Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Instituto de Geofísica
La información analizada como una industria, es el tema principal de este artículo, en primer lugar, se presenta un panorama general de la economía de la información, y se resalta el poder político, social y cultural de ésta.... more
Se ofrece un panorama general del uso del sistema aleph en la Biblioteca Conjunta de Ciencias de la Tierra de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, mostrando las diversas aplicaciones en donde se ha implementado, que van desde la... more
El documento pretende mostrar como la organizacion del conocimiento en las bibliotecas prehispanicas (amoxcalli) y el contenido de los codices (amoxtli) aportaron importantes elementos para la elaboracion de nuevos documentos y la... more
A comparative study of websites of libraries belonging to the Subsystem of Scientific Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam) was made, analyzing their content and presenting in a chart the services offered and its... more
La Biblioteca Conjunta de Ciencias de la Tierra (bcct) representa la red mas grande e importante de informacion y documentacion de su especialidad en la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), y se encuentra conformada por los... more
The development of geological sciences in Mexico in the 19th century is key to understanding the national scientific evolution. At that time, the country was in a process of civil and cultural adaptation after a warlike independence... more
El impacto académico y social de la ciencia impresa Manual BCCT 1-2018 Página 1 El impacto académico y social de la ciencia impresa medido por citaciones y altmetrics (redes sociales y otras herramientas)
An overview of the use of the aleph system is presented in the Joint Earth Sciences Library of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, showing the various applications where it has been implemented, ranging from the generation of... more
El uso de Internet está actualmente implicado en todas las actividades diarias, es básicamente transparente en nuestras vidas para quienes vivimos en lugares urbanos o rurales, desde transacciones en banca electrónica, pagos,... more
We invert GPS position data to map the slip on the plate interface during an aseismic, slow-slip event, which occurred in 2002 in the Guerrero seismic gap of the Mexican subduction zone, lasted for ∼4 months, and was detected by 7... more
The 11/5/2011 Lorca, Spain earthquake (Mw=5.2) and its foreshock produced extensive damage to buildings and infrastructures within the town of Lorca and vicinity. During these earthquakes, evidence of rotational behaviour and permanent... more
The single circular array (SCA) method is a spatial autocorrelation (SPAC)-like technique for ambient noise exploration. Its main feature is the possibility of calculation of Love-wave dispersion curves by using centerless circular arrays... more
The spatiotemporal plot of epicenters of large (M s Ն6.9) subduction earthquakes in Mexico (1900 to present day) suggests that these earthquakes cluster in space and time. In this work we test the hypothesis that the coseismic stress... more