Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Instituto de Biotecnologia
This paper studies the application of support vector machines (SVMs) to the detection and classification of rolling-element bearing faults. The training of the SVMs is carried out using the sequential minimal optimization (SMO) algorithm.... more
This work explores the use of characterization features extracted based on breast-mass contours obtained by automated segmentation methods, for the classification of masses in mammograms according to their diagnosis (benign or malignant).... more
Metodología. Se adquirieron videos con una cámara de alta velocidad (Motion Pro HS-4, Redlake, USA) utilizando los diferentes arreglos experimentales presentados previamente (1, 3). La caracterización dinámica de la dispersión se realizó... more
Resultados. En los experimentos donde se analizan los mecanismos de formación de estructuras, se observó que en algunos casos la inclusión de las burbujas de aire dentro de las gotas de aceite ocurre cuando estos objetos entran en... more
Fermentation processes involve multiphase dispersions in which there are oil drops, air bubbles and compound oil drops containing air bubbles and water droplets. The dynamics of formation of these complex structures has been intended to... more
The phosphoenolpyruvate: carbohydrate transferase system (PTS) transports glucose in Escherichia coli. Previous work demonstrated that strains lacking PTS, such as PB11, grow slow on glucose. PB11 has a reduced expression of glycolytic,... more
Pore-forming toxins are biological weapons produced by a variety of living organisms, particularly bacteria but also by insects, reptiles, and invertebrates. These proteins affect the cell membrane of their target, disrupting permeability... more
The a-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis is the most widely used enzyme in the starch industry owing to its hyperthermostability, converting starch to medium-sized oligosaccharides. Based on sequence alignment of homologous amylases, we... more
Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins are used worldwide as insecticides in agriculture, in forestry, and in the control of disease transmission vectors. In the lepidopteran Manduca sexta, cadherin (Bt-R 1) and aminopeptidase-N (APN) function... more