Artículos by Fernando González Villarreal
This case study details the establishment of a real-time water quality and quantity monitoring sy... more This case study details the establishment of a real-time water quality and quantity monitoring system at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico’s largest university based in Mexico City. It is structured to outline the water challenges facing Mexico City and UNAM, the solutions implemented by PUMAGUA,
the Program for the Management, Use and Reuse of Water at UNAM,and the lessons learned in the process which can be extended beyond the university.

PROCEEDINGS IWRA Online Conference 2020, 2020
(a) Purpose or objectives and status of study or research hypothesis
Analyze the Mexican... more Abstract
(a) Purpose or objectives and status of study or research hypothesis
Analyze the Mexican governance system to identify the elements that inhibit a sustainable aquifer management in Penjamo-Abasolo, Guanajuato and discuss the opportunities of Reglamento as a regulatory mechanism to enhance the adoption of a management plan.
(b) Key issue(s) or problem(s) addressed
Groundwater experiences the tragedy of the commons. Thus, it requires an analysis of the governance system to enhance its sustainable management. Worldwide, different policies have been developed based on this approach. These policies include water right systems and their reallocation, pumping bans, changes in economic incentives and subsidies, among others. Generally, the application of these mechanisms have not being sufficient to achieve a sustainable management of groundwater due to the challenges in their implementation and the existence of an inadequate governance system.
Mexico has experienced an increase of the number of overexploited aquifers over the last years.
Guanajuato state is the town with the highest number of ‘critical aquifers´ in Mexico. It has more than 20 000 deep wells, an extraction volume of 4000 hm3/year, and an extraction/recharge rate of 2.5. The Penjamo-Abasolo aquifer is the most critical aquifer in Guanajuato. It presents a deficit of 122 hm3, static groundwater levels of 150 m and sustained drop levels of 3 m/year on average.
Managing plans have experienced difficulties to be implemented as a result of the lack of information and communication systems and the insufficiency of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. A better definition of incentives, sanctions and compensations, as well as the assignation of economic and financial resources is also needed. In addition, the implementation of these actions is also limited as the rule of law is often flexible and sanctions to actors violating the legal framework are rarely putting in place.
The Mexican legal framework has a variety of administrative instruments to restrict the exploitation of groundwater and to limit new water rights based on public interest. The Reglamento outstands among the instruments due to its comprehensive approach that enhance the participation of all stakeholders.
(c) Methodology or approach used
The performance of groundwater governance in Guanajuato is evaluated under the framework of the reform of public policies for aquifer management, proposed by the Implementing Policy Change Project (IPC). The process includes: clarifying objectives, analyzing and mapping actors, identifying indicators of the principles of governance, and selecting options and strategies that reduce risks in the formulation and application of the Reglamento.
(d) Results and conclusions derived from the Project
The enhancement of groundwater governance through the Reglamento is made up of a hydrogeological evaluation update of the Penjamo Abasolo aquifer. Likewise, the elaboration of two programs is derived: the modernization and technification of irrigation to improve the efficiency of water use in the agricultural sector; and the improvement of the administrative water system through a proposal for monitoring and control of extraction.
(e) Implications of the project relevant to selected conference theme, theory and/or practice
The analysis and proposals are expected to suggest guidelines to improve the process of consensual regulation and can be replicated in aquifers in critical condition in Mexico.

13th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2020
As knowledge society is mainstreaming around the world, Information and Communication Technologie... more As knowledge society is mainstreaming around the world, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been increasingly integrated in formal and informal leaning environments, especially in a complex and fast-changing reality. In this context, Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) have proved to be a valuable asset for continuous learning of professional from all sectors, especially for those working on natural resources management and the governance of common goods, since science and technology related to these topic are rapidly moving forward and paradigms are changing in a fast-pace. The water sector is not the exception. Water resources management requires a specific set of skills that are not only oriented towards engineering and technical studies, but also requires the understanding of social and biological dynamics, all of them working together in a complex system. Due to the transdisciplinary approach and the constant changes in the area, water professionals are actively demanding new ways to increase their knowledge through virtual learning environments. This paper analyses the experience of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), with the collaboration of the Regional Centre for Water Security (CERSHI) under the auspices of UNESCO, in designing and implementing the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Water Security, available on Coursera platform. Firstly, the document presents the changes of paradigms in water management and explores how the water sector has incorporated them into its educational programs and trainings. Then, the phases of designing the MOOC are described, considering the identification, selection and analysis of formal education programs on water security, both nationals and internationals, as well as the integration of the syllabus under a frontier science approach. The development of the virtual learning environment is also discussed in this section. Finally, the capacity of this initiative to promote education for sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as community engagement and youth participation in integrated water resources management is discussed.
La peste negra es considerada como la pandemia más mortífera y con el impacto más duradero en la ... more La peste negra es considerada como la pandemia más mortífera y con el impacto más duradero en la historia de la humanidad. Se cree que el brote comenzó en Asia Central y desde allí pasó por la Ruta de la Seda hasta llegar a la península de Crimea en 1343. Se esparció por toda Europa usando como medio de transporte principalmente a los barcos mercantes. Las estimaciones sostienen que entre el 30 % y el 60 % de la población pudo haber muerto en la pandemia. El continente tardó 200 años en recuperar su nivel de habitantes anterior.
H2O Gestión del Agua, 2020

