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""La finalidad de los diseños óptimos es determinar las condiciones experimentales adecuadas de tal forma que se pueda garantizar inferencias estadísticas lo más precisas posibles en términos de mínima varianza. Esta teoría presupone el... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsStatisticsD-Optimal Designs
Background: Molecular mechanisms of plant-pathogen interactions have been studied thoroughly but much about them is still unknown. A better understanding of these mechanisms and the detection of new resistance genes can improve crop... more
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    • Technology
Direct seeding of guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) in west Texas has been successful. However, studies have involved only USDA and 'Mexican Bulk' lines. New selections developed by plant breeders must be screened for their... more
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      Irrigation ManagementIndustrial CropsDirect seedingSeed Treatment
Clusterin has been used as a marker for apoptosis (often denoted "active .... or programmed" cell death) in the prostate, mammary gland and other solid organs. The protein is thought to be involved in membrane remodelling during... more
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      Cyproterone AcetateLiver regenerationBiological markers
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      Species SpecificityBase SequenceFull Length MoviesMolecular Sequence Data
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      StatisticsMachine Learning
Artículo Científico Torres, A.; Méndez Fajardo, S.; López-Kleine, L.; Marín, V.; González, J.A.; Suárez, J.C.; Pinzón, J.D.; Ruiz, A.: Calidad de aguas lluvias sobre tejados 127
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RATIONALE: Cigarette smoke adversely affects asthma and COPD. Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and beta adrenergic agonists are the commonly used therapeutic treatments for asthma. This study is to investigate the effect of cigarette smoke... more
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      ImmunologyClinical Allergy and Immunology
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      Statistical MechanicsEconometricsStatistics
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      Program EvaluationVeterinary MedicineVeterinary EducationCurriculum and Pedagogy
Techniques in molecular biology have permitted the gathering of an extremely large amount of information relating organisms and their genes. The current challenge is assigning a putative function to thousands of genes that have been... more
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    • Gene Regulatory Networks
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Both ceramide and phospholipase D (PLD) have important roles in a variety of signal transduction pathways. Recent evidence suggests that ceramide is a novel second messenger with specific biological effects. Publications in this field... more
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      Signal Transduction Pathway ModelsSecond MessengersBiochemistry and cell biologyMyristic acid
Cherry tomato Solanum lycopersicum var cerasiforme cv Matt's wild cherry is a very resistant cultivar to most Phytophthora infestans isolates. Two isolates were identified, US940480 and US970001 that cause an incompatible and a compatible... more
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      Plant BiologyHost Pathogen Interaction
Brazil c J.P.R.-M. and X.P.-M. contributed equally to this work.
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Cherry tomato Solanum lycopersicum var cerasiforme cv Matt's wild cherry is a very resistant cultivar to most Phytophthora infestans isolates. Two isolates were identified, US940480 and US970001 that cause an incompatible and a compatible... more
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      Plant BiologyHost Pathogen Interaction
The analysis of messenger Ribonucleic acid obtained through sequencing techniques (RNA-se-quencing) data is very challenging. Once technical difficulties have been sorted, an important choice has to be made during pre-processing: Two... more
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      RNA-seq AnalysisStatistical Genomics