Papers by Fernando A. Cervantes

We studied differentially stained karyotypes of the leporids Lepus califomÍCU8, L. callotis, and ... more We studied differentially stained karyotypes of the leporids Lepus califomÍCU8, L. callotis, and L. jlavjgularis and described their banding pattems of euchromatin to decide whether results fit expectations of chromosomal rearrangements leading to the karyotypic evolution ancestral of the L. califomjcU8-L. callotis-L. jlavjgularis lineage. Results confirmed previous findings on numbers of chromosomes (2n's) and fundamental numbers (FNs; except for L. califomÍCU8). Homologous G-banding pattems allowed identification of chromosome rearrangements such as pericentric inversions and addition and deletion of euchromatin. Chromosomal rearrangements that we deduced mostly support hypotheses on karyotypic changes in the chromosomal evolution of the Lepus ancestrallineage that we examined. The karyotypic pattem coincides with pattems of geographic variation and distribution of the species examined.

We studied the home-range and core-area size and overlap of Tehuantepec jackrabbits (Lepus flavig... more We studied the home-range and core-area size and overlap of Tehuantepec jackrabbits (Lepus flavigularis) by radiotracking 32 individuals between May 2001 and April 2003 in savanna habitat in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Annual home-range and core-area sizes averaged 55 ha 6 8 SE and 8 6 1 ha for 10 adults of both sexes using the 95% and 50% fixed-kernel isopleths, respectively. Seasonal home ranges varied widely for adults, from 15 to 111 ha for females and from 24 to 166 ha for males. Juvenile males had larger seasonal home ranges than did juvenile females ( X ¼ 80 and 24 ha). For adult jackrabbits, seasonal home ranges were larger during the 1st year compared to those of the 2nd year of study ( X ¼ 87 and 49 ha), particularly for females. Home ranges and core areas of Tehuantepec jackrabbits were comparable in size and overlapped between active periods (nocturnal and crepuscular hours) and inactive periods (diurnal hours). Adults overlapped their home ranges with 1-10 individuals. Home-range overlap among females was greater than among males. Females shared portions of their ranges with other females more frequently than did males with other males. Home-range and overlap analysis suggests that Tehuantepec jackrabbits have polygamous mating behavior and nonterritorial social organization.
Instituto de Biología, Universidad …, 2003
SIDALC - Sistema de Informacion y Documentacion Agropecuaria de las Americas.

Jalisco ha sido reconocido dentro de México como una de las entidades en las que la riqueza de ma... more Jalisco ha sido reconocido dentro de México como una de las entidades en las que la riqueza de mamíferos es considerable. Diversos estudios han mostrado que la región en donde se ubica, vertiente del Pacífico Mexicano, es una de las más notables por su cantidad de endemismos. El presente trabajo se encaminó a la obtención de un listado de las especies de mamíferos registrados en la entidad, resaltando los endemismos y el estado de conservación, para lo cual se compiló información de colecciones de mamíferos tanto nacionales como extranjeras. Se registró la presencia de 168 especies con 155 subespecies, 89 géneros, 22 familias y ocho órdenes. De las especies, el 26% son monotípicas y el 74% son politípicas. Del total de especies, 40 son endémicas de México de ellas cuatro son exclusivas de Jalisco. De igual forma se registraron 21 especie catalogadas con diferentes estados de conservación en la Norma Ecológica Mexicana (NOM-ECOL-059-2001). Se registra por primera vez la presencia de Lepus californicus para el estado. Palabras Clave: Mamíferos, riqueza de especies, endémico, estado de conservación, Jalisco, México.