Erosion and sediment load production are among the greatest potential hazard geomorphological pro... more Erosion and sediment load production are among the greatest potential hazard geomorphological processes, due to its large superficial extension, in fact, it´s been calculated that one sixth of the soils within the planet is affected by the hydric erosion. The environmental modifications caused by the man within a global scale have been the main reason of a spectacular increase of erosion and sediment load production in many parts of the world. In urban basins, urbanization processes imply to remove large terrain extensions covered by vegetation. This paper discusses one way to reach the sediment load estimation within a rural basin in Central Mexico, by using a physically-based model, specifically the SWAT model. SWAT is a continuous time, physically based hydrological model developed by the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) to predict the impact of land management practices on water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields in large complex watersheds. In this paper, only the relevant sediment components of the SWAT model is discussed briefly.

Water erosion within rural basins is mainly caused by rains and runoff phenomena. The mentioned w... more Water erosion within rural basins is mainly caused by rains and runoff phenomena. The mentioned water erosion, reduces crop zones yields and produces soil loss, which, for academic purposes is a non-renewable resource. On the other hand, the sediment load produced, reduces the water quality and it is a good way of transportation for chemical pollutants. This is, without forgetting that on a yearly basis, it is necessary to use several economic resources to water canals cleaning, reservoirs flushing and sediment removal actions within estuaries and ports. This document provides a methodology to calculate water erosion within a rural basin located in Central Mexico, Mexico. These methodology is based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) but applied to a Geographic Information System (GIS), in this case the ArcGIS software. ArcGIS has a specific tool called "Map Algebra"; this tool was used to solve the USLE for two possible scenarios. The first one is for the Potential Erosion scenario, and the second one is for the Current Erosion scenario within the studied basin. This two scenarios are reached by using different data maps such as maps for the "C" factor (Land use), "K" factor (Soil type), "R" factor (potential erosion by rainfall activity), and the "LS" factor (obtained with the DEM raster). Once the USLE is calculated, the results are displayed as a map for both Potential Erosion and Current Erosion within the basin, these results were calculated in ton/hectare/year.
Watersheds have become an integral component of natural resources management. It is an integrated... more Watersheds have become an integral component of natural resources management. It is an integrated approach to water management. The major issues and challenges involved in watershed management are identified and discussed here. At the higher slopes changes in land use tend to generate downstream effects that impact on other stakeholders in the watershed. Intact, both costs and benefits need to be equally shared amongst both upstream and downstream stakeholders. The watershed management incorporates improving management of (a) natural resources, (b) local development and (c) externalities. Improving management of externalties is crucial in watershed management because improving equity becomes a prerequisite to improving the efficiency and sustainability of watershed investments. Rural poverty and degradation of natural resources are interlinked.

To achieve a soil moisture estimation (m s) in an accurate way is crucial to understand the water... more To achieve a soil moisture estimation (m s) in an accurate way is crucial to understand the water cycle response and avoid traditional runoff estimations where the m s is assumed as a constant value. The aim of this study is the implementation of optical-radar images into a model to estimate m s in the Zapotes Lagoon System in Tabasco, Mexico. The satellite images used were Landsat TM and ETM+ sensors, Envisat and also in situ measurements and MDT were available. The field measurements at the soil profile showed a clear pattern of the water movement into the basin corresponding to the lower parts of the system (lagoons). The land use analysis obtained with the optical images indicated a strong change in the floodplain due to the construction of protect barriers around the Villahermosa city losing its hydrological capacity. This allows the identification of three main covers (soil, vegetation and air) that were monitored and feed to the model (MIMICS) in order to estimate m s using the Envisat image. Results provided an empirical equation that relates the m s with the backscattering coefficient.

