Papers by Vincent Englebert
Data Mining Process
Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009
Data Mining Pipeline
Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009
Data Mining in Bioinformatics
Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009
Data Gathering
Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009
Data Corruption
Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009

Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009
Data compression issues arise in a sensor network when designing protocols for efficiently collec... more Data compression issues arise in a sensor network when designing protocols for efficiently collecting all data observed by the sensor nodes at an Internet-connected base station. More formally, let X i denote an attribute being observed by a node in the sensor network -X i may be an environmental property being sensed by the node (e.g., temperature), or it may be the result of an operation on the sensed values (e.g., in an anomaly-detection application, the sensor node may continuously evaluate a filter such as "temperature > 100" on the observed values). The goal is to design an energy-efficient protocol to periodically collect the observed values of all such attributes (denoted X 1 , · · · , X n ) at the base station, at a frequency specified by the user. In many cases, a bounded-error approximation might be acceptable, ie., the reported values may only be required to be within ± of the observed values, for a given . The typical optimization metric is the total energy expended during the data collection process, commonly approximated by the total communication cost; however, metrics such as minimizing the maximum energy consumption across all nodes or maximizing the lifetime of the sensor network may also be appropriate in some settings.
Data Cleaning
Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009
CASE Tools for Database Engineering
Database Engineering Process History 1
It is largely recognised in the process modelling d omain that recording actions, decisions and t... more It is largely recognised in the process modelling d omain that recording actions, decisions and their r ationales, or any other useful information during the performance of a software en gineering process is necessary. The database realm is worth a particular attention: database engineering processes can be mo delled at a very fine grain and the resulting metho ds can
Generalization/specialization hierarchies (IS-A relations for short) are basic semantic construct... more Generalization/specialization hierarchies (IS-A relations for short) are basic semantic constructs proposed in most information system conceptual models. At the other side of design methodologies, where standard DBMSs are used, and will still be used for several years, there is no explicit representation of these IS-A relations. As a consequence, all the current methodologies include rules through which these semantic constructs
This paper analyzes the requirements that CASE tools should meet for effective database reverse e... more This paper analyzes the requirements that CASE tools should meet for effective database reverse engineering (DBRE), and proposes a general architecture for data-centered applications reverse engineering CASE environments. First, the paper describes a generic DBMS-independent DBRE methodology, then it analyzes the main characteristics of DBRE activities in order to collect a set of desirable requirements. Finally, it describes DB-MAIN, an
If the recent DBMS technologies consider the problem of databases schema evolution, standard Info... more If the recent DBMS technologies consider the problem of databases schema evolution, standard Information Systems in use raise hard problems when evolution is concerned. This paper studies these problems in the current developer context. It analyzes the evolution of systems and its impact on the data structures, data and programs through typical strategies. The paper introduces the DB-MAIN CASE environment
Contribution to the Reverse Engineering of OO Applications Methodology and Case Study
IFIP Working Conference on Database Semantics, 1997
While database reverse engineering is getting mature, trying to recover the semantics of recent O... more While database reverse engineering is getting mature, trying to recover the semantics of recent OO applications seems to trigger little interest. The reason is that the problem is underlooked because OO programs should be written in a clean and disciplined way, and based on state-of-the- art technologies which allow programmers to write auto-documented code. The paper is an attempt to
GRASYLA: Modelling Case Tool GUIs in MetaCases
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces, 1999
Meta-CASEs are CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) tool factories.For some years, much eff... more Meta-CASEs are CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) tool factories.For some years, much effort have been spent in this realm to propose a competitivealternative to the traditional CASE framework. Meta-CASEs now benefit fromefficient and rich meta-repositories, they support several methods and are multiuser.However, all current meta-CASEs share the same approach of the GraphicalUser Interface modelling task. We analyze here the new challenges
The DB-MAIN Database Engineering CASE Tool (version 5)Functions Overview
Understanding Implementations of ISA Relations
Object-Oriented and Entity-Relationship Modelling/International Conference on Conceptual Modeling / the Entity Relationship Approach, 1996
DB-Main: un atelier d'ingénierie de bases de données
Journées Bases de Données Avancées, 1995
DB-MAIN: A Next Generation Meta-CASE
Information Systems, 1999
This paper describes the DB-MAIN meta-CASE architecture that attempts to conciliate seemingly con... more This paper describes the DB-MAIN meta-CASE architecture that attempts to conciliate seemingly contradictory goals concerning efficiency, ergonomics, evolution, reuse and ontologies integration. The architecture is based on two layers, the first of which includes built-in basic concepts and functions that should be part of every Information System oriented CASE tool. The second layer comprises four meta-mechanisms intended to reuse, extend
Towards More Extensible MetaCASE Tools
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 2007
In this paper, we suggest a solution to several limitations of current metaCASE technology: (i) t... more In this paper, we suggest a solution to several limitations of current metaCASE technology: (i) the limited number of modelling levels, (ii) the rigid separation between those levels, (iii) the limited bootstrapping possibilities, (iv) the hardcoding of various types of information (e.g. GUI related information), and (v) the inability to record links between semantically related (e.g. referrentially redundant) constructs. Our
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1994
The paper analyses some of the practical problems that arise when the requirements of an informat... more The paper analyses some of the practical problems that arise when the requirements of an information system evolve, and when the database and its application programs are to be modified accordingly. It presents four important strategies to cope with this evolution, namely forward maintenance, backward maintenance, reverse engineering and anticipating design. A common, generic, framework that can support these strategies is described. It is based on a generic data structure model, on a transformational approach to database engineering, and on a design process model. The paper discusses how this framework allows formalizing these evolution strategies, and describes a generic CASE tool that supports database applications maintenance.
Papers by Vincent Englebert