakeholder engagement analysis. In searching for data, the author uses qualitative methods, where the data is obtained from the results of in-depth interviews, observations, and secondary data collection. The findings in this study indicate that the strategy used by JPP West Sumatra is more on organizing as a political force. However, in the strategy carried out as a form of discourse battle, there has not been a meeting between those who reject and support the P-KS Bill to create a confrontation of ideas. So, what happened was only the strengthening of the network from each group to master the discourse in West Sumatra.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia
Law No. 8 of 2016 concerning people with disabilities in Article 1 states that people with disabi... more Law No. 8 of 2016 concerning people with disabilities in Article 1 states that people with disabilities are every person who experiences physical, intellectual, mental, and / or sensorics limitations for a long period of time who in interacting with the environment may experience obstacles and difficulties to fully and effectively participate with other citizen based on an equal right. Women with disabilities have equal rights with women without disabilities. However, they often experience discrimination because they are not considered independent. They work to make ends meet and improve social skills to be independence. The lack of diverse job opportunities for women with disabilities makes them choose to work in the business sector even though there are women with disabilities who have careers in the government sector. The existence of support, equal opportunity and room for participation are factors that encourage women with disabilities to be empowered. The elimination of discrimination against gender and disabilities will provide great opportunities for women with disabilities to step forward, be empowered and creative. This research will discuss how women with disabilities to be empowered and survive from discrimination they experienced so that they success in career, daily life and how women with disabilities participate in economic development, especially in the family economy. The purposes of this research are to identify the factors that enable women with disabilities to be success, to explore the role of "social milleu" (family, friendship, community) and to provide support to women with disabilities. This type of research is descriptive-qualitative research or case study type, which is a type of research that describes the state of an object or event without an intention to draw general conclusions. Qualitative method is "a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. In collecting data about the respondent's determination, the researcher uses the life history method with narrative data analysis. The result of this research is that there is a role model for other women with disabilities to survive from the discrimination they experienced. Then the results of the next research on the journey of women with disabilities who are able to survive from the discrimination they received so that they are successful in their careers in the public sector are divided into 4 topics. The first topic is life before they become people with disabilities. The second topic talks about accident causing their physical disability. The third topic is about how these participants accept the transition from person without disability to person with physical disability and how they overcome obstacles when they become people with physical disabilities. The fourth topic talks about the participants' lives to survive and succeed in building their career at public sector.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia
Natural disasters in Indonesia are very common, ranging from earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, lands... more Natural disasters in Indonesia are very common, ranging from earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and failures that can be directly caused by humans. Some of the damage that occurred in Indonesia was minor, but there were very serious damages such as the tsunami in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, the earthquake in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, and the earthquake off the coast of West Sumatra in September 2009. The tsunami and earthquake outages, coupled with a lack of lifestyle, have caused significant damage to assets and infrastructure. Under these circumstances, Indonesia needs to expand and implement its own regulations to properly dispose of or dispose of fallout at the facility. Otherwise, the loss and suffering of Natural disasters can be even greater. On September 30, 2009, there was a 7.9-point earthquake on the west coast of Sumatra. Lack of lifestyle and damage to infrastructure. Most of the infected died mainly in Aceh and the island of Sumatra in West Sumatra. There were 1,150 dead, 1,214 seriously injured, and 1,688 slightly injured. One of the key factors in building a natural disaster response facility is to evaluate and adopt important directives from such implemented natural disaster response structural activities. In addition to the outlined weaknesses and failures in disaster response, the strengths and outcomes could be important guidelines for building more advanced national disaster response equipment in the future. Therefore, in order to gain knowledge of the substances used to form antidisaster devices, it is necessary to thoroughly study the anti-disaster steps or structures of herbs. Disaster preparedness by minimizing vulnerabilities is perceived as a better way to deal with disasters than public disaster response. Creating a tradition of prevention is important for dealing with the consequences of regular risks and failures. Disaster risk haircuts are described as a conceptual framework that minimizes the risk of social vulnerability and failure and considers the possibility of avoiding (avoiding) or limiting (mitigating) damage. I am. Residential areas are far from their original place of residence, starting with the provision of unsecured and accommodating housing, which is primarily a facility for girls and children. Even when distributing disaster funds, the unique desire for the elegance of this girl and her kids is no longer considered. We identify gender roles in West Sumatra's public reconstruction disasters through records of West Sumatra's herbal disasters and collect records from the realm of individuals who are deeply involved in the nature of West Sumatra's reconstruction failures. It focuses on the goal of properly explaining the role of gender in the post-disaster reconstruction of West Sumatra.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gender, Culture and Society, ICGCS 2021, 30-31 August 2021, Padang, Indonesia
Through political parties, women can actually fight for their interests in all fields, especially... more Through political parties, women can actually fight for their interests in all fields, especially in the political field, so that political parties become one of the important factors that can determine women's political participation and political representation. Those who know women's needs are women themselves, so the party should give women a more significant role in the internal party as an effort to increase women's participation, one of which is by providing space for women cadres to take part in the recruitment of new women cadres to join the internal organization. party. This study aims to examine the role of the Greater Indonesia Women (PIRA) in carrying out political recruitment of women in the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra). This research is limited to the 2019 election area. The method used is a qualitative method with a case study type used to answer this research question. The results of the study found that the role of PIRA is very dependent on the placement of roles that have been determined by the Gerindra party.

