FORUM 10/11 (2016-2017) by Luis Alberto Cifuentes

Forum. Revista Departamento de Ciencia Política, 2017
Las expresiones de violencia ubican al fútbol dentro de la agenda de los gobiernos y son las deto... more Las expresiones de violencia ubican al fútbol dentro de la agenda de los gobiernos y son las detonantes para la creación de legislación y políticas públicas. No obstante, en los proyectos legislativos, no se tienen en cuenta a todos los actores involucrados en el fenómeno, dejando al margen a las comunidades que viven en los sectores cercanos a los estadios. En este artículo se realiza una revisión de la legislación que regula el tema en Colombia y Medellín, la incidencia de su implementación en esta ciudad y se recopila la percepción de la comunidad aledaña al Estadio Atanasio Giradot, con el fin de establecer cómo se ven afectados y realizar un marco analítico sobre las medidas tomadas por la administración municipal para las manifestaciones de violencia.
Soccer violence is an item of the government agenda and the origin of certain public legislation and policies. However, the design of such policies does not incorporate all the actors involved in the phenomenon, for example, the communities that reside in areas near the stadiums. This paper reviews the legislation that regulates soccer violence in Colombia and Medellín, and the consequences of its implementation in the city. Additionally, it collects the perception of the community located near Atanasio Girardot Stadium, in order to establish how the community is affected, and to build an analytical framework for the local policies against soccer violence implemented by the local government.
FORUM 10/11 (2016-2017) by Luis Alberto Cifuentes
Soccer violence is an item of the government agenda and the origin of certain public legislation and policies. However, the design of such policies does not incorporate all the actors involved in the phenomenon, for example, the communities that reside in areas near the stadiums. This paper reviews the legislation that regulates soccer violence in Colombia and Medellín, and the consequences of its implementation in the city. Additionally, it collects the perception of the community located near Atanasio Girardot Stadium, in order to establish how the community is affected, and to build an analytical framework for the local policies against soccer violence implemented by the local government.
Soccer violence is an item of the government agenda and the origin of certain public legislation and policies. However, the design of such policies does not incorporate all the actors involved in the phenomenon, for example, the communities that reside in areas near the stadiums. This paper reviews the legislation that regulates soccer violence in Colombia and Medellín, and the consequences of its implementation in the city. Additionally, it collects the perception of the community located near Atanasio Girardot Stadium, in order to establish how the community is affected, and to build an analytical framework for the local policies against soccer violence implemented by the local government.