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This study aims to determine the application of the principles of accountability and transparency in the management of funds in the committee at Sijunjung 9 Public High School. The application of the principles of accountability and... more
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      AccountabilityPolitical Scienceakuntansi dan manajemen
Mosque is an entity that aims not for profit (non-profit entity), so that financial accountability becomes an important aspect for mosques. Good accountability can be realized by presenting the mosque's financial reports in accordance... more
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      BusinessAccountingakuntansi dan manajemen
Increasing the financial literacy of mosque administrators plays an important role to increase accountability and transparency in managing mosque finance. It is caused the mosque functions not only as a place of worship but also as a... more
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      BusinessAccountingAccountabilityFinancial Literacy
Printed Newspaper readers began to decline with development of technology, and online media readers increased. Printed newspaper companies must take a decision whether to keep the printed newspaper or change to online media. This research... more
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      Computer ScienceDocumentationAdvertisingNewspaper
Dalam pembuatan tahu akan menghasilkan scrap (sisa bahan) seperti ampas tahu. Pemanfaatan scrap diperlakukan oleh perusahaan dengan menjual langsung ke peternak sapi. Kandungan gizi yang tinggi terdapat dalam ampas tahu sehingga ampas... more
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    • Physics
Tujuan kegiatan PKM ini adalah untuk memberikan bimbingan teknis kepada tim manajemen Badan Usaha Miliki Nagari (BUMNag), tentang pengelolaan keuangan unit usaha menggunakan laporan arus kas. Bimbingan teknis ini dilakukan pada BUMNag... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationPhysics
This article describes on how the implementation of good governance is carried out by Padang City Government in sustainable tourism management. This research is aimed to (1) Overseeing the good governance implementation in Padang City... more
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      BusinessPhilosophy of AgencyDocumentationAccountability
The aim of this research is to evaluate implementation of Accrual based accounting of local government in Kota Semarang and Kota Bandar Lampung. The research finds that Government Act (PP) No. 71 Year 2010 as amendment of Section 36 ayat... more
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      BusinessAccountingLocal GovernmentGovernmental Accounting
This study aims to design an accounting information system application in AA Cempaka Auto Service workshop. Case study used as research approach. The application design process begins with studying the forms and reports that are required... more
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      Computer ScienceDatabaseservice Businessakuntansi dan manajemen
The use of money in the foundation must be accountable for the smooth achievement of educational goals. The purpose of financial management at the institution of education is to regulate all matters related to finance. Based on data that... more
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      AccountabilityFinancial managementakuntansi dan manajemen
The use of money in the foundation must be accountable for the smooth achievement of educational goals. The purpose of financial management at the institution of education is to regulate all matters related to finance. Based on data that... more
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Distance learning is a learning method that does not have space and time limitations. Currently, education in Indonesia applies distance learning to maintain the continuity of educational activities during the Covid 19 pandemic. Various... more
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      Distance EducationMathematics EducationVocational EducationThe Internet