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Para la adquisición, instalación y puesta a punto de los equipos necesarios para la ampliación de cobertura de la red de datos inalámbrica en las zonas públicas de la Ciudad Universitaria e instalación del servicio inalámbrico en... more
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In recent years, methodologies for deforestation detection that use satellite data have been developed, primarily using optical data, which cannot detect deforestation in the presence of clouds. In this paper, we discuss a methodology... more
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      Environmental ScienceRemote SensingOpen science
PODER AUTORIDAD  La capacidad de forzar o coaccionar a alguien, para que éste, aunque preferiría no hacerlo, haga tu voluntad debido a tu posición o tu fuerza.  Se puede otorgar y quitar.
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The purpose of this study was to compare how aquatic macroinvertebrates are affected by certain management practices and agrochemicals in organic and conventional rice cultivations (treatments) in northwestern of Costa Rica. We sampled... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesEcological IndicatorsCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The Palo Verde marsh restoration was performed in Costa Rica to reduce invasive Typha domingensis stands. The invasion of this cattail in the 1980s decreased the habitat quality, and thousands of waterbirds that used this seasonal marsh... more
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      Ecological restorationEcologicalPlant Community
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      Conservation BiologyAgroecosystemsBenthic Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators of Water Quality
The Palo Verde marsh restoration was performed in Costa Rica to reduce invasive Typha domingensis stands. The invasion of this cattail in the 1980s decreased the habitat quality, and thousands of waterbirds that used this seasonal marsh... more
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      Ecological restorationEcologicalPlant Community
The Palo Verde marsh restoration was performed in Costa Rica to reduce invasive Typha domingensis stands. The invasion of this cattail in the 1980s decreased the habitat quality, and thousands of waterbirds that used this seasonal marsh... more
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      Ecological restorationEcologicalPlant Community
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La vida en escena. El valor de la subjetivacion en la construccion de mundos posibles es una investigacion narrativa que nace de mis preguntas que como maestra me surgen al llegar a la escuela publica, sin embargo descubro tambien a... more
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Es un tratamiento físico-quimico que se divide en tres etapas : una etapa de coagulación o agitación rápida, otra de agitación lenta y finalmente un de sedimentación.
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Descripcion de Area Natural Protegida
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    • Ambiente
El progreso al que nos vemos abocados hoy, ha traído consigo cambios en el aspecto de este planeta y efectos ambientales de diversas dimensiones y Colombia no ha sido ajena a esta realidad. Muchas de las actividades que hacemos a diario... more
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In 1996, Mallozzi and Morgan [37] proposed a new model for bilevel games with one leader (which they called Intermediate), who has only partial information over how followers select their response among possibly multiple optimal ones.... more
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in recent years, growing penetration of renewable-energy-based distributed generation into power distribution grids has been compromising operational constraints. In this paper, a model-based predictive control (MPC) strategy is proposed... more
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      Computer ScienceModel Predictive ControlGrid
In past decades, the deployment of renewable-energy-based power generators, namely solar photovoltaic (PV) power generators, has been projected to cause a number of new difficulties in planning, monitoring, and control of power... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePhysical sciencesGrid
proposed a new model for bilevel games with one leader (which they called Intermediate). The leader has only partial information about how followers select their response among possible multiple optimal ones. This partial information is... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceMathematical Optimization