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Abstract The influence of dissolved substances on the temperature of the maximum density of water has been studied in relation to their effect on water structure as they can change the equilibrium between structured and unstructured... more
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      ChemistryChemical thermodynamicsInterdisciplinary EngineeringAcademic
Hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolites were prepared by alkali treatment (desilication) at two temperatures, two reaction times, and two NaOH concentrations. A 2 factorial design was used to study the effect of these variables on the crystallinity,... more
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New macrocyclic compounds having two benzoxazine subunits joined by two ethylene bridges have been prepared by Mannich condensation of the appropriate 4-hydroxyphenylethylamine with an excess of formaldehyde. This is a general method for... more
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    • Organic Chemistry
Durante el estudio de la potencial actividad toxica del extracto alcoholico de ios tallos de la especie nativa Berberis glauca (HBK) (Berberidaceae). se realizaron bioensayos con larvas del crustaceo Artemia salina, y de los insectos... more
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    • Biology
Se aislaron triterpenos de los frutos de tres especies de Clusia (familia Guttiferae). En C.multlflora y C. grandiflora se encontraron eufenol, epimero en C-20 del tirucallol, y 3 ceto eufano antes no reportados para este genero. Tambien... more
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    • Biology
RESUMEN El fraccionamiento guiado por bioensayos, frente a larvas del crustáceo Artemia salina y del insecto Culex quinquefasciatus, del extracto alcaloidal de tallos de Berberis tabiensis (Berberidaceae) condujo al aislamiento de un... more
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      BiologySpectral analysisCulex quinquefasciatus
The species Chelananthus alatus is an herbaceous plant with known ethno botanical and medicinal properties used in control of fever, especially those produced by malaria. From dried leaves (1.11 Kg), the crude alcoholic extract was... more
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    • Biology
De ios extractos de los frutos de C. saruliensis, C. minor y C. criuva y de las raíces de C. eugenioides, se separaron por Cromatografía de Columna, unas fracciones oleosas incoloras, constituidas en gran mayoría por hidrocarburos... more
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    • Chemistry
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realizó un experimento con el objeto de evaluar la actividad insecticida de extractos etanólicos de las plantas Berberis samacana, Berberis saboyana, Nycandria physa/oides, Eucaliptus g/obu/us y Sa/picroa difussa, cuando son usados en... more
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    • Biology
Se aislaron triterpenos de los frutos de tres espedes de Clusia (familia Guttiferae). En C. multlflora y C. grandiflora se encontraron eufd, eplmero en C-20 del tirucalld, y 3 ceto eufano antes no reportados para este género. Tamt>ién se... more
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    • Biology
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    • Biology
Durante el estudio de la potencial actividad toxica del extracto alcoholico de ios tallos de la especie nativa Berberis glauca (HBK) (Berberidaceae). se realizaron bioensayos con larvas del crustaceo Artemia salina, y de los insectos... more
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    • Biology
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      BioinformaticsComputational ChemistryGraph TheorySystems Biology
We introduced a method to characterize quantitatively the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) of the minor and major grooves of base pairs located at nucleic acid double helices. By means of a radial MEP scan, we obtained a n-tuple of... more
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      Computational ChemistryRNAMolecular ModellingMolecular Electrostatic Potential
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      BioinformaticsComputational ChemistrySystems BiologyMolecular modeling
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      BioinformaticsRNAComputational BiologyMicro Rna
It is generally accepted that filtering microRNA (miRNA) target predictions by conservation or by accessibility can reduce the false discovery rate. However, these two strategies are usually not exploited in a combined and flexible... more
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      BioinformaticsRNAComputational BiologyMicro Rna
To find out whether the AGO-miRNA complex is more sensitive to the accessibility of a particular region inside the seed match, we analyze in detail the accessibility of a wide set of miRNA binding sites validated by PAR-CLIP and HITS-CLIP... more
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      BioinformaticsRNAComputational BiologyMicro Rna