Universitas Andalas
The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between anger management style, depression, anxiety and somatic symptoms in anxiety disorder and somatoform disorder patients. The subjects comprised 71 patients with anxiety... more
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate autistic children's scripts for social routines. Scripts specify familiar events in terms of who does what, when, to whom, and why. Scripts are verbalizations of mental event... more
Autism and the related pervasive developmental disorders are characterized by patterns of delay and deviance in the development of social, communicative and cognitive skills, which arise in the first years in life. Differential diagnosis... more
The CMS silicon tracker, consisting of 1440 silicon pixel and 15 148 silicon strip detector modules, has been aligned using more than three million cosmic ray charged particles, with additional information from optical surveys. The... more
Studi evaluasi skala pelayanan prasarana Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Kota Batu dengan analisis diskriptif kondisi eksisting 11 sekolah SMK dengan Permendiknas Standar sarana dan prasarana SMK/MAK Tahun 2008. Hasil yang diperoleh dari... more
- by Faiz Ilyas
Studi evaluasi skala pelayanan prasarana Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Kota Batu dengan analisis diskriptif kondisi eksisting 11 sekolah SMK dengan Permendiknas Standar sarana dan prasarana SMK/MAK Tahun 2008. Hasil yang diperoleh dari... more
- by Faiz Ilyas
A teacher's responsibilities in the process of education is not only to transfer knowledge, but also to teach values and norms that in the future would be implemented by the students when they live as members of society. In order to... more
Vocational High School (SMK) is a work-oriented education where graduates are directed to be ready to work and have competitive and comparative advantages. However, the facts on the ground show that vocational students are not optimal in... more
Latar belakang: Banyaknya kendala dan tantangan yang dihadapi mahasiswa selama kuliah daring, mengharuskan mereka untuk memiliki ketahanan yang tinggi dalam dirinya agar mampu bertahan menghadapi kondisi sulit sehingga diperlukan... more
Objective During adolescence, the significance of peer relationships peaks, and the presence and quality of dyadic friendships impact psychosocial outcomes. Yet, friendships have been studied infrequently among youth with chronic illness,... more
- by Bunga Putri