Papers by Carlos Arturo Guerrero Fonseca
Medicina-buenos Aires, 2008
Los rotavirus son la causa mas comun de gastroenteritis severa en ninos menores de cinco anos, oc... more Los rotavirus son la causa mas comun de gastroenteritis severa en ninos menores de cinco anos, ocasionando episodios diarreicos agudos responsables de 454.000 a 705.000 muertes anuales a nivel mundial. Aunque la frecuencia de infeccion con rotavirus es muy similar a traves del mundo, en los paises en desarrollo la gastroenteritis rotaviral es la mayor causa de muerte infantil. La diarrea rotaviral severa cursa con vomito y fiebre, produciendo deshidratacion con shock, desbalance electrolitico, y muerte si esta no es tratada. En los paises desarrollados, la infeccion rotaviral es responsable del 30 - 50% de las hospitalizaciones debidas a gastroenteritis en menores de 5 anos. Ademas, los rotavirus son una causa importante en la gastroenteritis nosocomial.
Revista Medicina, Dec 3, 2008
Los rotavirus son la causa mas comun de gastroenteritis severa en ninos menores de cinco anos, oc... more Los rotavirus son la causa mas comun de gastroenteritis severa en ninos menores de cinco anos, ocasionando episodios diarreicos agudos responsables de 454.000 a 705.000 muertes anuales a nivel mundial. Aunque la frecuencia de infeccion con rotavirus es muy similar a traves del mundo, en los paises en desarrollo la gastroenteritis rotaviral es la mayor causa de muerte infantil. La diarrea rotaviral severa cursa con vomito y fiebre, produciendo deshidratacion con shock, desbalance electrolitico, y muerte si esta no es tratada. En los paises desarrollados, la infeccion rotaviral es responsable del 30 - 50% de las hospitalizaciones debidas a gastroenteritis en menores de 5 anos. Ademas, los rotavirus son una causa importante en la gastroenteritis nosocomial.
Revista De La Facultad De Medicina, Jun 9, 2010
Rev Fac Med, Jun 1, 2010
Proteínas β β β β β3 3 3 3 3 y rotavirus ECwt Mayorga D y cols.

Revista De La Facultad De Medicina, Apr 1, 2010
Background . Commercial integrin β3 is currently not available and commercial PDI is too expensiv... more Background . Commercial integrin β3 is currently not available and commercial PDI is too expensive, which is making access difficult to these proteins needed for conducting experiments aimed at the establishment of possible interactions between integrin β3 and PDI and wild type rotavirus strains. Objective . To explore a methodology allowing isolation of proteins β3 and PDI from human platelets to be used as antigens in the generation of rabbit polyclonal antibodies useful in the assessment of interactions between these proteins and rotavirus ECwt. Materials and methods . Proteins β3 and PDI from human platelet lysates were separated using preparative electrophoresis under reducing conditions and then eluted. Interactions of these proteins with rotavirus ECwt were analyzed using co-immunoprecipitation, Western blotting and capture ELISA. Results . Proteins from human platelet lysates were separated by preparative electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The identification of proteins β3 and PDI present in a gel slice was performed through their reaction with commercial antibodies in a Western blotting analysis. Protein purity was established after electroelution from a gel slice. Polyclonal antibodies against protein β3 were generated in rabbit. Incubation of eluted proteins β3 and PDI with rotavirus ECwt showed in co-immunoprecipitation and ELISA assays that these proteins bound virus in vitro. The same binding was showed to occur when rotavirus was incubated with isolated small intestinal villi from suckling mice. Conclusions . Relatively high amounts of proteins β3 and PDI were partially purified from human platelets by preparative electrophoresis. The isolation of these proteins allowed the generation of polyclonal antibodies against β3 in addition to the establishment of the in vitro interaction of proteins β3 and PDI with rotavirus ECwt. This interaction was also demonstrated in vivo after incubating the virus with isolated small intestinal villi from suckling mice.
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

to the host cell incorporating the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) activity. Materials and meth... more to the host cell incorporating the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) activity. Materials and methods. A systematic search for original and review literature published from 1990 to 2009 on rotavirus and cell surface molecules participating in virus entry process was conducted through the use of electronic Databases. The analysis of the published results emphasized the molecular and cellular bases of time and space interactions between virus proteins and cell surface attachment and receptor molecules. Results. We found molecular and cellular bases for incorporating PDI within a coherent mechanism involving sequential or alternative paths previous to virus penetration. A mechanism is proposed in which virus proteins VP4, VP6 and VP7, and cell surface sialico acid, integrins, Hsc70, and PDI interact as part of a caveola/ raft-mediated endocytic process that is characterized by its caveolin and clathrin independence, dynamin dependence, and sensitivity to cholesterol depletion. Conclusions. The rotavirus entry mechanism appears to be a complex multistep process in which the path using PDI could be a potential target for antiviral agents reacting with thiol/disulfide groups.
La utilización de la tecnología transgénica en la modificación de las fuentes alimentarias ha per... more La utilización de la tecnología transgénica en la modificación de las fuentes alimentarias ha permitido desarrollar alimentos menos caros y más saludables. Esta tec
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Proteínas β β β β β3 3 3 3 3 y rotavirus ECwt Mayorga D y cols.
Revista Facultad de Medicina de la …, 2009
Se ha descubierto que la morfina, anteriormente conocida como una sustancia de origen vegetal ext... more Se ha descubierto que la morfina, anteriormente conocida como una sustancia de origen vegetal extraída de la ama-Additionally, this substance alters the pattern of synthesis and secretion and the paracrine activity of cytokines, favoring the antibody-mediated immune response (Th2dependent) and inhibiting cell-mediated immune responses (Th1-dependent). These effects are suppressed by naloxone, an antagonist of the miu opioid receptors. Apparently naloxone acts through an isoform called miu-3, present at the surface of diverse immune cells. Remarkably, the immunotoxic effects observed in HIV negative opium addicts are very similar to those observed in non-addict HIV positive patients who progress to AIDS.

Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, 2019
Introducción. Los virus oncolíticos son virus atenuados, mutados o que por naturaleza se dirigen ... more Introducción. Los virus oncolíticos son virus atenuados, mutados o que por naturaleza se dirigen y matan específicamente células tumorales, sin afectar a las células normales. La administración intratumoral del virus ofrece la oportunidad de tratar el tumor primario pero no focos metastásicos, los cuales pueden ser alcanzados mediante la administración intravenosa. Sin embargo, su eficiencia puede disminuir por la presencia de una respuesta inmunológica preexistente en los sujetos tratados.Objetivo. Exponer las técnicas utilizadas para envolver y transportar los virus con el fin de eludir el sistema inmunológico antes de que el virus llegue al tumor.Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda narrativa de la literatura original y de revisión en las bases de datos PubMed, JSTOR y EBSCO sobre métodos o técnicas utilizadas para el tratamiento del cáncer mediante el uso de virus oncolíticos.Resultados. La formación de nanocomplejos entre los virus oncolíticos y biopolímeros —ya sea me...
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Papers by Carlos Arturo Guerrero Fonseca