Papers by Michel E Hendrickx
<i>Themistella</i> Bovallius, 1887 monotypic genus

CBM - Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 2011
A bibliographic search, a compilation of collection data and recent sampling of deep-water mollus... more A bibliographic search, a compilation of collection data and recent sampling of deep-water mollusks (from 200 to 4200 m) in the Gulf of California (Talud IV-IX cruises, 2000-2005) yield a total of 685 records on both sides of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Records were split into Gulf of California (GC) and the slope of Baja California in the influence zone of the California Current (Mexico only) records (CC) and a comparative analysis of ß diversity for both fauna was made using depth and latitude records. Five commonly used similarity indices (Jaccard, Sørensen, Sokal and Sneath, Braun-Blanquet, and Ochiai-Barkman) were calculated for each cell of the latitude by depth matrix. A total of 281 species and 201 genera were recognized. Number of records and species richness were usually higher in the GC, but diversity profiles obtained on both sides of the Peninsula were similar. Using the Sørensen index, highest similarity between GC and CC fauna was observed at 23°N (species:...
FIGURE 4. Holotype female (LEMA CR-463), A, D–F; paratype female (LEMA CR-464), B; paratype femal... more FIGURE 4. Holotype female (LEMA CR-463), A, D–F; paratype female (LEMA CR-464), B; paratype female (EMU-8842), C. A, third pereiopod, lateral view; B, C, propodus and dactyl of third pereiopod, lateral view; D, fourth pereiopod, lateral view; E, fifth pereiopod, lateral view; F, distal portion of propodus and dactyl of same pereiopod, mesial view.
FIGURE 11. Hansenomysis lucifugus (Faxon, 1893). Female 42 mm total length (type). A, lateral vie... more FIGURE 11. Hansenomysis lucifugus (Faxon, 1893). Female 42 mm total length (type). A, lateral view; B, dorsal view of anterior part of carapace with cephalic appendages; C, carapace from above; D, antenna, ventral view; E, 5th abdominal appendage; F, telson and uropods, dorsal view (reproduced from Faxon, 1895).
FIGURE 9. Localities off western Mexico where specimens of Hansenomysis lucifugus (Faxon, 1893) w... more FIGURE 9. Localities off western Mexico where specimens of Hansenomysis lucifugus (Faxon, 1893) were collected.
FIGURE 2. Hansenomysis lucifugus (Faxon, 1893). Female CL 12.18 mm (ICML-EMU-12487). A, mandible ... more FIGURE 2. Hansenomysis lucifugus (Faxon, 1893). Female CL 12.18 mm (ICML-EMU-12487). A, mandible and mandibular palp, left and right, inner and outer views; B, maxilla, left and right; C, maxillula, left and right.
FIGURE 4. Tetralobistes bicentenarius gen. nov. and sp. nov., A – B, paratype male (SL, 1.68 mm) ... more FIGURE 4. Tetralobistes bicentenarius gen. nov. and sp. nov., A – B, paratype male (SL, 1.68 mm) (EMU- 8866). A, live specimen in shell; B, same, removed from shell, dorsal view.
FIGURE 2. Neogonodactylus lalibertadensis (Schmitt, 1940). Male from Playa Norte, Mazatlán, TL 25... more FIGURE 2. Neogonodactylus lalibertadensis (Schmitt, 1940). Male from Playa Norte, Mazatlán, TL 25 mm (EMU-9284): A, anterior cephalothorax; B, telson. Female from Isla Venados, Mazatlán, TL 36.6 mm (EMU-9286): C, anterior cephalothorax; D, telson. Female from Isla Pajarera, Chamela, TL 17.4 mm (EMU-9280): E, telson. Scale = 1.0 mm.

The oegopsid squids Abraliopsis and Pterygioteuthis are abundant and diverse genera with taxonomi... more The oegopsid squids Abraliopsis and Pterygioteuthis are abundant and diverse genera with taxonomic and distributional problems. Identification and distribution of species in the Mexican Pacific has been some-what controversial. Here are provided a large series of new records for Abraliopsis affinis, A. falco, Ptery-gioteuthis gemmata, P. giardi and P. hoylei from the Gulf of California and off the SW coast of Mexico. All five species were collected in the central or the southern Gulf of California, or in both. Abraliopsis affinis was found in seven samples with a total of 48 specimens, from 21°59 ' to 24°53'12"N. Abraliopsis falco was much less represented in the samples (14 specimens) but it was found in 10 localities, four of which cor-respond to the central-southern Gulf of California (north to 27°44'53"N) and six to SW Mexico (south to 16°49'18"N). In the case of Pterygioteuthis gemmata, only two records (three specimens) were obtained, both in...

Revista De Biologia Tropical, 2016
Cincuenta y nueve especies de crustaceos es·tomatopodos y decapodos incluyendo una nueva especie ... more Cincuenta y nueve especies de crustaceos es·tomatopodos y decapodos incluyendo una nueva especie de Pandalidae, Plesionika carinirostris, fueron colectadas en el centro del golfo de Ca·lifornia, Mexico, durante muestreos de la fauna de invertebrados epi bentonicos en la parte infe·rior de la plataforma continental. Las muestras fueron colectadas entre 65 y 380 m de profundi·dad mediante redes de arrastre y draga. Se en·contraron especimenes de Schmittius politus, una especie de estomatopodo raramente encon·trada en el golfo de California asi como especi-menes de Iridopagurus occidentalis y Nanocas siope polita, dos especies d,i: decapodos que han sido escasamente colectadas hasta la fecha. Ademas, se senala la presencia por primera vez en el golfo de California de Clythrocerus decorus y C. laminatus . Dos especies dle cangrejos braquiuros recientemente desclritas para el golfo de California, Chacellus pacfficus y Etlzusa ste·yaerti, fueron capturadas nuevamente.

