Books by Alexa Rickert
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Papers by Alexa Rickert
K. NAWOTKA, A. WOJCIECHOWSKA (Hgg.), Legacy of the East and Legacy of Alexander, 2023
Free download of the full volume via the webpage of the Harrassowitz publishing house! See link a... more Free download of the full volume via the webpage of the Harrassowitz publishing house! See link above (DOI).
This paper is a report from the ongoing project on the sanctuary of Alexander the Great in the temple of Karnak. It focuses especially on the link to Thutmosis III, who originally built the part of the temple where the sanctuary is located, and discusses the possibility of an afterlife of the monument in Ptolemaic times, perhaps related to a big falcon statue in the centre of the chapel.
A. Rickert, S. Schlosser (Hgg.), Gestaltung, Funktion und Bedeutung antiker Treppenanlagen. Multiperspektivische Analyse einer transkulturellen Konstante, Kasion 11, Münster 2022, p. 181–206
F. Feder, A. Lohwasser, G. Schenke (ed.), Sortieren – Edieren – Kreieren Zwischen Handschriftenfunden und Universitätsalltag Stephen L. Emmel zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet. Münster, 2022
R. Färber, R. Gautschy (Hgg.), Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums. Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen, Wien/Köln/Weimar, p. 147–155, 2020
R. Färber, R. Gautschy (Hgg.), Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums. Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen, Wien/Köln/Weimar, p. 127–136, 2020
R. Färber, R. Gautschy (Hgg.), Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums. Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen, Wien/Köln/Weimar, p. 77–86, 2020
in: A. Lichtenberger/A. Lohwasser/H.-H. Nieswandt/E. Rehm (Hgg.), Welt.Weit Unverzichtbar. Kleine Fächer für große Themen. Migration, Kommunikation, Nachhaltigkeit. Münster, p. 68-69, 2020
Marie Peterková Hlouchová, Dana Belohoubková, Jirí Honzl, Vera Nováková (Hgg.), Current Research in Egyptology 2018. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 25–28 June 2018, Oxford, p. 141-148, 2019
A r c h a eop r e s s Acc e s s A rch a e o l o gy A Abstract of Sirius after an absence of about... more A r c h a eop r e s s Acc e s s A rch a e o l o gy A Abstract of Sirius after an absence of about 70 days.
M.-L. Arnette (Hg.), Religion et alimentation en Égypte et Orient anciens, Kairo, RAPH 43, p. 235-273, 2019
S. Baumann/H. Kockelmann, Der ägyptische Tempel als ritueller Raum, SSR 17, Wiesbaden, p. 39-82, 2017
This paper deals with the the staircase in the temples of the Late Period of Egypt and the quest... more This paper deals with the the staircase in the temples of the Late Period of Egypt and the question if there is any norm for its position, number and shape.
A. Rickert/B. Ventker (Hgg.), Altägyptische Enzyklopädien. Die Soubassements in den Tempeln der griechisch-römischen Zeit, Soubassementstudien 1, SSR 7, Wiesbaden, p. 528-437, 2014
A. Rickert/B. Ventker (Hgg.), Altägyptische Enzyklopädien. Die Soubassements in den Tempeln der griechisch-römischen Zeit, Soubassementstudien 1, SSR 7, Wiesbaden, p. 337-360, 2014
A. Rickert/B. Ventker (Hgg.), Altägyptische Enzyklopädien. Die Soubassements in den Tempeln der griechisch-römischen Zeit, Soubassementstudien 1, SSR 7, Wiesbaden, p. 321-327, 2014
Book Reviews by Alexa Rickert
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung
Books by Alexa Rickert
Papers by Alexa Rickert
This paper is a report from the ongoing project on the sanctuary of Alexander the Great in the temple of Karnak. It focuses especially on the link to Thutmosis III, who originally built the part of the temple where the sanctuary is located, and discusses the possibility of an afterlife of the monument in Ptolemaic times, perhaps related to a big falcon statue in the centre of the chapel.
Book Reviews by Alexa Rickert
This paper is a report from the ongoing project on the sanctuary of Alexander the Great in the temple of Karnak. It focuses especially on the link to Thutmosis III, who originally built the part of the temple where the sanctuary is located, and discusses the possibility of an afterlife of the monument in Ptolemaic times, perhaps related to a big falcon statue in the centre of the chapel.
The texts concerning the ceremonies, which are mostly located on the walls of the staircases and the pillared kiosk on the roof, contain many different designations for New Year's Day. Apart from usual terms like wp rnpt and tp rnpt, there are some unfrequent denominations such as ḥb qmȝ sj ("the festival of the one who created her") and dwȝw n wʿb ("the morning of purity"), which are specific to Dendara and which emphasise certain aspects of the festival like the crucial moment at the beginning of the day and the close relationship between Hathor and her father Re. The ensemble of designations can be regarded as an expression of the theological essence of the festival, distilled by the ancient Egyptian priests into some short notions.
This paper aims to give a brief overview of the diversity of terms for the first day of the year in the temple of Dendara, followed by an analysis of the meaning and application of the most significant ones.