Papers by Jose Manuel Villamarín-García

International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2020
Researches on Business Intelligence (BI) show that there is still a high failure, sub-utilization... more Researches on Business Intelligence (BI) show that there is still a high failure, sub-utilization, and abandonment rates to its implementation. Factors related to Organizational Collaboration (OC) could contribute to the success of this kind of solutions. According to the multi-methodology proposed by Mingers (2006), the research was carried out in four stages: appreciation, analysis, assessment, and action. This way, a systematic literature review, a survey application to people who have participated in BI research and/or implementation projects, an exploratory factorial analysis, a composite additive indexes analysis and; finally, a Pearsons correlation analysis was developed. It resulted in fourteen factors grouped in five dimensions showing that both intra and inter-organizational factors, contribute to the success of BI solutions from a managerial-organizational perspective.

El marketing industrial ha sido un campo que ha tenido un desarrollo relativamente bajo dentro de... more El marketing industrial ha sido un campo que ha tenido un desarrollo relativamente bajo dentro de la teoría del marketing en general, esto en comparación con otras ramas de la materia. Pese a que sus principales desarrollos datan de varias décadas atrás, sus teorías y postulados siguen vigentes con el pasar de los años. Por esta razón es muy poco lo que a partir de ello se ha formulado en épocas más recientes. Con base en lo anterior, el presente artículo tiene el objetivo de inducir a los lectores a reflexionar sobre nuevas formas de llevar a cabo las comunicaciones en el sector industrial ya que, como se examinará, es un campo complejo que exige diferentes niveles de acercamiento y contacto con los actores interrelacionados. Todo ello partiendo de los avances tecnológicos y conceptuales que han permeado las comunicaciones durante los siglos veinte y veintiuno, representados por la era de la computación y por los desarrollos que esta ha traído consigo.

To cite this article: Villamarín García, J.M. & Díaz Pinzón, B.H. (2017) Key success factors to b... more To cite this article: Villamarín García, J.M. & Díaz Pinzón, B.H. (2017) Key success factors to business intelligence solution implementation. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. 7 (1) 48-69. Article URL: This article is Open Access, in compliance with Strategy 2 of the 2002 Budapest Open Access Initiative, which states: Scholars need the means to launch a new generation of journals committed to open access, and to help existing journals that elect to make the transition to open access. Because journal articles should be disseminated as widely as possible, these new journals will no longer invoke copyright to restrict access to and use of the material they publish. Instead they will use copyright and other tools to ensure permanent open access to all the articles they publish. Because price is a barrier to access, these new journals will not charge subscription or access fees, and will turn to other methods for covering their expenses. There are many alternative sources of funds for this purpose, including the foundations and governments that fund research, the universities and laboratories that employ researchers, endowments set up by discipline or institution, friends of the cause of open access, profits from the sale of add-ons to the basic texts, funds freed up by the demise or cancellation of journals charging traditional subscription or access fees, or even contributions from the researchers themselves. There is no need to favor one of these solutions over the others for all disciplines or nations, and no need to stop looking for other, creative alternatives. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: ABSTRACT Business intelligence (BI) solutions have been adopted within organizations as a mean to achieve a more grounded decision making process that results in better organizational outcomes. Nowadays, about 70% to 80% of business intelligence implementation projects fail due to both technological and managerial issues. Multi-methodology proposed by Mingers (2006) was followed to develop the research in four phases: appreciation, where documental search was conducted through a literature review; analysis, where hypothetical structures related with the key success factors were proposed; assessment, where key success factors were assessed along with experts; and action, where research results discussion was shown. As a result, 13 factors that affect the business intelligence solution's success were identified. Those factors contribute to improve planning and implementation of business intelligence projects, accomplishing in a greater extent the purposes of these projects.

El objetivo principal de este estudio de caso es proponer y analizar una serie de aspectos descri... more El objetivo principal de este estudio de caso es proponer y analizar una serie de aspectos descriptivos respecto a la situación actual de las comunicaciones de mercadeo del sector Healthcare de la compañía multinacional Philips. Mediante el diseño y aplicación de un número reducido, pero clave de entrevistas personales, efectuadas a personas cuya posición genera un contacto constante con los clientes de la organización y a una investigación personal basada en la indagación, observación y búsqueda en la web, se logró recabar información valiosa que refleja tanto el panorama actual como las fortalezas y desafíos que exhibe la empresa a futuro en torno a este campo. Con base en ello se determinó que la compañía posee medios y activos con los cuales podría potenciar sus comunicaciones, pero así mismo, que sin desarrollar ninguna clase de acciones de este tipo, debido a la ausencia de personal y en sí mismo a un departamento de marketing, ha obtenido resultados sobresalientes y sostenidos durante los últimos años.
Papers by Jose Manuel Villamarín-García