This paper presents the results obtained firstly analyzing climatic databases for a minimum perio... more This paper presents the results obtained firstly analyzing climatic databases for a minimum period of 20 years in the Sonora River Basin in order to compute ET time series and, secondly comparing them with actual ET (ETa) values obtained using Landsat images. Cluster analysis was applied to achieve a regionalization for the Sonora River Basin allowing the use of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) to compute ET. Both surface temperature (Ts) and ETa obtained by remote sensing techniques were compared with the ETc results using conventional equations and Ts field measurements. Results showed that crops demand a huge amount of water during drought periods, which cannot be compensated due to rainfall shortage. Also, results indicated that remote sensing provided an ETa value that effectively represents the actual condition of crops. To conclude, even though the region is subject to frequent droughts, there is evidence that: the severe event in the mid 90s (strongly related to El Niño), the effect on the crop yields in the same period and the absence of a trend for precipitation, temperature and ET series from 1980 to 2002 in the three homogeneous regions, led to consider that climate change is related to the intensity and duration of this drought period in the basin.
El estado de Tabasco está ubicado geográficamente en una zona susceptible a los fenómenos hidrome... more El estado de Tabasco está ubicado geográficamente en una zona susceptible a los fenómenos hidrometeorológicos, los cuales en la época invernal generan la mayoría de las ocasiones inundaciones. El 24 de octubre del año 2007 avanza hacia el sur el frente frío No. 4 combinándose días después con la tormenta tropical "Noel" incrementando el potencial de convección. Estos fenómenos produjeron lluvias intensas que se convirtieron en escurrimientos extraordinarios del 12 de octubre y hasta el 16 de noviembre de 2007 en el estado de Tabasco. Este evento dejó a 578,580 habitantes bajo el agua, a 1.4 millones de afectados y daños por 3 mil millones de dólares en pérdidas.

Mexican water utilities are lagging behind globally in terms of physical efficiency, coverage, re... more Mexican water utilities are lagging behind globally in terms of physical efficiency, coverage, reliability, water quality, and sustainability. Performance benchmarking is a tool used worldwide to make service providers more accountable, and to assess progress while improving performance. In performance benchmarking water utilities are compared amongst each other to identify opportunities for improvement and to accomplish change. This paper makes a first attempt to build a holistic benchmarking process that allows reliable comparisons among performances of Mexican water utilities. The study uses information available from two of the three areas described in the original benchmarking method: (1) performance indicators reported by the water utilities and (2) user perception on water services, which were obtained through a national survey. By using this method, fifty three Mexican water utilities were classified as low, medium, and high performers. Those utilities in which the level of service based on performance indicators reported by water utilities were in agreement with the level of service determined from user perception were selected for preliminary analyses. These analyses evaluated possible causes of differences in overall performance levels between water utilities including (1) city size and (2) a combination of the water tariff and commercial efficiency.
In this research we propose that photocomics represent an opportunity to communicate scientific i... more In this research we propose that photocomics represent an opportunity to communicate scientific information to students in a reliable and economic way. We used these narratives to communicate information about efficient water management activities and also to publicize PUMAGUA, the Program of the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM) in charge of water management at the University. Using the Retell, Identify, Remember and Contextualize information (RIRC) method (a method that uses memory tasks to assess learning) we tested the efficiency of this kind of illustrated narratives to communicate scientific information. We found statistical evidence that students acquired information regarding water use using this media and we also found statistical differences in performance between the participants of different schools at the main campus of UNAM.

