There are 16 freshwater mollusc families reported from Mexico, but besides a few studies of habitat and distribution, only Pomacea flagellata, Pomacea patula catemacensis and Helisoma trivolvis has been studied in some detail, mainly... more
This paper presents and compares different TE information dissemination strategies between Path Computation Elements (PCEs) in multi-domain optical networks. In such network context, recent studies have found that path computation only... more
" " La comparación de las secuencias de nucleótidos del AD N de diferentes especies ayuda a establecer la filogenia de éstas y permite contrastar teorías alternativas sobre el mecanismo de la evolución molecular E
Resumen. Se presenta una revisión general de la familia Chrysomelidae en México. Existen 2 174 especies y 301 géneros conocidos para el país. Caloscelis Clark y Euplectroscelis Crotch son géneros endémicos de México, así como 31 especies... more
in the leaves of Larrea tridentata. In the present study the potential protective effect of NDGA on ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) induced renal damage, oxidant stress and mitochondrial alterations was examined. Four groups of male Wistar... more
We report the first record of Coleonyx elegans nemora-lis from a transition area between pine-oak and pine forest from Acahuizotla, Municipality of Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Guerrero, Mexico.
We report for the first time the consumption of the Texas Banded Gecko (Coleonyx brevis) by the Banded Rock Rattlesnake (Crotalus lepidus klauberi) in southwestern Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico. We consider that this event might be more... more
El género Drymobius (Squamata: Colubridae) consta de cuatro especies actualmente descritas que se distribuyen desde el sur de Texas, Estados Unidos hasta Venezuela en la vertiente Atlántica y desde el estado de Sonora, México hasta Perú... more
GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION 801 2021. T. T. Chau. Verified by Gernot Vogel. Herpetological Collection, Duy Tan University (DTU 535; photo voucher). Individual found at ca. 0700 h dead after being bitten by domestic dog; surrounding habitat... more
Although Guerrero contains one of the richest herpetofaunas of any state in Mexico, it remains one of the least studied. Pérez-Ramos et al. (2000) provided the last review of the herpetofauna of the state, and since that time several new... more
Alligator lizards of the genus Abronia are a clade of arboreal and terrestrial squamates distributed throughout much of the highlands of Mexico and Central America. Here, we report a new record of the Mexican endemic A. martindelcampoi... more
(IBH-RF 647; photo voucher). A young adult Cantil (760 mm total length) was found DOR in a patch of vegetation composed of grassland-mesquite and corn and sugarcane surrounded by native tropical deciduous forest. First municipality... more
Other Contributions Miscellaneous Notes Acknowledgments.-We thank Ildefonso Andrade-Gutiérrez for his valuable field assistance, and Luis Canseco-Márquez for verifying the identification of the species. The scientific collector permit was... more
BerThold, A. A. 1846. Über verschiedene neue oder seltene Reptilien aus New Granada und Crustacien aus China. Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 3: 3-32.