This article discusses the flow of information on communication in the management of Public Servi... more This article discusses the flow of information on communication in the management of Public Services Plus Inter-Quotation Service Birth Certificate and the distortion of the flow of information in the management of Public Services Plus Inter-Citation Services for Birth Certificates in Padang Timur District, Padang City. Information flow of communication in the management of Public Services Plus Inter-Citation Services for Birth Certificates in Padang Timur Subdistrict, Padang City, seen from the leadership communication skills in this case the Head of East Padang Subdistrict. Formal communication has taken place in accordance with hierarchical levels of authority that are valid and related to the task. Formal communication is centered on leadership decisions and serves to give orders, coordination, and control over subordinate activities. Effective formal communication requires preparation and planning regarding goals, target recipients, determining situations, times and places. For...

The Tsunami wave that occurred in Aceh in 2004 resulted in a shift in the joints of the social, e... more The Tsunami wave that occurred in Aceh in 2004 resulted in a shift in the joints of the social, economic and cultural life of the people. The tsunami left deep wounds and sadness for the victims left behind, the earthquake and tsunami disaster also destroyed infrastructure and various types of buildings, especially residential housing. One of the problems caused was the difficulty to find land boundaries that had been lost due to the disaster, this caused a conflict between Gampong residents who lived side by side. The study was conducted with a qualitative type descriptive approach and used Hugh Miall's theory which explained Conflict Resolution. The results of the study found that all conflicts that occurred in Lamdingin Village were resolved in local communities in Gampong through various conflict resolution processes. First, one party reports to the Keuchik or the Head of the Hamlet about the dispute that occurred, then the Keuchik invites the conflicting parties to be asked...

The success of an organization can be measured by the level of satisfaction felt by partners/clie... more The success of an organization can be measured by the level of satisfaction felt by partners/clients. Basically, many factors that influence the level of satisfaction of partners/clients include the effectiveness of communication and service quality. In the past few years TVRI Sumatra has experienced a decline in the number of customers. This may be caused by the effectiveness of communication and poor service quality. This type of research is quantitative using analytic descriptive design. Sampling was determined by the total sampling technique on TVRI West Sumatra Public Broadcasting Partners, which amounted to 67 respondents. Data collection tools using questionnaires and observations. Data analysis using Chi-square. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the effectiveness of organizational communication with Partner Satisfaction with a P value of 0,000 (P <0.05) OR 7,500 (95% CI = (2,533-22,204), and there was a significant relationship between s...

Penelitian ini membahas tentang dinamika komunikasi orang tua dengan anak dalam penerapan disipli... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang dinamika komunikasi orang tua dengan anak dalam penerapan disiplin dan perilaku prososial. Disiplin dan perilaku prososial adalah bagian dari perilaku positif yang dapat diajarkan oleh orang tua kepada anak di dalam keluarga. Hal ini tentunya memerlukan komunikasi antara orang tua dengan anak. Komunikasi yang baik antara orang tua dengan anak akan membuat makna pesan tentang penerapan disiplin dan perilaku prososial yang diterima anak sesuai dengan makna pesan yang disampaikan oleh orang tua kepada anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis dinamika komunikasi orang tua dengan anak dalam penerapan disiplin dan perilaku prososial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan dianalisis menggunakan teori Communication Management of Meaning (CMM) atau Manajemen makna terkoordisasi oleh Pearce and Cronen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dinamika komunikasi orang tua dengan anak dalam penerapan disp...

Penelitian ini membahas tentangĀ alasan lansia bekerja di Pasar 16 Ilir Kota Palembang dalam pers... more Penelitian ini membahas tentangĀ alasan lansia bekerja di Pasar 16 Ilir Kota Palembang dalam perspektif teori Strukturasi Antony Giddens yang dimana jika kita berbicara teori strukturasi berarati kita berbicara tentang praktik sosial yang dimana menurut Giddens praktik sosial adalah suatu aktivitas yang berulang yang terbentuk dari struktur atau aturan (rule) dan sumber daya (resourch) dan terpola dalam lintas ruang dan waktu yang dapat menjadi suatu kebiasaan. Penelitian ini menyajikan hasil penelitian tentang struktur apa yang menjadi alasan dari lansia yang bekerja di Pasar 16 Ilir Kota Palembang untuk tetap bekerja di hari tuanya dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa struktur yang menjadi alasan lansia yang bekerja di Pasar 26 Ilir Kota Palembang untuk tetap bekerja di hari tuanya adalah struktur agama (rule) , struktur budaya (rule) , struktuk ekonomi (resourch) dan Modal Sosial (resourch).

This research analyzes the value of integrity and professionalism for the election organizers by ... more This research analyzes the value of integrity and professionalism for the election organizers by Padang City KPU through Technical Guidance as an HR development program for election organizers in the Election of West Sumatra 2015 Election. Researchers assume, if the Election organizer Technical Guidance is not managed well, it will have an impact on the weak understanding of the election organizers on the procedural procedures for electoral work and the election organizer's rules. This study uses a qualitative approach, data collection using in-depth interview techniques for 22 informants and supported by documentation studies. The research data was processed and analyzed descriptively, using Mozafard and Scedler's theory of Electoral Governance. The results showed that the Governance of Technical Guidance by the KPU of Padang City had not run as expected, both at the rule making level and the application rule level. But at the level of Adjudication KPU Padang City has done ...
Papers by Jendrius Jendrius