RESUMEN: El presente trabajo aborda una problemática que ha venido aumentando paulatinamente, y e... more RESUMEN: El presente trabajo aborda una problemática que ha venido aumentando paulatinamente, y es la sedimentación en cuerpos de agua que pudieran ser aprovechables para consumo humano. Otro problema serio al que se enfrenta México, es la falta de información en cuanto a sedimentación en cuerpos de agua se refiere; esto da la pauta al desarrollo del presente trabajo, ya que se pretende obtener una estimación del aporte de sedimento en una cuenca en la región central de la República Mexicana, con la finalidad de obtener parámetros de diseño a futuro. Se presentan diversos métodos desarrollados en su mayoría en los Estados Unidos de América, así como la Fórmula Universal de Pérdida de Suelos modificada de acuerdo a las condiciones estudiadas en la República Mexicana anteriormente, de modo que se realiza una comparativa entre los métodos empleados con la finalidad de obtener el aporte en las condiciones más desfavorables; y posteriormente se presenta el caso de una hipotética presa en la parte baja de la cuenca y el concepto de eficiencia de atrape propuesto por Brune (1953) para dicha presa. ABSTRACT: The following paper deals with a problem that has been gradually increasing. That is the sedimentation of water bodies that could be exploitable for human consumption. Another serious issue for Mexico is the lack of reliable data when it comes to water bodies' sedimentation, this leads to the development of the following paper, it intends to get an accurate estimation of the sediment input within a basin located in Central Mexico, in order to get further design criteria for the future. This paper presents several methods developed in the United States of America, as well as a modified Universal Soil Loss Equation according to the previously studied conditions within the Mexican Republic, so that a comparison is carried out among the used methods in order to get the sediment load for the most unfavorable conditions; after that the case of a hypothetic dam located in the low basin area, is presented, as well as the trap efficiency concept for that dam, introduced by Brune in 1953

