Papers by Sylvia De Castro Korgi
Desde el jardín de Freud/Desde el jardin de freud, Feb 8, 2024
Desde el jardín de Freud/Desde el jardin de freud, Feb 8, 2024
a r t í c u l o d e r e f l e x i ó n | f e c h a d e r e c e p c i ó n . f e c h a d e a c e p T... more a r t í c u l o d e r e f l e x i ó n | f e c h a d e r e c e p c i ó n . f e c h a d e a c e p T a c i ó n : 18 / 0 4 / 2 0 2 2 . Desde el Jardín de Freud [n.° 22, Enero -Diciembre 2022, Bogotá] issn: (impreso) 1657-3986 (en líne a) 2256-5477, pp. 151-160.
Desde el jardin de freud, Jun 27, 2016
This article discusses the way Freud deconstructs the assumption about the hysterical symptom sim... more This article discusses the way Freud deconstructs the assumption about the hysterical symptom simulation. The problem which arises with this assumption concerns truth under the kinds of lie and deceit. From simulation to proton pseudos, Freudian analysis concludes that untruthful construction confronts the hysteric with the truth that is involved in the encounter with the jouissance which the symptom memorizes and the hysteric doesn´t know. The freudian name for truth in its function of unveiling the not known, is Proton Seudos, this unveiling relies on the logic of the unconscious.
Desde el Jardín de Freud - Revista de Psicoanálisis, 2003
Síntoma y discurso: las enseñanzas de "La moral sexual 'cultural' y la nerviosidad moderna" * Sym... more Síntoma y discurso: las enseñanzas de "La moral sexual 'cultural' y la nerviosidad moderna" * Symptom and discourse: teachings from "Cultural moral sexuality and modern nervousness"
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014
a r t í c u l o d e i n v e s t i g a c i ó n | f e c h a d e r e c e p c i ó n : 0 6 / 0 2 / 2 0... more a r t í c u l o d e i n v e s t i g a c i ó n | f e c h a d e r e c e p c i ó n : 0 6 / 0 2 / 2 0 14. f e c h a d e a c e p t a c i ó n : 2 3 / 0 2 / 2 0 14 .
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2010
Acerca de un discurso del método freudiano s y l v i a d e c a s t r o K o r g i *
Affectio Societatis, Mar 1, 2019
Having as a context the armed conflict in Colombia, this paper addresses the truncated mourning i... more Having as a context the armed conflict in Colombia, this paper addresses the truncated mourning in cases of disappearance. Supported on a literary tale and on a documentary, it presents how, through the popular ritual of burying the corpses of unknown people floating on the rivers, the riverside dwellers appear as representing a humanity which refuses to give to barbarity the last bastion of a custom, in the ethical sense of the term, that has allowed us to be safe from that logic: the custom of the burial.
Eidos, 2016
Causa y determinaCión del sujeto De nuestra posición de sujeto somos siempre responsables. Llamen... more Causa y determinaCión del sujeto De nuestra posición de sujeto somos siempre responsables. Llamen a eso terrorismo donde quieran. Tengo derecho a sonreír, pues no será en un medio donde la doctrina es abiertamente materia de compromisos, donde temeré ofuscar a nadie formulando que el error de buena fe es entre todos el más imperdonable. Jacques Lacan Causa y determinaCión del sujeto eidos nº 24 (2016) págs. 172-187 issn 2011-7477
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2012
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2005
Universitas Psychologica, Jan 6, 2012
Palabras clave autor Síntoma psicoanalítico, síntoma contemporáneo, discurso, Otro, voluntad de g... more Palabras clave autor Síntoma psicoanalítico, síntoma contemporáneo, discurso, Otro, voluntad de goce. Palabras clave descriptores Psicoanálisis, Sigmund Freud, método psicoanalítico. a b S t r a C t On the grounds of today's psychoanalytic field distinction between the classical symptoms and the "contemporary" ones, this paper inquires into the formulation of contemporary symptom notion itself. Considering the broad scope of the Freudian distinction between psychoneurosis and the actual neurosis symptoms, the paper speaks in behalf of the thesis that it'd be wrong to regard as symptoms the responses through which the subject submits point blank to discourse imperatives-for the symptoms serve as objections against the Other, and their relation to juissance is based on a structural lack: a jouissance-minus.
Universitas Philosophica, 2000
Desde el Jardín de Freud - Revista de Psicoanálisis, 2013
Universitas Psychologica, Aug 1, 2006
On the cross-point of two of the most important and inseparable Freudian questions: What is a fat... more On the cross-point of two of the most important and inseparable Freudian questions: What is a father? and, What a woman wants?, this paper begins a reflection about the women's place in the Freudian articulation of the relationship between the father and the social bond. In fact, the Freudian father, thanks to the law mediation which he is its agent, has as a function the regulation of the pleasure that participates in the social bond, making this way possible the human community. On the other hand, the support of the human community is the bond among brothers, as well as Freud presents it in his foundational text of the Law. How to precise the women's place in this arrangement? The reflection stands out this that exceeds the Father's Law and that Freud sets on women's account, initially under the figure of her opposition to the culture.
Desde el Jardín de Freud - Revista de Psicoanálisis, 2002
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2002
A lodos los niveles, tanto en el plano individual como en el cuerpo social, los hechos que conmue... more A lodos los niveles, tanto en el plano individual como en el cuerpo social, los hechos que conmueven al mundo de hoy ponen de presente que solo una ficcion sostiene el anhelo de un universo ", simbolico que estaria en capacidad de regular los desbordes pulsionales y sus consecuencias horrorosas. Esta ficcion, que vela la falla..
Universitas Psychologica, Jul 25, 2011
Síntoma y discurso: las enseñanzas de "La moral sexual 'cultural' y la nerviosidad moderna" * Sym... more Síntoma y discurso: las enseñanzas de "La moral sexual 'cultural' y la nerviosidad moderna" * Symptom and discourse: teachings from "Cultural moral sexuality and modern nervousness"
Desde el jardin de freud, Dec 1, 2021
Papers by Sylvia De Castro Korgi