El proyecto TALUD inicio en 1989. Tiene como principal objetivo determinar la composicion faunist... more El proyecto TALUD inicio en 1989. Tiene como principal objetivo determinar la composicion faunistica de los invertebrados y peces por debajo de la Zona del Minimo de Oxigeno (ZMO) en el Pacifico mexicano. Se efectuaron 18 cruceros oceanograficos, 14 en el golfo de California, uno frente a la costa suroeste y tres frente a la costa oeste de la peninsula de Baja California (2012-2014), estos ultimos en un area que en superficie esta bajo la influencia de la corriente de California. En estas ultimas tres campanas se recolectaron 2658 especimenes de moluscos: Talud XV (zona sur de la peninsula), 2384 especimenes, entre 528 y 2136 m; Talud XVIB (zona norte de la peninsula), 272 especimenes, entre 710 y 2093 m. En el Talud XVI solo se consiguieron 2 muestras (2 especimenes) entre 1940 y 1982 m. Entre las cuatro clases de moluscos, se identificaron 31 generos perteneciendo a 29 familias (9 Bivalvia, 16 Gastropoda, 2 Polyplacophora y 2 Scaphopoda). Las especies mas abundantes fueron encontr...
The material of hermit crabs (Diogenidae and Paguridae) in the biological collection of CICIMAR, ... more The material of hermit crabs (Diogenidae and Paguridae) in the biological collection of CICIMAR, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, has been reviewed, identified and is reported herein. A total of 10 species (seven Diogenidae and three Paguridae) is included, based on specimens collected along the coast of the Baja California Peninsula.
The deep-water squat lobster Munidopsis hendersoniana Faxon, 1893 is reported for the third time ... more The deep-water squat lobster Munidopsis hendersoniana Faxon, 1893 is reported for the third time since its original description. Previously known only from off Panama, in depths of 915-1867 m (“Albatross” and “Galathea” material), it was collected off western Mexico, 11°28’ degrees of latitude north to its previous distribution range. Environmental data for this rare species are summarized.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2016
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 31, 2012
Seven species of squat lobsters were collected during the TALUD XIV cruise in the Gulf of Califor... more Seven species of squat lobsters were collected during the TALUD XIV cruise in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Gastroptychus perarmatus (Haig, 1968) was collected for the second time since it was described and represents a first record of the genus in the tropical eastern Pacific. Its association with gorgonians is also noted from color pictures taken during a deep-water dive in another cruise in the area. Janetogalathea californiensis (Benedict, 1902) was captured in four sampling stations, in the same area where it has been previously reported. Three species of
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 31, 2012
Hendrickx, Michel E., Ayón-Parente, Manuel (2012): First record of Prionocrangon Wood Mason &... more Hendrickx, Michel E., Ayón-Parente, Manuel (2012): First record of Prionocrangon Wood Mason & Alcock, 1891 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Crangonidae) in the East Pacific and description of a new species from western Mexico. Zootaxa 3205: 63-68, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.280180
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2011
Nauplius, 2022
After a study of the type specimens, as well as supplementary materials of the eastern Pacific he... more After a study of the type specimens, as well as supplementary materials of the eastern Pacific hermit crab Pagurus gladius (Benedict, 1892), this taxon is transferred to the genus Spathapagurus Lemaitre and Felder, 2011, and a full redescription and illustrations are presented. Morphological similarities of Benedict's taxon with three other eastern Pacific species (Pagurus albus (Benedict, 1892), Pagurus perlatus H. Milne Edwards, 1848, and Pagurus pseudoalbus Ayón-Parente and Wehrtmann, 2019) are summarized. While examining museum specimens during this study, one female specimen representing a new species of Pagurus Fabricius, 1775, was discovered. This new species, named Pagurus marysolae sp. nov., is fully described and illustrated, and is assigned to Group II ("exilis") of Pagurus.
Nauplius, 2019
A series of specimens of Malacoplax californiensis (Lockington, 1877) is reported from the Gulf o... more A series of specimens of Malacoplax californiensis (Lockington, 1877) is reported from the Gulf of California, significantly increasing the known localities for the otherwise rarely reported species from 3 to 12. Depth range is increased to 110-114 m on the continental shelf. Environmental conditions associated with the crabs were: 12.4-27.0°C; 1.9-5.0 ml/l O2; 58-98% sandy sediments. Males and females were sexually distinct even at small sizes (4.2 mm and 3.5 mm CW, respectively). Two small specimens were infested with a rhizocephalan, a condition not reported previously for this species of panopeid.
Scott, 2012), la fauna de moluscos del Pacífico este tropical reviste una importancia considerabl... more Scott, 2012), la fauna de moluscos del Pacífico este tropical reviste una importancia considerable en el contexto de las comunidades naturales, tanto en los ambientes someros como de aguas profundas. Por lo atractivo de sus conchas, los moluscos han sido tema de numerosos programas de recolección y estudio. En términos generales, la fauna de moluscos del Pacífico este tropical es bien conocida. Es un hecho que, a causa del fuerte atractivo que estos animales
Papers by Michel E Hendrickx