En la actualidad el cambio climático es uno de los problemas de mayor importancia para la humanid... more En la actualidad el cambio climático es uno de los problemas de mayor importancia para la humanidad, dicho efecto se ha acelerado por influencia antropogénica, como las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, contaminación de cuerpos de agua, entre muchos otros. El trabajo presentado propone una metodología para identificar la existencia de cambio climático en la cuenca del río colorado, Estados Unidos, ya que a lo largo de los años ha presentado cambios en la precipitación, temperatura, así como también en su geomorfología. Dicha metodología se auxilia de análisis estadísticos como pruebas de homogeneidad y de tendencias con respecto a la media. ABSTRACT: Currently, climate change is one of the most important problems for humanity, this effect has been caused by anthropogenic pollution, such as emissions of greenhouse gases, pollution of bodies of water, among many others. The presented work proposes a methodology to identify the existence of a climate change in the basin of the Colorado River, United States, which over the years has presented changes in precipitation, as well as in its geomorphology. This methodology is supported by statistical analyzes such as tests of homogeneity and trends with respect to the mean.
Artículos by Fernando González Villarreal
the Program for the Management, Use and Reuse of Water at UNAM,and the lessons learned in the process which can be extended beyond the university.
(a) Purpose or objectives and status of study or research hypothesis
Analyze the Mexican governance system to identify the elements that inhibit a sustainable aquifer management in Penjamo-Abasolo, Guanajuato and discuss the opportunities of Reglamento as a regulatory mechanism to enhance the adoption of a management plan.
(b) Key issue(s) or problem(s) addressed
Groundwater experiences the tragedy of the commons. Thus, it requires an analysis of the governance system to enhance its sustainable management. Worldwide, different policies have been developed based on this approach. These policies include water right systems and their reallocation, pumping bans, changes in economic incentives and subsidies, among others. Generally, the application of these mechanisms have not being sufficient to achieve a sustainable management of groundwater due to the challenges in their implementation and the existence of an inadequate governance system.
Mexico has experienced an increase of the number of overexploited aquifers over the last years.
Guanajuato state is the town with the highest number of ‘critical aquifers´ in Mexico. It has more than 20 000 deep wells, an extraction volume of 4000 hm3/year, and an extraction/recharge rate of 2.5. The Penjamo-Abasolo aquifer is the most critical aquifer in Guanajuato. It presents a deficit of 122 hm3, static groundwater levels of 150 m and sustained drop levels of 3 m/year on average.
Managing plans have experienced difficulties to be implemented as a result of the lack of information and communication systems and the insufficiency of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. A better definition of incentives, sanctions and compensations, as well as the assignation of economic and financial resources is also needed. In addition, the implementation of these actions is also limited as the rule of law is often flexible and sanctions to actors violating the legal framework are rarely putting in place.
The Mexican legal framework has a variety of administrative instruments to restrict the exploitation of groundwater and to limit new water rights based on public interest. The Reglamento outstands among the instruments due to its comprehensive approach that enhance the participation of all stakeholders.
(c) Methodology or approach used
The performance of groundwater governance in Guanajuato is evaluated under the framework of the reform of public policies for aquifer management, proposed by the Implementing Policy Change Project (IPC). The process includes: clarifying objectives, analyzing and mapping actors, identifying indicators of the principles of governance, and selecting options and strategies that reduce risks in the formulation and application of the Reglamento.
(d) Results and conclusions derived from the Project
The enhancement of groundwater governance through the Reglamento is made up of a hydrogeological evaluation update of the Penjamo Abasolo aquifer. Likewise, the elaboration of two programs is derived: the modernization and technification of irrigation to improve the efficiency of water use in the agricultural sector; and the improvement of the administrative water system through a proposal for monitoring and control of extraction.
(e) Implications of the project relevant to selected conference theme, theory and/or practice
The analysis and proposals are expected to suggest guidelines to improve the process of consensual regulation and can be replicated in aquifers in critical condition in Mexico.
the Program for the Management, Use and Reuse of Water at UNAM,and the lessons learned in the process which can be extended beyond the university.
(a) Purpose or objectives and status of study or research hypothesis
Analyze the Mexican governance system to identify the elements that inhibit a sustainable aquifer management in Penjamo-Abasolo, Guanajuato and discuss the opportunities of Reglamento as a regulatory mechanism to enhance the adoption of a management plan.
(b) Key issue(s) or problem(s) addressed
Groundwater experiences the tragedy of the commons. Thus, it requires an analysis of the governance system to enhance its sustainable management. Worldwide, different policies have been developed based on this approach. These policies include water right systems and their reallocation, pumping bans, changes in economic incentives and subsidies, among others. Generally, the application of these mechanisms have not being sufficient to achieve a sustainable management of groundwater due to the challenges in their implementation and the existence of an inadequate governance system.
Mexico has experienced an increase of the number of overexploited aquifers over the last years.
Guanajuato state is the town with the highest number of ‘critical aquifers´ in Mexico. It has more than 20 000 deep wells, an extraction volume of 4000 hm3/year, and an extraction/recharge rate of 2.5. The Penjamo-Abasolo aquifer is the most critical aquifer in Guanajuato. It presents a deficit of 122 hm3, static groundwater levels of 150 m and sustained drop levels of 3 m/year on average.
Managing plans have experienced difficulties to be implemented as a result of the lack of information and communication systems and the insufficiency of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. A better definition of incentives, sanctions and compensations, as well as the assignation of economic and financial resources is also needed. In addition, the implementation of these actions is also limited as the rule of law is often flexible and sanctions to actors violating the legal framework are rarely putting in place.
The Mexican legal framework has a variety of administrative instruments to restrict the exploitation of groundwater and to limit new water rights based on public interest. The Reglamento outstands among the instruments due to its comprehensive approach that enhance the participation of all stakeholders.
(c) Methodology or approach used
The performance of groundwater governance in Guanajuato is evaluated under the framework of the reform of public policies for aquifer management, proposed by the Implementing Policy Change Project (IPC). The process includes: clarifying objectives, analyzing and mapping actors, identifying indicators of the principles of governance, and selecting options and strategies that reduce risks in the formulation and application of the Reglamento.
(d) Results and conclusions derived from the Project
The enhancement of groundwater governance through the Reglamento is made up of a hydrogeological evaluation update of the Penjamo Abasolo aquifer. Likewise, the elaboration of two programs is derived: the modernization and technification of irrigation to improve the efficiency of water use in the agricultural sector; and the improvement of the administrative water system through a proposal for monitoring and control of extraction.
(e) Implications of the project relevant to selected conference theme, theory and/or practice
The analysis and proposals are expected to suggest guidelines to improve the process of consensual regulation and can be replicated in aquifers in critical condition in Mexico.
1. Enfrentamos un período de sequía en la cuenca alta del Bravo, ¿qué estrategias debiera adoptar el gobierno mexicano con los diferentes usuarios para enfrentar los efectos de este fenómeno?
2. La cuenca del rÍo Conchos, ¿debiera manejarse y gestionarse como un cauce doméstico o un cauce transfronterizo?
3. Desde su perspectiva, ¿México se encuentra en condiciones favorables para solicitar al Senado Mexicano la revisión del Tratado de Aguas de 1944?
4. ¿Cuál es el peso real o las implicaciones en la relación bilateral del atraso de las entregas de agua a los Estados Unidos?
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