Zootaxa, 2010
We present a molecular phylogeny of North American species of long-tailed shrews of the genus Sor... more We present a molecular phylogeny of North American species of long-tailed shrews of the genus Sorex. Our focus is on Mexican and Guatemalan species to begin understanding their evolutionary relationships and to test the validity of nominal species. Seventy-seven sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were analyzed, including 19 specimens representing nine Mexican and one Guatemalan species. Phylogenetic analyses using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches revealed two major clades of North American species, all within the subgenus Otisorex. The first major clade includes S. trowbridgii and southern species (S. macrodon from Oaxaca; S. veraecrucis from Nuevo León, Michoacán, Chiapas, S. saussurei from Jalisco and Guatemala; S. veraepacis from Guerrero and Guatemala). Relatively deep branches among taxa characterize this clade and suggest that their early divergence from other North American shrews was soon after arrival of the ancestral stock from the Beringian region. The other major clade includes all other North American species of Sorex we examined, with two Mexican species, S. milleri and S. emarginatus, grouped in a subclade with the S. cinereus complex. Sorex veraecrucis is not, however, a monophyletic taxon because specimens of this nominal species were included in both the major clades. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec has likely played a role as a biogeographic barrier in the evolutionary history of Mexican shrews. This study of mitochondrial variation in southern North American shrews of the genus Sorex indicates there is substantial, previously undetected diversity that necessitates a revision of the taxonomy of S. veraecrucis and S. veraepacis.

Revista Mexicana de …, 2010
Although phylogenetic affinities of Mexican jackrabbits within the genus Lepus have been evaluate... more Although phylogenetic affinities of Mexican jackrabbits within the genus Lepus have been evaluated for a few species, no study has included all 5 species occurring in Mexico. In this study we assess the phylogenetic position of the Mexican species relative to other forms within the genus and evaluate evolutionary affinities among the Mexican forms. To do so, we analyzed 57 complete cytochrome b sequences belonging to the 5 Mexican jackrabbits and 18 species of Lepus distributed across Asia, Africa, Europe and America. We performed phylogenetic tree reconstruction with the neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood approaches. We also used a minimum spanning network to evaluate relationships among Mexican species. We found 5 main phylogenetic groups within Lepus, 4 of which corresponded to geographically well defined lineages. One group included L. americanus, 3 others corresponded to Mexican, African and European species, respectively. A fifth group included Asiatic, European and American forms. Our results suggest that Mexican species constitute a monophyletic entity that evolved independently of the other American species of Lepus. Within the Mexican forms, 2 main clades are apparent; 1 that includes L. alleni, L. callotis, and L. flavigularis, previously referred to as the white-sided jackrabbits, and a second one that groups together L. californicus and L. insularis, although L. californicus is a paraphyletic relative of L. insularis.

Journal of mammalogy, 1999
This study focused on differentially stained karyotypes of the heteromyids Liomys pictus pictus, ... more This study focused on differentially stained karyotypes of the heteromyids Liomys pictus pictus, L. p. plantinarensis, L. spectabilis, and L. irroratus, and described their b~ding pattems of euchromatin and constitutive heterochromatin to decide if results fit expectations of chromosoma1 rearrangements leading to karyotypic evolution of the L. irroratus, L. spectabilis, and L. pictus 1ineage. Results confirmed most previous findings on diploid numbers of chromosomes and fundamenta1 numbers (except for L. irroratus). Homologous G-banding pattems a11owed identification of chromosome rearrangements such as centric fusions, pericentric inversions, and addition and deletion of euchromatin. Moreover, Cbanding pattems showed that amounts and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin were different among species. Differentia11y stained karyotypes confirmed previous reports and contributed details on chromosoma1 morphology .Chromosoma1 rearrangements found mostly support hypotheses on karyotypic changes that led to chromosomal evolution of the Liomys lineage exarnined, a1though the lineage sequence may be different.
The Southwestern …, 1996
The black jackrabbit, Lepus insularis, is found only on Espiritu Santo Island, Baja California Su... more The black jackrabbit, Lepus insularis, is found only on Espiritu Santo Island, Baja California Sur, Mexico, in the Gulf of California (Hall, 1981). Espiritu Santo Island (99 km2), in the eastern portion of La Paz Bay (24030'N, 110°21'W), is covered by rocky hills and low mountains ...
Anales del Instituto de Biología serie Zoología, 2009
Homenaje al profesor Ticul …, 1997
Papers by Fernando A. Cervantes